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Messages - sdfds68

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DFRPG / Re: D&D Races
« on: December 10, 2014, 12:50:59 AM »
I honestly wouldn't use too many DF rules for a game like this. In a tolkienesque high fantasy (The basis of DnD rules) setting magic isn't something that separates the normals from the main characters and their main characters' world. Magic is the norm in that setting. Wizards walk into town to chat with the locals and set off fireworks. A town has a local hero to shoot down any inconvenient dragons with his bow.

So while limiting powers with refresh is still probably a good idea, the 'pure mortal' benefit doesn't make too much sense any more, seeing as how that's a setting specific rule. Some of the powers would definitely work as pure copy/pasta. DF Magic probably needs to be forgotten for a DnD setting. Something closer to the Vancian magic system, like a caster getting a certain number of diceless attacks, blocks, manuevers and so forth for 'free' might work better.

Ex:Bob the wizard is stuck in a crowd at the docks, and he needs to haul his skinny wizard butt out of there before the assassins find him. Bob uses a fair manuever spell prepared he prepared that morning and mutters expeditious retreat, gaining two tags. He quickly uses them both on his mediocre athletics to run like very slow wind!

Some 'free' (or mandatory) starting stunts for non-humans will probably cover mechanical racial benefits. Some extra boxes of toughness for dwarves, a bonus to resisting outside influence for Elves, the ability to stay in the game after a particularly painful sounding physical takeout for Warforged, that kind of thing.

Basically I agree with what Cadd said.

DFRPG / Re: Help me out? Please?
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:55:45 PM »
The play by post section of this board has plenty of examples of the game in action. One of the best is the Cradle of Darkness game found at these links.,28668.0.html In character,28667.0.html Out of character


DFRPG / Re: Writers block for time travel game series
« on: November 29, 2014, 08:27:42 PM »
Sounds like a cool game.

DFRPG / Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« on: November 28, 2014, 08:21:00 AM »
Don't worry about it, everybody has to start somewhere.

So if you're looking for somebody who's both strong and smart, it'd be good to start with an appropriate High Concept. To tie that in with the search for vengeance, the High Concept could include a reference to revenge, or if you feel like it the revenge thing could be the villains' trouble.

Now, since this is a main villain and a fallen angel to boot, there's no need to stay away from really over the top aspects. For example,  an ok High Concept could be AN UNSTOPPABLE EVIL. But that's a little generic. What would be really good is if the things you already know about the character could be tied into the characters' history. Like, if this Denarian is famous for causing massive amounts of violence, a good high concept might be THE SLAYER OF CITIES, to show that the Denarian is someone to feared and never underestimated, as well a terrible, evil, no good bad guy.

So the real question is, what's up with this guy? Where did they come from? Why do they do what they do? What have they done so far that's really impressive and dramatic?

If you can think of answers to those questions, you'll have the outline you need to turn your character concept into aspects.

DFRPG / Re: Another help question(new to GM of the DFRPG)
« on: November 28, 2014, 06:05:28 AM »
Hang on hang on.

You need a new Blackened Denarius? What kind of BD? Big and scary? Sneaky and scary? Friendly and scary? Other?

A little bit more information would be appreciated is all.

DFRPG / Re: Writers block for time travel game series
« on: November 26, 2014, 03:20:28 AM »
You can do any amount of time skipping you want or need to get to the good parts of the story.

A piece of advice, however, is not to make huge or inconsistent time jumps without a reason. It can trivialize the player characters lives and problems, or the players' attempts to prepare for serious trouble when given time.

Since you've set the "big event" where all the action is after quite a bit of time, then maybe the story should be about the players getting ready to deal with it. Making allies in their hometown, seeking out information or equipment to help them with the inevitable battle. Setting up a counter ritual would be a pretty cool solution, as long as it was appropriately epic.

Side jobs are fine, but anything unrelated to the main story probably isn't worth spending more than a session over.  But example trouble from 'stock' bad guys could include
-Being blackmailed by an RCV into helping out with Red Court political plays
-One or more Denarians moving into the city and tearing it up looking for a coin that's been locked up by somebody with good intentions
-Ghouls acting like they usually do and eating lots of people. Maybe they're having a party?
-A Faerie steals one of the PCs names and starts pretending to be them, causing trouble for everybody
-Dr. Doom. ALL SHALL KNEEL BEFORE DOOM! Why? Because it's funny, that's why.
-A demons been kidnapping people around a hidden entrance to Undertown.
-An ordinary human arsonist seems to targeting the magical community.

