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Messages - babel2uk

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DFRPG / Re: Aspects in Combat
« on: November 03, 2010, 10:11:19 AM »
The absolutely key thing to remember is that until the fire (or whatever) actually inflicts a consequence it's not actually damaging the person at all because stress indicates near misses. Maybe they're beating at the fire in an attempt to put it out, maybe their clothing is only smouldering and not hot enough to cause more than a bit of discomfort...

I'd forgotten about the environmental damage rules, but yes those would seem to apply. Since the rating of the damage source can be used either as an attack or a maneuver then using the grapple rules for an on fire character is an option, or just straight out attacking them every round and invoking the ON FIRE aspect to boost the strength of the attack. Yes that means the character is going to get a lot of fate points, but then again being involuntarily on fire is kind of a bad thing (unless of course you have a holocaust cloak).

DFRPG / Re: Aspect/declarations and tags on items question
« on: November 03, 2010, 09:32:41 AM »
No, I do not think so.

What makes it alright that you can get higher bonuses (Weapon values for example) due to certain equipment and not get higher bonuses due to other equipment?

If you have a handgun and load it with hollowpoints to do more damage(for example), why should you have to invoke the hollowpoints every time you fire the gun? How does a scope aid in hitting a distant target when you spent a Fate point and how does it suddenly not when you don't?

*sigh* If you're really that bothered about it, house rule it - up the base damage of the weapon by one level or something similar and stop worrying about the fine details. The weapons damage ratings are hazy and not really meant to model reality, I assume because the game writers didn't really want to have people bogging down the story obsessing the finer details of one hand gun over another, and one type of ammunition over another.

Given that you don't actually hit an opponent until you've inflicted a consequence, you could probably just word the consequence appropriately to the type of ammunition used. Like I said, the weapons base damage are hazy and meant to represent an average weapon of that type. I don't see the need to complicate the system by bringing in extra rules to cover variations on each weapon.

My view is that what you're trying to put in there is a situational modifier, which in Fate is replaced by aspects. By all means do what you like, you'll never play in one of my games I'll never play in one of yours, so does it really matter? But if you're after all those juicy modifiers due purely to bits of equipment then you're probably actually wanting a different system. Fate's designed as a very basic system that puts story over intricate combat mechanics that account for every eventuality and piece of equipment. Maybe you'd be better off with something with weapons tables, accuracy modifiers and recoil penalties.

To answer how a scope aids your shot when you use a fate point and doesn't when you're not - the simple justification is that if you don't invoke the scope aspect, you're either not using it effectively, or not using it at all. Given that it's laughably simple to justify use of the sight giving you a bonus by simply using maneuvers to place the aspect 'IN MY SIGHTS' on a target - which gives you a free tag on your first shot every time you do so, I still don't see the need for adding in any extra bonuses.

DFRPG / Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:28:13 PM »
You could use the sight, that'd pretty much tell you exactly what they were. But I'm not picturing a great life expectancy for someone who uses the sight to view a valkyrie in their full glory as they charge at them with an axe. Though I would expect them to need clean underwear if they did survive. ;)

Lore roll would clue you in to them being more than human, and probably only extensive assessment would reveal their actual nature - it takes Harry a little while to work out what he thinks she is (other than some sort of nordic spell-caster).

If you wanted to tone down the catch rebate you could require it to be wood grown in Norway - or in the vicinity of a viking settlement - which does give you the possibility of a small amount US grown hawthorn - or at the site of a great battle. In any case it's not difficult to get hold of, just time consuming, which may have the same effect. And if you wanted to make the catch more difficult to achieve still you could require it to be from a particular grove of trees - or that it be an actual weapon rather than just an object made from hawthorn wood.

DFRPG / Re: Unseelie Magic
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:20:04 PM »
Well the book mentions effects similar to entropomancy as falling into the realm of winter. Other possible ones include Sleep spells, darkness spells, effects cause by cold (damaging buildings and roads by freezing water in the cracks; making a surface slippery with frost; fog and blizzards to obscure vision), bringing out the wilder more survival based nature of people and animals (or even to physically transform a person into a beast), arguably you could use magic to summon or exert control over those types of animals associated thematically with winter. Potentially some sort of communication spell using the medium of frost on glass. Wind Blasts are a viable spell too. You just need to remember that the nature of winter will infest all effects using the sponsored magic as a thematic thing.

