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Messages - Papa Gruff

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DFRPG / Re: Powers to get sponsored by
« on: May 04, 2010, 12:44:54 PM »
Considering his history, I'd be very concerned for the well being of any mortal sponsored by the All Father. He has this tendency to empower people for long enough that they become worthy of Valhalla, then leading them to their (glorious) deaths. Particularly beware Odin when he gives you a magic sword.

yeah ... well ... don't blame him to much. he needs many many many excellent soldiers for Ragnarök.  ;D

DFRPG / Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
« on: May 04, 2010, 11:35:30 AM »
Star of the Show

Thats what I call a nice and strong Aspect!

You are Hollywood or Broadway material. You have the looks and you definitely have the good charisma thing going. At the center of any party or fight there you are, turning the tide of the action in favor for you and your friends.

Invoke: In a social conflict you can invoke this pretty much whenever you are loosing the initiative. In a fight it might be your cool moves witch makes you a star.

Compel: When someone threatens your status as "The Star" you get very protective of it, sometimes displaying an arrogance that regularly gets you into more problems then you like.

I'll be back!

DFRPG / Re: The Updated PDFs are Up
« on: May 04, 2010, 11:03:29 AM »
great! thanks! ...

... can't wait to get it from my German retailer =D

DFRPG / Re: Powers to get sponsored by
« on: May 04, 2010, 07:34:06 AM »
There where some ideas in that other thread about the possible swords of the cross like weapons.

I recall things like: Emissary of Buddha (Shao-Lin Monk style), The Sword of Allah plus lots and lots and lots of Shinto deities...

A member of my party wants to play an emissary of Asgard. But as he wants him to be a distant grandchild of Heimdall himself I guess it is more of a Scion Template. Never the less the possibilities for Emissary of Power seem almost limitless. You just have to check some of your regional folklore and I guarantee that you'll find something, at least for an European setting that is...

DFRPG / Re: Spell Maneuvers
« on: May 03, 2010, 04:27:55 PM »
I've got another question about maneuvers as spells. Specifically about when they are done as rote spells.

Attacks still need discipline rolls to determine accuracy, do maneuvers need that as well?

So lets say a +6 maneuver as an earth evocation, adding the aspect "CAUGHT IN ROCK"
As a rote it always succeeds.

Does the defender defend against the +6? Or do i still need to roll discipline and have the defender try to beat the result of that roll?

um ... can we please get back to discussing this line of questions in this thread? I'm realy interestet in understanding this as I am a little confused about it too...

I'd say, he has to defend against the +6 as this is the the strength of the rote maneuver...

DFRPG / Re: You won't like this character when he's angry.
« on: April 30, 2010, 05:33:35 PM »
I can totally picture a Hulk inspired character with a Pixie side-kick.

Banner, "Please, don't make me angry.  You would..."
Pixie, enthusiastically interrupting, "Ooh, ooh, ooh! No, go ahead, make him angry! It's awesome when he gets angry."

Thanks! That's a great idea for a NPC-Thug-Team that my players will dig! Huge Hulk & Wee Free Men fans! *chuckles*

DFRPG / Re: You won't like this character when he's angry.
« on: April 30, 2010, 03:07:32 PM »
I'd definitely suggest Supernatural Strength or Mythic Strength.  Inhuman Strength is the level of a really strong mortal, or a bunch of different faeries/monsters, or a "magically enhanced" mortal (read: werewolf).  The Hulk is absolutely above that level.

can't be paid for without major catches at the targeted power level...

At "Up to your Waiste" this guy is really tough. I would change the High Concept though. It should reflect his kinship to "The Hulk" so it can be compelled a lot when he gets into rage. I also have the slight problem that there isn't really a Hulk in the Dresden Verse. Perhaps you can make him just similar to The Hulk and call him something else. It's alright to go with Changeling/Scion but make it something different...

DFRPG / Re: You won't like this character when he's angry.
« on: April 30, 2010, 02:47:11 PM »
Hm he is not The Hulk guys... just a Scion! The Catch could be pretty much everything you like, since this might represent his human side. Depending on what he is vulnerable to the discount is ok.

He seems a little bit weak to me. Perhaps you should go supernatural at least on the strength level. As I understand it there is no real limit to The Hulk's strength, just his rage. How can that be factored into a DFRPG Char? That would be interesting! :)

DFRPG / Re: Shadow Magic
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:07:19 PM »
You should use spirit as the element behind this. Its the one that is used with photomancy, can create and manipulate light, bend light and create shadows (by pulling light away from an area).

I concur. Spirit seems to be the element that should be used here.

As to your item. I don't see why that shouldn't be possible in some way or another. Creating such an Item is certainly covered by the ruls. When you have the Enchanted Item Slots to create it you could design an apropriate effekt. Your Item might capture the shadow by use of spirit magic and impose a termporary aspect on your target: SHADOW TRAPPED. I would have to look at the details some more but I'm sure that such an item is possible.