DFRPG / Re: Radiation and Vampires
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:48:46 AM »

DFRPG / Re: Standard Black Court 'hunter' equipment/items
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:47:42 AM »
And a ninja!

DFRPG / Re: Standard Black Court 'hunter' equipment/items
« on: November 23, 2014, 05:15:32 AM »
All you need is a pet ghoul.  Problem solved.

Sure, but how are you going to housetrain it? :P

DFRPG / Re: Standard Black Court 'hunter' equipment/items
« on: November 23, 2014, 01:39:54 AM »
Shovel (for hiding bodies)

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, a shovel might not be the best way to hide a body in all cases. While it may specifically be useful for areas with loose earth and lower populations, cities, arid landscapes, swamps and so on all have different requirements for getting away with violence. A more likely tool set would be a number of large garbage bags and a saw.

Then, as long your hunter has an excuse, it becomes much easier to transport bodies to wherever it is they need to be hidden. The stomachs of some native wildlife or livestock would be a good choice for most corpses, but lakes, interior walls, volcanoes or of course, graveyards would all be natural locations to leave the dead without much chance of them being found.

DFRPG / Re: Standard Black Court 'hunter' equipment/items
« on: November 22, 2014, 04:00:13 AM »
Finally, a chance to name an organization 'The Order of the Crow' without it sounding like a Game of Thrones reference. :P

DFRPG / Re: Standard Black Court 'hunter' equipment/items
« on: November 21, 2014, 10:03:36 PM »
A 13th century crusader eh?

If he's an actual knight (not like a Knight of the Cross, just a normal knight), then he's got several things going for him, equipment wise.

1. Plate mail.
2. A horse.
3. Possible access to early gunpowder, if he's rich or knows rich people
4. An order of knights that act as contacts or potential backup
5. Possible access to rare items, like a book of prayers, holy artifacts, a sword made from the finest steel in known world, a famous shield passed down a family line, etc.

If not an actual knight, you may want to consider making him related to a wealthy merchant. High-quality or rare equipment can become difficult to justify having for people without noble blood or money.

As for items specific for protection from vampire attacks, go with holy stuff. For a vampire hunter specifically, it's pretty easy to justify them seeking out divine aid against bloodsuckers. In addition to giving your character more things to satisfy a catch with, these sorts of objects can be used as the basis for declarations and maneuvers during combats.

However, against mind control/charm attempts, you're probably going to want to focus on skills or stunts over equipment. Equipment can help, but 'a pure heart' or 'a will of steel' will probably go a lot farther than anything most characters would reasonably be carrying around.

DFRPG / Re: Standard Black Court 'hunter' equipment/items
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:37:00 PM »
Standard as in 'Oh noes vampires are real and I have to kill them now!' or standard as in 'I hunt Black Court for a living and I love my job!'?

For the first, wood, garlic, more likely than not guns, knives and anything else a terrified person can scrounge up in a hurry.

For the second:

Catch satisfiers(Stakes, garlic, fire, a religious icon that can be used with a temporary or permanent Faith power, map showing the way to the nearest source of running water in case things go bad)

An armored vehicle of some kind to use as a mobile shelter

Dispersal agents (a shotgun with flamethrower shells, canisters of pressurized garlic water, holy water filled pressure washer,etc.)

Reliable mundane weaponry for unexpected enemies

First aid, maybe some impromptu surgical equipment for serious injuries

Shovel (for hiding bodies)

Custom armor (Throat protection is a must)

Fake licenses and IDs

Contact information to other hunters, survivors, researchers, anybody that knows and might know something useful, really

Extraordinarily bright lights with remote trigger, in case they have the chance to set up before a fight. Maybe mounted to the vehicle?

Friends, i.e. other hunters. That they have trained with before, preferably. Teamwork is the best equipment, particularly in DFRPG

Possibly, but less likely, the tools needed to create custom explosives. Why fight the BC when you can just explode them?

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