As the previous posters posited (aliteration is indeed awesome) take a look at the effects you want to achieve then think how they can be thematically applied to winter. The only restriction I can see is that winter doesn't generally deal with growth and heat. And even those can be gotten round - cold can burn and certain things thrive on cold.

I'm not sure that the Winter Court would keep a knight who actually an alcoholic though - one who gets drunk on a fairly regular basis, fair enough, but there's a big difference between regular drinking and alcoholism.

DFRPG / Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« on: November 02, 2010, 04:36:23 PM »
Of course you do have to know you're up against a valkyrie to do the relevant checking to find the catch, and it's not something that the Valkyrie themsleves go out of their way to proclaim.

DFRPG / Re: Aspects in Combat
« on: November 02, 2010, 04:25:49 PM »
As I understand it:

An aspect placed on your character by a maneuver can either be used by your opposition to aid their actions against you (invoking for a +2 on their roll), or may be compelled. If it's compelled then your options are limited based on the aspect in question. For KNOCKED PRONE that means taking an action to get back up before you can do anything that would require you to be in any other position than lying on the floor. For PINNED it would mean that you couldn't reasonably attempt any action that being pinned would prevent you from doing - theoretically what you should be doing at this point is trying to use Might to shift the thing that's pinning you down. If your opponent doesn't invoke the PINNED aspect when attacking you, they simply aren't using the fact that you are pinned to best effect. Arguably if someone used a bookcase to put the aspect of pinned on you it should be possible to maneuver to add another aspect or change that one to 'behind cover' in a subsequent action.

Things like drowning and being on fire are possibly best handled like grapples rather than maneuvers or blocks.

DFRPG / Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« on: November 02, 2010, 03:40:29 PM »
I'd give the Hawthorn a lower bonus than mistletoe because that seems like a super rare piece of mythology which would take a nice bit of research

It's in the valkyries entry on wikipedia - it's not that hard to find - anyone with a grounding in nordic myth would probably be able to work it out quite quickly. Of course if you want to make it hawthorn grown in Norway, that would satify a lower bonus.

Mistletoe doesn't really make much sense to me as a catch for a Valkyrie - it's Baldur's catch, nothing particularly to do with the any of the Valkyrie legends.

Of course, maybe Valkyries work like scions normally or in reverse - start off powerful and become more human (for player characters you could play them either on the way up to becoming full valkyrie, or on their way down from being a valkyrie - you'd have sort of a reverse of milestones in this character where you give up powers to regain refresh). It may be that falling in love with a human is the first step towards returning to mortality, and actually marrying removes their powers completely - or at least means that they have to give up the mantle of Valkyrie which would remove a chunk of their power. That'd be an interesting way to go - a supernatural creature striving to achieve free will by shedding the trappings of their sponsor. Not relevant to the catch thing of course, but an interesting plot possibility.

DFRPG / Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« on: November 02, 2010, 03:01:32 PM »
sounds reasonable but how would that work mechanically

Hawthorn would just require something made of hawthorn wood to be used as a weapon against them (I'll clarify by saying that the hawthorn would have to actually touch them for the effect to happen - no saying "well, my handgun grip is carved hawthorn so it bypasses the valkyrie's catch when I shoot her", but you could bypass the catch by pistol whipping).

Fear - if some one places the aspect of 'afraid' on them via intimidate or the incite emotion power then their toughness powers stop working until they can shake that aspect, and any consequences caused to them during that time are healed as a normal person would have to. This is only a very rough idea, which I don't really intend on fleshing out further as it's completely inapplicable to my own game.

DFRPG / Re: Catch for Valkyrie-style Supernatural Recovery?
« on: November 02, 2010, 12:47:40 PM »
What about hawthorn? There's a story where Odin uses a 'sleep thorn' (a norwegian name for hawthorn) to strip Sigrdrífa of her ability to be victorious in battle (and thus condemns her to wed).

