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Messages - Dougansf

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« on: January 25, 2013, 01:40:36 AM »
What if you're not the shieldholder.  Does the shieldholder make the discipline rolls then?  That seems...  Broken if my whole party while the AOE shield is up can get the Wizard to roll +7 defense rolls for them...  I did read the summary.  There are just things I'm confused on.

"Only 1 Evocation can be sustained in this way at any given time."  So you can't create a handful of shield aspects, just 1.

I agree that the caster making the defense rolls wouldn't work, but I'm not sure what a non-caster would use to control a shield.  It would largely depend on the type of shield created.  Possibly keeping it Discipline would keep it more likely to stay caster only.

I used this system in a play test, and used the Full Defense action to defend for a friend.  Worked out very well.

That said, to protect all your friends in a zone, a barrier would work better.

« on: January 24, 2013, 11:42:07 PM »
Take a look at this summary:

Creating the shield aspect allows you to defend with Discipline as long as it's active.
The shield is active as long as you concentrate on it (a supplemental action), or until you fail to defend and 1 or more points of stress gets past the shield.

I'm not sure how wards would work yet...

« on: January 22, 2013, 07:56:55 PM »

DFRPG / Re: Is the fate system the best for the book series
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:04:23 AM »
I'd love to see the Dresdenverse done using Amber Diceless. Not quite as complex as FATE but still free and loose to play...

I'd much rather see the Amber setting in a Fate system.  :)

« on: January 07, 2013, 08:41:35 PM »
My group is currently working on a amalgam of DF and Core.  Boiling down the DF skill list a little (We really need Perform?).  Updating the wording of Skills and Stunts to fit the Core mechanics.

It should tide us over until they come out with a more official update anyway.

DFRPG / Re: Catches and Banes
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:59:43 PM »
I've been wondering how to pull off the "Repelled by Garlic and Crosses" for Black Court Vamps.

So it would be a Compel of their High Concept, which would therefore require either a Fate Point or a Maneuver?

DFRPG / Black Cat Files
« on: December 12, 2012, 04:40:15 PM »
Hi all,

I've had an idea for a game that would help introduce players to the Dresden system.  I've learned a lot from reading the forums about how the Aspects and Fate Economy work, so I think a handy thing is to take the Powers out of it, at the start, and just have Pure Mortal PCs.  Namely, the cops working with Jacky Murphy back in the day.

Thanks to the great timeline on the forums, I've pieced together some details of the main line characters that are (or could be) active or involved.

I'm putting my research up here in case anyone else would like to use the setting, and for any additional input you might have.  Enjoy!

Time points:
29 BSF ~ 1971.  Karrin Murphy is born
19 BSF ~ 1981.  Michael Carpenter (born 43 BSF ~ 1957) kills Mavra's "children" and "grandchildren," after some three dozen people were killed in the space of a month. Gregor has a cult, Charity (Carpenter) may not be a member yet.
17 BSF ~ 1983.  Lisa Murphy is born
17 BSF ~ 1983.  Collin Murphy suicides
14 BSF ~ 1986.  Michael Carpenter saves Charity
Vargassi - Mob family of Chicago?

Real World Facts:
1979 Jane Byrne Chicago first female mayor
1979 Blues Brothers filmed in Chicago.
1983 Harold Washington first black mayor

Collin J. “Jack” Murphy - wife Marion, father to Karrin and 2 boys.  Expecting Lisa?

Ron Carmichael - ?  Uncertain if he was old enough to be active at this time.

Henry Rawlins - Late 50’s in 2005.  As a young cop, he protected a woman from something scary, then got saved by Collin with a shotgun of rock salt. 

John Stallings - Older than Rawlins?  Skeptical of supernatural.

Mickey Malone’s Father? - I figure Mickey Malone may have been a generational cop as well.

Potential Plots
As you can see under Michaels entry, there's the potential for going up against Mavra's spawned Black Court Vampires (I haven't found any confirmation that this was in Chicago).  I like this option, as it means the PCs could encounter Thralls and Renfields as lower level opponents before building up to actual Vampires (with the Bram Stoker disads).

I think the cult that Gregor and Charity were involved in may have been in Chicago around that time period.  This could be a decent segue into the magical side of things.

Ghosts and goblins, etc.  All pretty standard, I would think.  I wouldn't muck around with the Queens at this level.

DFRPG / Re: Voodoo practitionner
« on: October 01, 2012, 04:54:09 PM »
Who do the Voodoo? One of my players wants to do the voodoo.

We're "feet in the water"

What powers would he take?  As a focused practitioner, what would "voodoo" entail?  I could see him being tempted by the darker side and, perhaps, taking Lawbreaker.

He wanted to start as straight sorcerer, but obviously, he doesn't have the refresh to spare.

I actually played this exact concept in the game I PCed.  I made him with Channeling and Ritual, and the other wizard powers, with the expectation to upgrade to full Evocation and Thaumaturgy later (character was a "newbie" from Camp Kaboom).

