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Messages - BrainFireBob

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DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground Trailer has dropped
« on: September 15, 2020, 03:11:55 AM »
Perhaps, but it doesn't read like the trailer showed.

Trailers aren't that exact. They don't closely gather at a table, either

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground Trailer has dropped
« on: September 10, 2020, 03:08:12 PM »
I think the trailer is confusing and possibly misleading, we have to read to connect the dots.  It shows a lot of action, but it doesn't make a lot of sense.  Harry rallies or tries to, the supernatural types at Mac's place.. Is this the group that doesn't take him seriously and as a result a lot of people die or get hurt?  At another point he is rallying a lot of what looks like a lot of vanilla human types, now what chance do they have?  That might lead to his flash backs of a blood soaked pavement because they did listen.  Between the two trailers Harry seems captured at one point, he is singing the "Spidy" song, another he is flat on the ground with Marcone shaking him because he is the only one who can save them.  The Ethniu is holding up a spear, we know from the cover of the book, Harry at some point has put the knife on end of his staff.. Question if it is that powerful, if Ethniu has managed to get it away from him, how can she be defeated?  Murphy, though she helps when Harry battles the giant squid, she tosses a rope, and shines a flare, but she is hardly mobile yet in the trailer she is able to sit a motorcycle?  And shoulder a bazooka or rocket launcher with an injured shoulder?  Where is Vadderung in all of this?  From Christmas Eve we know that he survives, Harry survives, Michael, Molly, and Mab all survive.. So while the trailer makes it look dire for Harry, he manages somehow to come back and win, but at a great price seemingly.

Spidey bit happened in Peace Talks- it's when he's in the privy shaft

DF Spoilers / Peace Talks Eb theory permutation (spoilers, Peace Talks)
« on: September 10, 2020, 01:45:58 PM »
(click to show/hide)

Thought I'd share.

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly's Doppelganger Ring Crafting
« on: September 04, 2020, 03:44:19 PM »

Closest fit I've seen anyone drag up.

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground !!!SPOILERS!!!
« on: September 03, 2020, 06:42:49 PM »
There must be a way around that when it comes to execution, otherwise warlocks wouldn't get the chop.

Takes vision. Hence the bagging 9f the head.

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly's Doppelganger Ring Crafting
« on: September 03, 2020, 02:58:47 PM »
They White Council stole the Black Staff in the first place. If mortal laws apply, they have no right to it, unlike the superweapons and diamonds, the owner (Hades) permitted their removal, Harry is the legal owner. If anyone wants to dispute Hades right dispose of them to Harry, they would have to serve proceedings on Hades in his domain. Very much service out of jurisdiction. Eb would be subject to US law and The White Council subject to Scottish Law, all Mother Winter needs is a lawyer. Perhaps the creation of a new Mantle, The Winter Lawyer? But where would you find a feral lawyer to take up the Mantle? Pretty much anywhere.

Lot of assumptions here.

We know that she lost her walking stick, and per WoJ that was related to the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

1) Doesn't mean the Council took it themselves
2) Right of conquest can come into play there
3) This is potentially Norwegian law circa 1000 AD in play, and/or Saxon law- it was taken from Norwegians by Saxons prior to the conquering of the latter kingdom by the Normans. Good luck finding a mortal lawyer for that, or even a court system.
4) The fact Mother Winter "lost" her walking stick doesn't mean it was stolen. Lost <=> stolen.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan's Journal Revisited
« on: September 02, 2020, 10:12:47 PM »
Not sure Harry would pick up the Black Staff, consequences without guilt are not his sort of thing, and he believes in the 7 laws and would rather be creative about doing what he needs to do without breaking them.

Besides if he returns Mother Winters walking stick, she owes him a huge favour, perhaps healing/curing Thomas?. The Mothers provided a cure for Susan remember, the unravelling, when Harry couldn’t. A bit of foreshadowing as Harry has once again a loved one in peril from their vampire half.

Mab would love him to be the Black Staff, and Mother Winter would love Mab to have been less soft and sentimental with Harry. Accepting the Black Staff back would be in keeping with Mother Winter forcing Mab to live with the consequences of her soft treatment of Harry, an unruly and headstrong Knight. Harry is Mab’s punishment.