Fear could also work - perhaps the catch is that the supernatural toughness and recovery only work if the Valkyrie doesn't know fear.

DFRPG / Re: Aspect/declarations and tags on items question
« on: November 02, 2010, 10:16:38 AM »
Alright, then a person with a gun should not get bonuses to his Weapon due to his having a gun without paying for it with Refresh or invoking an Aspect.

Sorry toturi, but that seems to be a deliberately obtuse reading of my post. I was talking about above and beyond the base damage score for the weapon (which I think was fairly damned obvious taking into consideration the context of the original question).  >:(

DFRPG / Re: Red Court infected and White Court Vampires oh my!!!!
« on: November 01, 2010, 05:42:00 PM »
Well, the laws are worded vaguely to allow leeway either way. And from an enforcement perspective the Wardens are Judge, Jury and Executioner, so what does and doesn't count will fall under the discretion of the investigating Warden. And it's stated several times both in the books and the game, that killing someone who looks human is often seen as being the first step towards breaking the first law. It won't earn you the power, or get you executed (by the Wardens at least) but it will get you looked at closely.

The general guidelines from the rules would support WCV's up to a point and Red Court Infected being protected by the first law, encouraging as it does that you take into account the refresh level of the character in question (if they aren't clearly human). For WCV's, Changelings and Red Court Infected there is a clear point where they cross over from mortal human. At that point the Law's probably don't apply. Red Court Infected become full vampires at that point, Changelings become full faeries. WCV's are a little more complicated because they're the most human, but they are demon hosts, so it's kind of the same principle as a Red Court Vampire.

DFRPG / Re: Aspect/declarations and tags on items question
« on: October 31, 2010, 08:30:41 PM »
I think the point here is that having a scope add a bonus to your shot just because it's a scope would be a situational modifier. Something that doesn't exist in the Fate system. House-rule it by all means. Fate is all about aspects as far as that sort of thing is concerned. Frankly my view is that characters shouldn't be getting bonuses based on equipment without paying for it either with Refresh to make it a stunt or by invoking an aspect. I agree with Tsunami and Papa Gruff here - if you want something more situation based rather than a character aspect use a manouever or declaration to mount the sight and get a free tag. If your sight has extras like low light or Infra-Red then it just means that the GM can't compel scene aspects that would be negated by those things.

DFRPG / Re: My take on Soulfire
« on: October 31, 2010, 02:08:01 PM »
huh? not sure where you pulled that from - unless you misread charity as chastity.

I believe he's referring to the story where Harry mentions
(click to show/hide)
and Bob says something about it being "good for the soul" and restoring the bits of soul he spent with Soulfire.

That would explain it. I just assumed it was a response to something in the post above, and couldn't see anything other than a misreading of Charity that would explain....

In any case, my feeling about Soul-Fire (having re-read the section on it) is that it's quite potent enough as written, without allowing non mages to throw out blasts of holy flame (obviously Jim Butcher may throw someone into a future book who can do that, in which case fair enough I'll revise my opinion).

DFRPG / Re: My take on Soulfire
« on: October 31, 2010, 12:18:15 PM »
In addition, there is nothing holy about doing sex in order to fill it up faster. At least, not in the way most people think.  ;D

huh? not sure where you pulled that from - unless you misread charity as chastity.

Other than that I'd agree that the books don't seem to support the catch aspect. And I can't remember off-hand Harry doing anything with it except adding more oomph to a spell by fuelling it with a piece of his soul, but I'm quite possibly just not remembering the specific instances where he did. I also can't remember any instances of Soulfire being used by someone without magic - that wouldn't already be covered by the Faith powers - I'd argue that if any mortal should be in possession of Soul-Fire without casting ability it would be a Knight of the Cross, and they don't get anything extra to the standard Faith powers other than the sword. Again, I may just not remember the appropriate instance when this has been brought up.

I'd also say that charitable acts and forgiveness etc seems a little wishy washy to clear a hunger track for Soul Fire. I think it needs to be something stronger and more difficult.

DFRPG / Re: My take on Soulfire
« on: October 31, 2010, 07:11:18 AM »
How do you clear the hunger stress?

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