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Messages - Save_vs_DM

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DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Power List
« on: April 27, 2011, 05:02:53 AM »
I think you mean Conviction, not Discipline. Although letting the player choose between +1 power or +1 control might be a good idea.
I do indeed mean Conviction. Maybe wording it with +1 control or power would be better.

What does "one additional point of stress" mean? Does it just mean -1 power? Or do all non-rotes cost 2 stress at a minimum?
I mean that all spells cost 2 stress at minimum.

I've edited the powers for clarification and to reflect the changes.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Power List
« on: April 26, 2011, 11:24:59 PM »
Here are the revisions to the powers I'm working on. I think they work better now. Plus a new flaw for spellcasters.

Focused Study [–0]
Musts: Channeling and/or Ritual.
Description:  Experienced focused practitioners learn in time how to refine and focus their abilities, gaining a deeper understanding of their one particular area of study.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Lore.
Intense Focus.
You have chosen to focus heavily upon one particular application of spellcraft. When you take this power you forever give up the ability to upgrade Channeling to Evocation or upgrade Ritual to Thaumaturgy.
Focused Specialization. You may now choose to gain specialization bonuses when buying the Refinement power.

Focused Mastery [-1]
Musts: Focused Study
Description: With experience comes eventual mastery. A few focused practitioners have learned how to unlock their full potential and gain an incredible amount of mastery over their chosen area of spellcraft.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Esoteric Lore.
You roll Lore at +1 when dealing with magic particular to your area of focus (as determined by your element, ritual, or theme).
Potent Specialization. You no longer need to structure your specialization bonuses for each ability according to the same “column” limits for skills (see page 65). You still cannot have any specialization bonuses higher than your Lore skill.

Rote Reliance [+1]
Musts: At least one rote spell.
Description: You aren't very good at improving with your magic, preferring to stick to a few well rehearsed and known spells.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Improvisational Block.
You suck at casting any spell you haven't worked out ahead of time. When casting  non rote spells, consider your Conviction and Discipline to be 2 steps lower than the actual ratings.
Total Reliance [+1]. You are totally reliant upon a few well rehearsed spells. The only spells you can cast are rote spells. When casting such spells you must roll to control the power as if you were casting them normally.

Signature Spell [-1]
Musts: At least one rote spell.
Description: You are well known for one spell in particular. You might be a one trick pony, but it's a damn good trick!
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Lore.
Choose one of your rote spells when you buy this power. This spell then becomes your signature spell and gains the benefits listed below when you cast that spell by rote. You may only have one signature spell at a time. At the game masters discretion you may be able to change your signature spell after a Significant or Major milestone.
Efficient Spellcraft. You've refined one spell so greatly that you can cast it with incredible efficiency. When determining the mental stress cost (page 250) of your signature spell, consider your Conviction to be 1 step higher than its actual rating.
One Last Spell. You've learned to keep a little bit of energy in reserve for your favorite spell. You may spend a Fate Point instead of taking metal stress when casting your signature spell.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Power List
« on: April 26, 2011, 05:09:47 AM »
Yeah, at this point I think I'm just gonna drop Signature Spell. It's a fun idea (in my head) but there's just no way to make it balanced and interesting. And it's not like wizards need any help.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Power List
« on: April 26, 2011, 01:49:58 AM »
I think that the first power (Focused Study) is better than Refinement.  This in my opinion shouldn't be.  I think adding two rote spells should be added to the Refinement power in any game that this power is allowed also.  I think perhaps choosing only one option per refresh is more balanced. Perhaps allowing two choices per is fine but once all choices are picked (each only allowed to be chosen once) the power cannot be taken again.
Not a bad suggestion. What if they still had to obey the column limits? In that instance they'd be limited to a +1 bonus and a +2 bonus for channeling and ritual. In which case this is more or less refinement then.

I'm really leery on only allowing one option per refresh, since that makes it half as effective as Refinement. That one extra refresh for Evocation gives you a heck of a lot of bang for your back when compared to Channeling. Plus if you limit it to only one option per pick then you might as well pick Evocation at that point. You'd get the same specialization benefit plus two extra elements.

Personally, my thinking is this: Refinement lets you pick 2 specialization bonuses per choice (and in my games I did add the rote spell clause to refinement) which is what this does. Those specializations must go into one element; but if you only have one element known then choosing said element is pointless. Then again, I suppose you could take sponsored magic. That loophole needs closed.

While on the topic I think it is entirely possible non wizard spell casters get the shaft in the long run, I'm not sure how to fix that, but this doesn't seem quite optimal to me.
This is so freaking true. My players are now sitting at 13 refresh and the wizard is just an utter powerhouse. It's gotten to the point where the rest of the characters are feeling overshadowed. And unfortunately, the normal balance of compelling the wizard like crazy only makes him stronger in the long run. I've no idea how to close the gap.