I've long wondered the following:

1) If Mother Winter is so nasty because she's not protected from black magic backlash, hence the stick.
2) If the Blackstaff can cure existing corruption- so pull out from Harry the taint of killing DuMorne. Harry would probably be down with that.
3) If the penultimate end of the series results in the combination of the following Chekov's guns:

  • Demonreach
    Harry's immunity to Nemfection
    The Darkhallow
    The Blackstaff

Or, the series ends with Harry ascending by nom noming the Nemfected, tainted powers trapped in Demonreach- as the Blackstaff pulls out the tainted aspect and Harry's Starborn status sloughs the Nemfection. And he ascends to the new Guardian of Reality- for his descendents.

DF Spoilers / Re: Sample Chapters on TOR
« on: September 02, 2020, 03:45:45 PM »
None of that made Harry particularly dangerous though. I only think it was a bit of misstep as the line led the reader in one direction when the narrative was going in another. It feels like a leftover from a draft where Harry did something a little more flashy than not drown and play back up to the ladies.

I think it's from being half a book. He's worried about being a wizard helpless in the dark with monsters, then realizes he's also a thing that goes bump in the night. He can see the creature, and is fighting with his near superhuman strength and pain immunity at that point.

DF Spoilers / Re: Sample Chapters on TOR
« on: September 01, 2020, 10:11:36 PM »
No, which if you will remember surprised Harry, and actually made him a bit afraid of Marcone.  However he did find a corner where Marcone was vulnerable.  One has to wonder, perhaps Marcone wasn't afraid because he was trying to come up with a way to use Harry?

Marcone's attitude changed and he nodded to himself. I tend towards he recognized that Harry couldn't be bought, but was a man bound by his principles to wage war to the mattresses for causes he supported. So, a man you can point at things but not one to control or influence, and one that will tie his own hands against you if you don't give him cause.

I tend towards thinking Harry looks like a take on Hades, or some of the book covers. He is the storm, and held by his will, the power to unleash hell.

Could you imagine that? Id-Harry staring into your soul, looking . . .considering . . .while holding the leash of the hounds of hell loosely?

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Peabody's partner at the Peace Talks? (My guess)
« on: August 27, 2020, 05:46:29 PM »
His gift is chronomancy.

Now, how can one use chronomancy acceptably given the laws?

I suppose passive observation would be allowed, be very useful for a Warden to be able to perceive the near-immediate future and the past as it happened.

Does that change any of the scenes with Chandler?

I think it is important that Harry to Butters called then the Hounds of Tindalos its from there the time travel connection was made, not from Eb, who merely called the corner hounds without really elucidating further. They clearly were pursuing Eb, so Harry has to surmise that Eb has time travelled

I feel the idea that Eb mind-whammied Thomas to try and "free" Harry of the White Court and Svartalves is weak writing with how the book was written- but I think it's plausible because of the ruckus Eb raised when he essentially pushed his way in to visit Harry. It seemed out of character for him. He attracted the attention of the security force, and had *lots* of witnesses that he was nowhere near Thomas at the time- and obviously he can't be in two places at once. Except he can, if he time travels. And he conveniently has a starborn to help him cope with the major reason not to do a very short time jump- the corner hounds.

DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan's Journal Revisited
« on: August 27, 2020, 05:39:30 PM »
I rather think Morgan was underestimated.

Morgan was seen as a shotgun, or attack dog- dangerous at KABOOM magic, but not a free-thinking individual. People forgot he had his own mind.

Morgan might be the White Council's public executioner- Eb, of course, being their assassin- but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a moral code.

I rather think this, combined with Turn Coat, points to someone trying to setup Morgan to execute Harry without understanding that Morgan's rigidity wasn't mental, it was moral- he would literally be damned before betraying his principles and loyalties. Morgan was the one ultimately responsible for the Doom being revoked. At the end, he concluded Harry was no warlock but was stupidly reckless at times (which Harry would probably concede)- which means instead of it being a settled question in his mind (as we were given the impression) it was a question he was still personally considering. Morgan let them down by not being what is called in DnD a "murder hobo."

Which points to whoever the enemy is in the White Council, they don't have a lot of experience with/exposure to the Wardens, or they'd not have under-rated Morgan that way. That's the clear takeaway to me. That, or their exposure to the Wardens predates Morgan being a prominent personality. What I can't decide is if this makes Langtry more or less likely to be Black Council. I lean toward less, and that Langtry is the pillar on Harry's "side" on a larger scale than Harry is aware of- with Harry and Langtry both finding this out with corresponding angst later. Phrased differently: Langtry is the "real" problem for the Black Council, and Harry keeps coming out of his self-imposed hermitage (in WC terms) to interfere and generally be in the way.

