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Messages - jonas

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DF Spoilers / Re: WAG.... Murphy has moved on
« on: June 17, 2018, 06:12:04 PM »
I am sure it fits nicely in your Mouse is Cerberos and Harry is Hades theory. :-)
You mean the one Hades himself pointed out to Harry intentionally? ;)

DF Books / Re: Harry making money
« on: June 17, 2018, 02:09:38 PM »
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Don't worry we still have
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DF Spoilers / Re: WAG.... Murphy has moved on
« on: June 16, 2018, 09:02:12 PM »
"Fact" is a strong word that should be used carefully.  In one case we have the Knight Mantle going to the Summer Lady, in another we have the Winter Knight Mantle not going to the Lady upon the death of the Winter Knight.  I don't think we know for a fact what exactly the Mantle does or why, only some strong evidence that it goes back to Winter/Summer.  Even Titania thought Winter had somehow stolen the Summer Knight Mantle, so we don't know how exactly it works.
We don't, and do, Can't remember whom but someone said it goes back to the nearest reflection of itself... It being more or less a 'shadow' like Lasciel's, a bit connected directly to them, it would tend therefor to go back to one of them.... except if a greater mirror should exist that has not been identified. Though the table itself is kinda the cause of why the WK did not go to the lady or queen directly(which Mab was closer...)

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning Molly
« on: June 16, 2018, 03:26:07 AM »
You've been gone awhile acorn... I'm thinking we have Woj latent fae ancestory can be activated more or less by proximity, and another that the whole purpose of the fae making bargains is to get mortals caught up in the 'faeness' or whatever, like Harry being butt deep in it now.

*imo, it was the training to use fear as a weapon without directly violating free will and ergo Cosmic reasoning behind the 7 laws.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Q and A in VA 6-9-18
« on: June 15, 2018, 10:00:02 PM »
I think the real problem is He didn't really know what he was trying to curse him with... He said it in spite so that he wouldn't die holding a coin, but also on other levels so he would feel the same loneliness he himself felt over the years and the bitter regret he felt at the particular moment. So the curse is less a specific thing and more a nebulas idea charged full of malcontent and negative emotions.

Yes. Sure, but he could still be trying to hide something he actually was writing or had planned.  So it is a joke, but also a 'subconscious' hint of some sort at something to come.  That is how I'm going to take it.
I take it as he shouldn't have said it and backpaddled afters. I have reason to believe Murphy dies quite soon, though may not stay that way.

That...has some interesting implications. I agree that the parallel universe will likely mess with Harry's mantled state. Maybe while over there, like you say, he'll be cut from Winter and unable to access its benefits. It might even cripple him again. But unless something really weird happens, I think the agreement he had with Prime Mab (which would be an absolutely terrifying transformer) would not be broken just be moving from one universe to another.
Of course if Mab kept the current WK on ice during those years then only one WK would be exerting his will in reality at a time.... But Mabs never locked up her WK for the duration of any possible TT shenanigan books though, now did she ;)

I think if Mouse had meant a deity or entity of fortune, it would have had a capital letter. He sure throws enough of them around and is smart enough to include one if it were warranted.
Might make sure the lack of emphasis is not Groin's.

Oh, OH. lol, the real indicator there is that fortune is described on the list of the powers that be. Fortuna, Nemesis, ect... they are like comparing the greek and roman deities. Fate itself is watching Harry, be it the good or bad version imo.

DF Spoilers / Re: Best question answer at the Virginia book signing
« on: June 15, 2018, 03:00:12 AM »
Precisely. I think the stealing was done in a way that is acceptable under the Sidhe law, so she can't do anything. At least, not directly-

I also agree about how conflicting orders could be resolved.
I theorize it was actually done in such a way as to satisfy cosmic balance, They were allowed to steal it and incur that debt so as she could avoid owing them by giving it out, though it was necessary for them to acquire it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher @ Book People, Austin, Tx
« on: June 14, 2018, 08:53:13 PM »
Well Breath is used in:

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holy crap, that gives new meaning to anytime
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DF Spoilers / Re: Zoo Day spoilers
« on: June 14, 2018, 05:09:26 PM »
That might be an issue if Harry was still just a wizard while Molly was the Lady. But this is tactical information about the capabilities and agenda of probable Nemesis agents. The Mothers already showed Queens can educate the Knight about the contest with the enemy without needing a trade of information.
Nothing Mouse knows is Winter knowledge, it's not giving out WInters protocol or effect. I'ts relaying of communication. Has nothing to do with enemies. ANd the mothers did so in reply to an inquiry, based upon a command, not seeking random info, or beign supplied offhand.

DF Spoilers / Re: Zoo Day spoilers
« on: June 14, 2018, 04:06:03 AM »
That certainly seems like the implication.

While the narrative structure of nobody else understanding what Mouse is picking up because he can't communicate complex ideas to Hary or Maggie is cute for short story purposes, it kind of falls apart when we remember that Molly CAN understand him just fine. Dark, probably N-fected foo dogs working for probably Cowl and Kumori is something really freaking important to pass along, and ignoring that a suitable translator is around every week for family dinners at the Carpenter house would be a bit of a wtf? issue going forward if Harry stays unaware of it.

Or, hell, even Lea next time they cross paths - she'd be well motivated to continue checking names off her revenge list, if there's a lead on who gave her the athame.
Fairie, information, exchange....balance...

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher @ Book People, Austin, Tx
« on: June 13, 2018, 09:06:08 PM »
Feeding on breath? That opens up a new can of questions. Are there different type of breaths? Do they need mouth to mouth contact or is being in the vicinity enough? What are the long term consequences? Inquiring minds need to know.
the example given was kill you from across the street at a motel and you'd never know what was happening.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry and Thomas go out on a fishing trip
« on: June 13, 2018, 04:42:41 PM »
"... We're gonna need a bigger boat."
An aircraft carrier perhaps lol? ;)

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