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Messages - Richard_Chilton

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 96
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:01:43 PM »
Two things of DFRPG interest in the kickstarter:
Magic system toolkit: In one of our earlier incarnations of the Fate system, Evil Hat co-founder Rob Donoghue lost his damn mind and included a chapter of over half a dozen different magic systems for use with the game. With this stretch goal, Rob will create a new supplement doing exactly that for Fate Core to be added to our EXPANSIONS package for our backers.

- This has me wondering if a bare bones DFRPG magic system will be included in the toolkit.

Fight Fire: Fight Fire expands Fate Core's handling of objective hazards, answering the common question "the warehouse has the On Fire aspect... now what?" Not only is this answered -- literally -- but it is enhanced and expanded in the form of a mini supplement that tackles both the day-to-day operations of urban firefighters (using tactics cribbed directly from the FDNY) and their lives off the clock.

- a book that covers "the building was burning and it wasn't my fault" situations.  It (along with the rest of FATE Core) looks to be easily adaptable to the DFRPG.

Another interesting goal is:
White Picket Witches - the author is drawing on "Practical Magic, Murder She Wrote, Witches of Eastwick and, say, Fried Green Tomatoes" for a game expansion that is based around witches in suburbia.

Not funded yet - but this is still only day 2 - is:
Extras Toolbox [LOCKED]: We'll take the Magic System Toolkit and absorb it as one chapter -- then go beyond the field of magic, doubling (or maybe even tripling) the word-count, to create the Extras Toolbox, a series of collections-of-extras that will illustrate in greater depth how to construct full add-on options for your game. Each collection will be viable as a plug-and-play addition to your game, if it turns out to be a fit. We'll look into exploring ways to implement powers, vehicles, gear, and more, with a few system-tweaks and variants for extra spice.
- if they get enough backers this book will be printed and available for $15-$20 (they haven't decided yet) + shipping ($5 for US, $10 for the rest of the world.).

And if you don't want to back the project you can still get a copy of the PDF for whatever price you are willing to pay:
Wait, how do I get the final PDF? It's not listed on any of the pledge levels?

The final version of the PDF will be made available to the whole world on a "pay what you like, including nothing" scheme. So backers will be able to download the final version themselves at no cost -- and with a clear conscience!

Getting back on topic: I'm wondering if we should look at adding a sub board for DFRPG/FATE 3.0 hacks?


« on: December 05, 2012, 02:48:36 AM »
If you go through the book you'll find scattered references to Social combat - which seem to have survived the editing process.


DFRPG / Re: Is the Minor Talent Template underpowered?
« on: December 05, 2012, 02:46:30 AM »
Then again, the RAW says to use templates.


« on: December 05, 2012, 12:23:57 AM »
The rules are presented in a very clear way.  In some respects they are simplified. 

For example, the "skill pyramid" is a pyramid - not an obelisk or something that players can shape.  20 skill points = one at Great (+4), two at Good (+3), three at Fair (+2), and four at Average (+1).

It's clear that the writers have been reading forums and have addressed every point of confusion they saw being debated.  In several places the language has been restructured to avoid confusion.  Free tags (which are no longer called tags) have their own section.

This book has the feel of "this is the default stuff, source books will redefine things further" generic type book - like GURPS, Savage Worlds, etc.

It wouldn't take a lot of work to adapt DFRPG to the new core setting - especially after we see some of those bonus books.  Looking at their titles, I have to wonder how close the "magic system toolkit" will resemble DFRPG.  If it's close enough then that might do the bulk of the updating for us.


« on: December 04, 2012, 10:01:25 PM »
I'm currently skimming through the ebook book (which is a dated version, making me think it might see several updates during the editing process).

The Kickstarter has 50+ days to go.  For $30 you get a hardcover book (+$10 shipping if you don't live in the US) plus a bunch of ebook expansions. 
This currenly includes a fantasy adventure, a WWI-meets-Battlestar-Galactica mini-campaign, a magic system toolkit, Wild Blue (a mash-up of cowboys, fantasy, and superheroes), Court/Ship (alien invasion set during the court of Louis XV), Burn Shift (post-apocalyptic mutant future), and an expansion dealing with fire fighters.

Other ebooks, including No Exit, the Ellis Affair, Crime World (written by Leverage television show head writer John Rogers), and possibly others, have not been unlocked yet, but it seems like they will be added to the package.

So there's the physical copy of the Core + 7 - 10 ebooks for the same price as the core - which sounds like a great deal.


DFRPG / Re: Costumed Vigilante Template
« on: December 02, 2012, 05:20:36 AM »
This looks like an interesting Template.

Somehow, when I picture costumed vigilantes in the DV I start thinking of a minor character from Simon R Green's Nightside series - Ms. Fate, the Nightside's own transvestite superhero.

Off the wall heroes like that one and flawed, Punisher types seem more appropriate for the DV than Captain America and other "justice always triumphs" type heroes.


DFRPG / Re: Playing a true, Pure Fae
« on: November 28, 2012, 12:31:06 AM »
Not being able to lie doesn't imply that you have to answer.  "I'm not going to answer that question" is perfectly truthful, after all.  Also, I've found that answering every question with another question drives players NUTS!

Alas, that doesn't work for the Fae, at least not if they ask three times:
Q) Did you kill Tom Goodfellow?
A) I'm not going to answer that question
Q) Did you kill Tom Goodfellow?
A) I'm not going to answer that question
Q) Did you kill Tom Goodfellow?
A) Yes dammit I did.