Regarding Morgan himself: I rather think he was more clever than people realized, but that he was on a mushroom diet. I can see his report on the Naagloshii being "Encountered Naagloshii. Will not be a further problem for the Council" with no words about how, what, why, or that he actually killed the thing.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bob's parents.
« on: August 23, 2020, 03:35:06 PM »
Bob could derive from a shadow- either Lash or Lasciel vould be considered Bonea's mother.

I'm playing with Lea and MacAnally. Lea being able to insert a "shadow" as part of her particular MO fits. Mac being so loquacious with Harry- for Mac- fits being a godfather. Lea also would then have forged a connection to Harry's via Bob, and Bob very well could spy for his mama on the side- on Kemmler, on Justin, on Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Maeve and Cait Sith- what happened?
« on: August 23, 2020, 02:08:01 AM »
Posted in the wrong thread! Reposting:

I have a half-baked theory that’s tangentially involved here.

What is the purpose of the Winter and Summer ladies?

When they are first introduced, we as readers are influenced by Harry’s ignorance into thinking that the courts are balanced. They’re not. Mab has far more temporal power, but Titania acts as a kill-switch against her personally. This, in short, is enough to show that the queens aren’t mirrors.

What do we know about the Ladies? Very little.

1)   Maeve has her own coterie of supporters
2)   Per Molly, Maeve hadn’t done her job for at least a century
3)   Per Molly, we learn that at least one aspect of those duties is collecting the “tribute”- the children- of Winter fae to draft as soldiers in the war on a periodic basis
4)   Per Molly, we learn that the vamping of the Winter Lady- her seductiveness- is involuntary, and that she also must remain virgin
5)   We know that the Ladies move together- if one moves, the other follows
6)   We know that many Fae only reproduce with mortals, per WoJ
7)   We know that the war against Outside causes unfathomable casualties and Winter needs a massive army to fight it.
8)   A necessary corollary to #7 is that there’s a need for a large population of prime-age Winter beings to be breeding constantly.

So, WAG: The duties of the Winter Lady include the following:
1)   Induce changelings to Choose Fae, making them draft-eligible. Her seductiveness would be an aid in this regard, arousing their Winter instincts.
2)   A “rotation” to maintain Winter’s numbers- the Winter Lady is also responsible for making sure/escorting Fae “off the front lines” to breed.
3)   Corollary to #1: If the Winter Lady exists to tempt Fae toward Choosing, the Summer Lady must exist to guarantee their free will- the balance.

Three significant members of Maeve’s coterie are the Redcap, Jenny Greenteeth, and the Rawbones. We’re told the Rawbones need to keep absorbing dead matter to stay alive- and dead Nevernever creatures turn to goo, so as soon as he went on the front he’d be on a countdown to extinction. If, as I suspect, Lily is Greenteeth’s daughter, then two of the changelings Reuel was protecting were children of Maeve’s close supporters. If in turn they would go back to the frontlines as soon as they had a replacement- say, for instance, there always must be a Redcap- then he’s off the lines knocking up ladies until he has a Sidhe heir, at which point it’s back to fighting until dead.

What I like about this is it gives “within-Sidhe” rules for Maeve to be mucking about. To put an example name on it, the Redcap needs an heir. Until that’s accomplished, Maeve is to take him around to sexy parties.  If she induces said heirs to not Choose Fae, well, she’s still on item #1 of her in-order checklist, now isn’t she? Especially if she’s using her supporters to torment the Changelings, not doing it herself (mantle may not allow it). For their parents, since the front is probably a death sentence aside from “breeding rotation”, the incentive to support Maeve is obvious- especially if, like the Redcap, they suffer from compulsions they can’t satisfy on the front.

So Maeve can ignore her duties simply by not being diligent about a checklist. Put differently, if she is compelled by duty to put on her shoes, then go outside, and she gives one of her supporters a cookie to throw her shoes outside where she can’t get to them without going outside without shoes, then she never has to go outside, item #2 on the checklist.

Maybe it’s not even an heir- maybe she’s supposed to use the Redcap to breed units of vicious fighters, but the effect would be the same- until the numbers come in, she just has to keep throwing wild parties.

DF Spoilers / Re: About Bob... (Spoilers All, Spoilers today's AMA)
« on: August 23, 2020, 02:07:28 AM »
Sidenote: Bob's a thousand years old, but Etienne put him in the skull around 800 years ago. Lot of readers connect the two, but there's no reason to- Bob could have been wandering around "free" for a long time before Etienne made him the skull- which has all the earmarks of a bargain; he has to be released from it but he's always safe from the Sun.

Main point: Wrong thread, moved!

Personally, I vote for one of the Queens. Bob's parent has to not mind that he's running around, or not care.

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