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Messages - JDK002

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DFRPG / multi-form wereform
« on: July 20, 2012, 03:06:20 AM »
So I've been kicking around this character idea for a little bit and wouldn't mind some advice on making sure it's balanced.  I'm trying to make a were-spider character.  But the idea of someone turning into one single spider seems a bit underwhelming.  I have two ideas that I would really like to use together for one character, just not sure how I should set up the powers and refresh costs.

My first idea was the character turns into a swarm of spiders roughly equal to his body mass.  Each one containing a fraction of his consciousness, meaning the spiders have to stay within a general radius of each other or the stray ones turn into ectoplasm.  This counters any "i know everything that's going on because I have spiders at every location we've ever been do this scenario" game breakers.

The second is one large spider with the same body mass as the character in human form.  I figure a slightly modified Hulking Size power would work (it's big for a spider).  But trade out the stealth penalty for something else, as a 200 pound spider that can climb walls could still be stealthy.

Both ideas alone are easy enough to do.  But if I want a character that can do both, would just making them double up on Beast Change be fair?  I'm just not sure -1 refresh balances out a 3rd stat load out you can flip to pretty much on the fly.  Though I'm thinking powers taken for each form would never overlap.  By that I mean if the giant spider form had Claws and Venom, the spider swarm would not.

I think it has a lot to do with timing and who was messing with the balance of power.  In the case of SK it was during an important shift in power between the courts.  Refusal to give up the stone table was what sparked the war.  Not the missing mantle of the SK.  Also one of the summer ladies purposely manipulating the power balance to start a war is a bit different than Mab doing everything she can to prevent her knight from dying.

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