Much better to go:
Q) Did you kill Tom Goodfellow?
A) Tom's dead? What? But I was just talking to him the other day.  How did he die?
Q) Did you kill Tom Goodfellow?
A) You moron! Tom was... We were close dammit! I need time to deal with this.  To process!


DFRPG / Re: Playing a true, Pure Fae
« on: November 27, 2012, 04:36:17 AM »
Steven Brust had a great exchange in one his novels.  The "hero" was being questioned under a magical device that could detect lies. 

To quote:
I was asked things like, "When did you last see him alive?" and I'd say, "Oh, I don't know; he was always pretty dead," and they'd rebuke me sternly. They asked my opinion as to who killed him and I said that I believed he had killed himself. The Orb showed that I was telling the truth, and I was; messing with me the way he'd been doing was like asking to die.


DFRPG / Re: Playing a true, Pure Fae
« on: November 27, 2012, 01:49:42 AM »
@Richard_Chilton: When you say Your World, do you mean Your Story or Our World? I'm guessing Your Story, from your last post.

Also, did you post a new thread to the Spoiler board? The "newest post" function of that board shows a new thread, but clicking it leads nowhere.

I can't believe I got the name of the book wrong.  Your Story.

As for the post, posts to the Spoiler Board seem to need to be verified.  I don't know why.

It's a post that has now been approved and touches on 4 - 5 topics from Jim Butcher's last interview that could apply to the game - especially with respect to Mouse.


DFRPG / Re: Playing a true, Pure Fae
« on: November 27, 2012, 01:45:09 AM »
Working out how to use Greater Glamours. Is playing a pure Fae possible. And if so what would be some balanced stats.

I was looking at the Catch +2 cold iron / inhuman recovery/toughness -2 to show the fae side or in lower powerd games use wizard constitution with the catch +1
Then use Aspects for the no lie. Any ideas or help or even if this has been posted before would help thanks.

Playing a Pure Fae is possible using house rules - as long as the table signs on to it.

The "no lies" bit would be an element of the high concept - just as speaking Russian was Toot-Toot part of his high concept. 

If you up the recovery/toughness over inhuman increasing the catch would be justified - iron is fairly common and well known.  Just as long as the catch is under the cost of the power (all recovery/toughness powers cost a minimum of 1).
Wizard's Constitution doesn't get a catch.

As for the type of Fae - pick something from folklore and try to recreate it.

Max out your Deceit  for Greater Glamor.  Sure you can use Discipline, but Deceit is very useful for a Fae.  If you're going to play one of the Shide then think of taking  "Deceives with the truth" (or something like that) as an Aspect.
Since Shide PCs can't lie, practice giving misleading answers.
Q) Did you kidnap Tom Bower?
A) Tom Bower is a great man and the world needs more men like him.  He's a loving father, a pillar of the community, and if he's in trouble then someone had better rescue him.  In fact, tell me where he is and I'll lead the rescue mission myself.

Notice that the question wasn't answered? The answer could be "No" or "Yeah, he's in the trunk of my car" and either could be true because nothing in the A) bit actually answered the question.

There will be times when your PC will be forced to give a truthful answer.  Even if he's not a Shide and can lie, when asked the third time all Fae have to give the correct answer.  When you're forced to tell the truth, remember to point out that you're being compelled and ask for a FATE chip.

And again, make sure that the table is on side before playing a True Fae.


DFRPG / Re: Playing a true, Pure Fae
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:43:10 AM »
Again, which book were you referring to?

No, it's against the RAW as the restriction is  mentioned in Your World several times.

"Monsters have Nature, Mortals have Choice" is one of the section headings.


DFRPG / Re: How do White Court Vampires procreate?
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:40:56 AM »
Not really. Thomas does seem to have a whole bunch of sisters running around (at least three for sure in Turn Coat, likely that much of the rest of Lara's entourage in the climax is likewise), and we have an explanation for the lack of brothers: Lord Raith kills them.

From Blood Rites there's the impression that there was never hundreds of children, which would means less than one a year for Lord Raith.  As for sisters, five of them were around their father's throne in White Night.  I think that was a show of family support - so all of them should have been there.


DFRPG / Re: How do White Court Vampires procreate?
« on: November 26, 2012, 10:53:36 PM »
Are we sure that Thomas isn't a father?

We can't 100% sure of that - but from the novels it's clear that neither Thomas nor his family think that Thomas is a father.  Why would Justine be used as a hostage if they could use his own child for that purpose?

Nor is there the vibe that Thomas is seen as some sort of freak because he doesn't have any kids yet.  Then there's how few siblings that Thomas has - if procreation was easy for the White Court then he should have dozens more from the days before contraceptives became easily available.

But who knows? Maybe the next book will involve Harry stumbling over Thomas' long lost son and... no, I can't see that happening.  It's too close to part of the plot of another book.


DFRPG / Re: Playing a true, Pure Fae
« on: November 26, 2012, 10:48:12 PM »
Not everything in Your Story and Our World is a rule, you know. Both books are full of stories and setting bits.

We differ on that.  I believe that when the rule book explicitly says something then it's in the rules - but you differ.  And I don't think another huge exchange of posts on that issue will change anyone's opinions.

But if you want a cite:
Monsters have Nature, Mortals have Choice - that's a good place to start.


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