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Messages - spiritofair

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DF Spoilers / Re: Thomas Crack Prediction
« on: May 26, 2020, 05:24:21 PM »
Don't forget Thomas is feeding on svartalves, too, per Bombshells. That would seem like a pretty potent food source that could make Thomas' demon stronger... if it works that way. And there is no reason not to think so since Pounder's girlfriend can feed on him (I guess Pounder is half human)...

I didn't even think about Lara dying. Thomas would never go for White King unless there is a vacancy. That seems possible!

DF Spoilers / Re: What changes with Battleground
« on: May 26, 2020, 05:12:39 PM »
I hadn't heard that quote about Battleground being another turning point. That's neat to hear. Of the ones you listed, my take is these are the most likely:

1) Ebeneezer dead -- and Dresden the new Blackstaff
2) The mortal world becomes "aware" of the supernatural and starts taking a very active role in the supernatural events
3) Open power struggle/splintering of the White Council
4) Public declaration of the existence of the Black Council - as an supernatural agency directly opposed to the White Council - and the White Council makes serious changes in response.
8) Paranet is established as a supernatural org under the accords and begins acting like a supernatural nation


9) Everything points to Murphy kicking the bucket.
10) Harry becomes more than just the Winter Knight, he takes on more powers of winter with Mother Winter's staff (the blackstaff)
11) Toot and compatriots get much more powerful, riding on the coat tails of their Lord
12) We find out more of what the Spear of Destiny can do... I mean, how else is Harry going to defeat a Titan?
13) Maybe find out more about the other artifacts?

Edited: Add in 5) Thomas takes over the White Court as the White King. I hadn't thought about the possibility of Lara being killed. If she is killed, then Thomas being forced into taking over as White King seems possible. (Seems like Papa Raith wouild also have to bite the dust in this situation, too.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Kincaid microfiction "Goodbye"
« on: March 12, 2020, 05:58:38 PM »
I was very sad about Kinkaid and I really hope they can compose their relationship. And I do wish Harry has written something to Ivy perhaps even to tell Kinkaid (as Harry probably does not know what happened between them).

Still, I am glad we now know why Kinkaid shot to the chest, and I agree with Kindler, she told Mab.

I really, really hope Harry has not broke Ivy's heart for ever. I want them to have a few cute interactions yet. In fact, I wish Ivy meets Maggie Jr. someday-

@spiritofair: Harry was not selfish! He was misguided, yes, but his actions were not inspired by selfishness but love. Still, he was unfair with Molly. He did not realized how much he will be hurting her.
Suicide is a selfish action. It may not seem like it is to the person contemplating it, but it is. I am forgetting about the push he got from Lasciel, though, so maybe I'm being too harsh on him.

But, honestly, the more I re-read the books, the more I get annoyed by Harry's martyr complex. He's such an idiot some times. I guess that makes him "real", but it is the same thing over and over and over. But then, it's part of his character I guess, and a story requires drama.

DF Spoilers / Re: Kincaid microfiction "Goodbye"
« on: March 10, 2020, 07:02:16 PM »
Kincaid was never really his friend. He just owed Harry one.
I suspect he's talking about Ivy, not Kincaid.

Man, Harry's selfish suicide in Changes caused Ivy to fire Kincaid... There has been speculation that Ivy going bad could be the cause of the BAT. Harry hiring Kincaid to kill himself, forcing Kincaid away from Ivy, leaving her alone, could be the tipping point for the girl.


DF Spoilers / Re: When Michael Met Harry
« on: February 12, 2020, 05:35:09 PM »
The friendship must have come in the weeks before Grave Peril. It is mentioned somewhere in one of the first chapters, that they have been hunting ghostly appearances for weeks together.
The reason I originally asked the question is because, in Grave Peril (at least the audiobook), it says they had met 5 years earlier. 5 years seems like an awfully long time. (I wonder if it was a typo and was meant to read 5 months...) What was Harry even doing 3.5 years pre-Storm Front (I think Grave Peril is about 1.5 years after Storm Front)? According to the timeline, Harry was 26 during Storm Front, would have turned 27 around Fool Moon and then 28 around Grave Peril, so, according to Grave Peril he was 22 or 23 when he met Michael.

According to the timeline:

6 BSF: After leaving Ebenezar at age 19, Harry roamed around for a while (between nine and twenty months) before winding up in Chicago.

5 BSF: At age 20, Harry arrives in Chicago. Before he goes to work at Ragged Angel, he takes a number of jobs, one of which was as a dance partner with a senior-citizen organization.

4-5 BSF: At age 20-21, Harry starts working with Nicholas Christian (“Nick”) at Ragged Angel. He spends three years there.

4 BSF: Susan becomes a reporter at the Arcane [5 years before Grave Peril, DM 198]
— The last time Charity sees Harry before the events of Grave Peril. Michael is injured, and Charity thoroughly chews Harry out.

3 BSF: Harry finds Mister the Tailless Kitten in a trash can. [SF 88] (Thanks, Amber!)

2-3 BSF: A Restoration of Faith. Harry meets Murphy. He has 6 months left of working at Ragged Angel. Faith Astor is 10. At this time, the Vargassi family and the Jamaicans rule the Chicago mob scene.