In retrospect, after much looking around these forums, I think I would've been better off (or more appropriate) with Sponsored Magic.  Channeling and Ritual are still there, the voodoo theme is even more enforced, and you get the bonus of calling on your sponsor for power when you need it.

Good luck either way.

DFRPG / Re: transform regular d6 dice into FUDGE dice HALP!!!!
« on: August 30, 2012, 07:54:57 PM »
5 and 6 are +
3 and 4 are 0
1 and 2 are -

Easiest way.


Also, there's a mention in the book to use 2d6.  One is positive, one is negative.  Gives you a range of +/-5 instead of +/-4, and roughly the same bell curve statistically.

DFRPG / Re: A few questions regarding Glamours and Changelings?
« on: August 03, 2012, 03:12:29 PM »
Hello all,

I was just wondering what you all think are the limitations of the Glamours power?  A friend of mine is new to the game, and is planning a character with it, and I was concerned about how it works?

It seems to me that the power just changes the appearance of something, without changing its function and allows Veils?

1) So could he use it to disguise himself to look like a specific person, or does it just let him look different than his normal appearance?

2) Monopoly money to real money?  Would this allow you to roll Deceit/Discipline rather than Resources when trying to buy something?  Or would that take a stunt that requires the Glamours power?

3) How would it effect things like a metal detector at the court house, for instance?

1) As evidenced in "Something Borrowed" yes you can appear as someone else.  Though you may want to restrict that by requiring a physical link to the person you're looking like.  True Fae may also get away with it if they're in a bargain with the person (as in Ghost Story).

2) At the lesser -2 version, it sounds like only objects on your person.  Once the "money" left your possession, it would return to normal appearance.  The greater -4 version may last a bit longer, or you make a True Seeming out of Ectoplasm.
There's an old superstitious tradition of tapping coins against a cold iron nail to prevent this trick.

3) A metal detector (like a wand) as opposed to an X-ray scanner?  (as mentioned above, assuming they don't get Hexed)  A metal detector would probably not be fooled.  The veil changes it's appearance to the senses, or by bending light, not the physical properties.

DFRPG / Re: Easy Light Spell
« on: August 01, 2012, 10:24:35 PM »
See this is where I'm finding the rules a little contradictory. Using Examples of Magic pg YS293 the spell Entanglement states this is an offensive maneuver, 3 shifts for effect and 1 additional duration to last a scene as a sticky aspect. Supports your quote right there. However under the Maneuvers section starting page YS252 and continued on 253 it specifically states:

As with other effects, you pay an additional shift to make the effect persistent at the rate of 1 shift per additional exchange.

The example below that entry shows that it takes 3 shifts for the temporary aspect to manifest and an additional 3 shifts to make it last for 4 exchanges. So...what gives?

Good catch Jimmy. 

I see that as a situational option.
I could make an argument for certain Maneuver spells that are constantly channeling power require shifts for persistence (which fits for the Amulet light).  Sadly this still sounds like a decent amount of Mental Stress for a "simple spell."
But others could just as easily put a Sticky Temp Aspect on the scene, which is far easier (like Flickum Bikus, or plain old "The Building is On Fire").

Having looked over the Thaumaturgy rules again, it certainly does sound like that's the best mechanic option.  A decent Lore (+3 or better) would allow you to skip the Prep stage, and cast in the minimal time of about 1 minute, and it could last for 15 minutes.  However, a minute still seems a little long compared to how it's described in the books, especially at the end of Turn Coat.  :(

DFRPG / Re: Easy Light Spell
« on: July 31, 2012, 06:08:23 PM »
Thanks for all your answers.

This seems to be a general misconception about magical maneuvers, unless RAW contradicts itself at some point.  Magical maneuvers do not last the entire scene, assuming we're talking conflict, according to the RAW.  YS 253 (pertaining to magical maneuvers) "As with other effects, you can pay an additional shift to make the effect persistent at the rate of 1 shift per additional exchange."

This goes into my other big problem in the Evocation system, duration (or persistence) seems horribly expensive.  Not particularly on par with the books either, at least as far as the Shield Bracelet spell goes.  And I've seen in another post that permanent Enchantment items got removed at the last minute before printing.

Opinions?  Any recommendations on making spells last longer, but don't break the game?

DFRPG / Easy Light Spell
« on: July 28, 2012, 08:57:58 PM »
Apologies if these are repeat questions, but I've looked and searched and found nothing.

At various times, Harry casts a "simple" spell to light the area.  Either "Flickum Bicus" or light from his pentacle amulet.  These seem to be very easy for him, and yet they don't even make it onto his Rote spell list in the book.

DFRPG mechanically speaking, this seems to be a Maneuver to place an aspect on a location (Dimly lit, what have you).  With Flickum the candles are lit and don't need to be maintained.  The amulet however needs to have enough power to last the whole scene, often while in combat.  Is there a recommendation for making spells not cost Stress?  Refinement maybe?

In most situations, the light spell wouldn't be contested, but what if you're trying to expose a stealthy person in the shadows?  How about casting light against a magical darkness (I imagine comparing shifts would come into play here)?


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