DFRPG / Re: Template: Arkanthrope
« on: April 29, 2010, 04:56:38 PM »
I agree, I also don't think I would enjoy the character. The problem is that Lycanthrope provides inherent tension and interest for the entire group. It is an ever-present story element that they players and GM have to work with and around.

Meanwhile with the Arkanthrope there is basically only 1 month a year, the two weeks surrounding the losing of power, and the 2 weeks surrounding the gaining of power, that are filled with tension because of this same issue. The rest of the time he either has the power, or doesn't have it, and there is no need to think or worry about what might have been, or might soon be.

This pretty much takes all the fun out of the situation. I say go with the Moon phases.

Alternatively, make the Arkanthrope powers Crepuscular, like many bears tend to be in the wild, active at dawn and dusk. So they would be active for about 3 hours in the early morning and 3 hours in the late evening. That is 6 hours of 24, making them active 25% of the time, so not too far off Lycanthropes active percentage. Then the tension is then built around what time it is, rather than what day. Could be quite interesting to actually play.

You and neko128 make a valid point that I hadn't considered before. Part of the Lycanthropes apeal is the lack of power for lengthy periods of time (Compellability). With the hybernation idea that would be pretty much canceled out.

The alternative you pointed out sounds reasonable to me and you could even adjust the timeframe of activity on the fly if it doesn't feal right.

Tsunami and me thought this out with a specific PC-concept in mind (that of a hate driven Arkanthrope Vampire Slayer). Because of this we might not be looking at the big picture here. So far your pointers have been a great help. Thanks!

DFRPG / Template: Arkanthrope
« on: April 29, 2010, 01:42:16 PM »
While tossing around our PC-idias, Tsunami and I came up with an adaption of the Lycanthrope template. Instead of a wulf spirit I want my PC to be possessed by some kind of bear spirit. We called the template Arkanthrope as the Greek word for bear is Arktos.

The Template is a simple adaption of the Lycanthrope.

Riquirements: -5
Echo of the Beast (-1)
Human Form (Rare Change) (+1)
Inhuman Strength (-2)
Inhuman Recovery (-1) (Catch: Silver) ?
Inhuman Toughness (-1) (Catch like Recovery)

We decided that bears are hardly pack animals so we just droped the Pack Instinct Requirement. Human Form got reduced to a Rare Change with a discount of only +1. That is beacause we couldn't think of a good reason why the Arkanthrope would be effected by the moon like the Lycanthrope is. The Rare Change of the Arkanthrope is, that he can't use his powers during the winter months. The Spirit goes into hybernaion and leaves his vessel powerless.

The single bear is more powerfull then the lonely wulf, so we added Inhuman Toughness as a further Requirement. Thus the Arkanthrope Template costs -1 more Refresh then the Lycanthrope but is slightly more powerfull too.

I sugested Silver as the Catch for both the Inhuman Recovery and Inhuman Toughness. I find it rather difficult to come up with a catch for the Lycanthope/Arkanthrope templates and would be glad if anyone came up with a better idea then stupid booring silver.

Coments are quite welcome. I'm a bit unsure if the template is in line with the rules, especialy where Catches and the Involuntary Change are concerned.

DFRPG / Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
« on: April 29, 2010, 08:38:47 AM »
Bah! Ninny !!  ;D
Siriusly I tried! I wanted to come up with something that would realy catch the meaning of the Kant Quote, but couldn't find anything

It will be an easy Job.

Invoke: You are confident about the things you can do, because in the past you have shown that you are realy good at them. "Remeber when we blew up that Vampire Lair? Man that was an easy Job!"

Compell: Sometimes you underestimate the Gig you get booked for. The overconfidence in your talents has put you in tight spots before.

What about some Billy Shakespear?
"By the pricking of my thumbs, / Something wicked this way comes."

DFRPG / Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
« on: April 29, 2010, 07:54:42 AM »
Sorry Luminos ... I have thought about this pretty hard but it's a realy tricky one. Can you come up with a Invoke and a Compell and give us an ohter one? Please!!  ;D

DFRPG / Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
« on: April 27, 2010, 10:07:21 PM »

Invoke: One thing is for sure. You Sir are a giant nerd. Your knowledge of the sifi-worlds, comicbooks an fantasy is unrivaled. In other words: "Your geek penis is longer and harder than all of ours put together."

Compell: When it comes to interacting with people who are not nerds they don't think you are very astute, and you realy don't know why. When speaking to a woman the only thing that you can truely count on is making a fool out of yourself. Apart from this you obviously might be compelled to seek bloody revenge on the field of battle.

Oh my god he's Kirk!

DFRPG / Re: Glamour Magic
« on: April 26, 2010, 07:40:25 PM »
Would that be all covered by Sponsored Magic: Seelie ?

If the Fey part of the Changeling belongs to Summer i can't see why it would not be.

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