2 BSF: At age ~23-24, Harry opens his detective business. Ortega indicates that this takes place 5 years before the events of Death Masks, which takes place in 3 ASF. [DM 13]

2 BSF: Shortly after that, Harry meets Susan (it’s described as a “couple years” before the events of Grave Peril). From SF: “She had been tracking me ever since interviewing me for a feature story, right after I’d opened up my business.”

So, yeah, according to all of this, Harry met Michael several years before Storm Front and then Michael just wasn't in the loop in Storm Front or Fool Moon. Could easily be explained by Harry being a little scared of Charity's wrath. I'm still interested in how he and Michael met, since it was pre-Restoration of Faith, and Harry must have been really inexperienced at the time. Too inexperienced to handle the kind of thing Michael typically fights.

DF Spoilers / When Michael Met Harry
« on: February 11, 2020, 07:28:30 PM »
Listening to Grave Peril again, Harry says that he met Michael 5 years earlier. That's 3.5 years before Storm Front, roughly. But Michael makes no appearance in it or Fool Moon.

Curious if Jim's ever expanded on how Harry met Michael and what Michael was doing to not be in the first 2 books. Grave Peril starts with Michael and Harry being pretty close. So did that closeness happen between Fool Moon and Gravel Peril? What happened to get them working together so closely between Fool Moon and Grave Peril?

Any ideas?

DF Spoilers / Re: new mirror mirror idea
« on: February 11, 2020, 07:25:24 PM »
In re-listening to Grave Peril, I latched onto Lydia's prophecy that she told Harry near the beginning of the book. The prophecy fits with the story of the book, but also seems to set up the entire series. It's pretty cool...

"Fire," she whispered. "Wind. I see dark things and a dark war. I see my death coming for me, out of the spirit world. And I see you at the middle of it all. You're the beginning, the end of it. You're the one who can make the path go different ways."

The last one, about Harry being the beginning and end of it and he can make the path go different ways... hell, it feels like it could refer to Mirror Mirror where Jim has said that the premise is that Mirror Harry made a different choice in Grave Peril...

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« on: February 04, 2020, 09:46:03 PM »

The more I read it the more I think Jim is gas lighting us
I checked the calendar, and it's not April 1st... :-)

DF Spoilers / Morgan Micro Fiction
« on: February 04, 2020, 07:01:53 PM »
Holy Cow!!!

Talk about revelatory...  I don't even know where to begin.

I love how it's straightforward, blunt, and right to the point. Very Morgan.

I had no idea until I read this post.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarians and/or Circle in Storm Front?
« on: January 08, 2020, 10:25:57 PM »
  But the point is,  how would this strung out kid even know?  How would he know that Harry was a wizard even?  Here is what he said..
page 135 Storm Front, hardback

For starters if the is a regular vanilla kid who happens to be strung out on Three Eye, yes he maybe
able to see some stuff out of the ordinary, but it won't give a name to what he is seeing.  He wouldn't know either a wizard or an Outsider if he saw one, let along call out the Outsider by name, which he did.
Good point! Did the 3-eye give an outsider access to mortals? If so, holy cow!

Good point KSG, very unlikely Cowl is Kemmler based on what you're saying about the Darkhallow. Also, if Cowl was Justin was Kemmler, Harry would have recognized him and/or his magic.

But, Kemmler could still be lurking about in another body. Maybe he hopped into Justin, corrupted him, then hopped out and went on to someone else? As morris said, infinite WAGs if that's the case.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarians and/or Circle in Storm Front?
« on: January 07, 2020, 05:08:22 PM »
   Harry described Marcone from the soul gaze as a man as cold as a featureless stainless steel fridge..
That is the kind of man that even the type of murder that his man suffered wouldn't be freaked at all
by it.  So yeah, the soul gaze told Harry a lot about what Marcone would do.. That is one of the points of them, by giving a read on the type of person you are dealing with, thus predicting what they did do, would do, and will do..
The woman that was killed with Tommy Tomm was Sells' wife's sister Jennifer Stanton. She was the target... she was encouraging Monica Sells to leave Victor. It was just luck that she was with Tommy Tomm... or somehow Victor knew they would be together.

Nice theory!

I don't know about the mind fog being Outsider-related, though. Butters makes mind fog bombs.

Why not just have Kemmler be Cowl? Would make even more sense to have Elaine be Kumori, since she would have been his thrall all along. Maybe he isn't as strong as he used to be because Justin's body is too weak. Kind of like how Luccio is not as strong in her new body.

DF Spoilers / Re: Unidentified Winter Knight Abilities
« on: December 28, 2019, 06:13:39 PM »
. It's pretty clear in the scene near the end of Skin Game.  Harry and Michael are about to fight Nic.  You see their arguments begin to sway him the regrets & doubt... And then you see the Pride sweep in, and lock him onto his path...  Pride, of course, being the defining sin of the Fall, and a key recurring element of Nic's as he has faced Harry through the years.

Nic is given so much free rein because he has bought in to Anduriel's agenda as his own:  Nic does the stuff Anduriel wants, on his own initiative; Anduriel never needs to use the Big Stick, because bunny-Nic is happily eating the carrot out of his hand...
I can buy that.

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