Focused Mastery -2 (this costs too much for what it does.
That's good to know. See, I was worried that it was too cheap for what it offered.

The closest thing to keeping casters in check is forcing them to take metal stress for spells.  Letting them skip that is a bad idea.  If the power is allowed it should only be allowed once, not several times (one signature spell ever).  I also think letting them cast it multiple times per day without stress is a poor idea.  Maybe only allow the casting without stress once a day?
Yeah, the power might well be much too powerful. And I never intended it to be taken multiple times.

You know, I might modify it instead. Maybe give the wizard a +1 bonus on his targeting roll with that one spell instead of reducing stress.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Power List
« on: April 26, 2011, 12:16:12 AM »
Alas, the setting strongly privileges full-powered spellcasters, so the rules support that. Which I do not intend as actual criticism of your proposed powers.
None taken, of course. But at the same time page 76 (the sticky notes) makes it sound like some of them should be incredibly capable (that's a literally phrase from "Harry") so I felt the rules should really reflect that.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Power List
« on: April 25, 2011, 11:31:53 PM »
So here are a few powers I've been working on and would like a bit of feedback, if you folks would be so kind.

Focused Study [–1]
Musts: Channeling and/or Ritual; if you take this power you cannot later upgrade Channeling to Evocation or upgrade Ritual to Thaumaturgy.
Description:  Experienced focused practitioners learn in time how to refine and focus their abilities, gaining a deeper understanding of their one particular area of study.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Lore.
Deeper Understanding.
Focused Study is a tool for improving your channeling over time. Each time Focused Study is taken, choose two of the following options:
Learn and master 2 additional rote spells.
Gain a +1 power bonus for all your evocations.
Gain a +1 control bonus for all your evocations.
Gain a +1 complexity bonus for all your rituals.
Gain a +1 control bonus for all your rituals.
Unlike refinement, you do not have to structure your specialization bonuses according to the “column” limits for skills (see page 65).

Focused Mastery [-2]
Focused Study
Description: With experience comes eventual mastery. A few focused practitioners have learned how to unlock their full potential and gain an incredible amount of mastery over their chosen area of spellcraft.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Breadth of Knowledge.
You have far fewer blind spots than most other spellcasters who deal with your type of spellcraft. This has no actual game effect other than giving you better justification for performing magic that might be considered unusual for your particular brand of spellcasters. Game masters are encouraged to be a bit more lenient with such players when they attempt more unusual uses of magic.  For example, a pyromancer with this power might make the case for fire being a purifying element and use this justification to perform a spell that “burns out” a sickness or malady someone is suffering.
Depth of Knowledge. You've unlocked a lot of secrets within your area of specialization. Roll Lore at +1 whenever dealing with your particular area of expertise (as defined by your Channeling or Ritual power). For example, a pyromancer would roll his Lore at +1 whenever dealing with fire magic or the results of fire magic.
Respected Master. Your expertise is so extensive that even wizards respect your prowess. When dealing with other spellcasters (anyone with the Channeling, Evocation, or Sponsored Magic powers), all of your social skill rolls operate at a +1 bonus.

Signature Spell [-1]
Channeling or Evocation
Description: You've utterly mastered a single spell and have learned how to cast it with an economy of energy and motion.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Signature Spell.
Choose one of your rote spells. The stress cost for casting this one particular spell is reduced by one. If this reduction would reduce the stress cost to zero you may only cast this spell for zero stress a number of times equal to your Lore rank, after which you must pay the normal stress cost.

Focused Study is more or less Refinement for people who have Channeling and Ritual. It's always bothered me that people who focus in one particular element can't actually get any better at that element (unless they make an item). This bridges that gap but also locks you out of further upgrading. That's why the bonuses say all evocations: you'll only ever have one element or type of ritual. The addition of gaining rote spells just felt right.

Focused Mastery is a bit murkier. I like the general feel of the power but it's really hard to price because one of the benefits is so nebulous. I made the other two benefits somewhat minor (a lesser version of Marked by Power) to compensate. I'm really open to suggestions if people happen to have other ideas. I just felt that focused practitioners needed a cool capstone ability.

I'm still really up in the air on Signature Spell. It was a neat mechanic I was toying around with and I wanted to write it up formally. I think it might be a bit strong for only 1 point of refresh, but it fills a bit too lackluster for 2 refresh. However, I was looking at the Incite Emotions and Beast Change powers. Both are more or less "one spell" that you can cast for free all the live long day. However, wizard spells are a lot more potent so I knew they shouldn't be unlimited. And linking it to Lore at least makes sure you have to keep a third skill up there (and does play into the Rote spell aspect). Thoughts on the power of this one?

DFRPG / Re: One of my nastier NPCs - opinions?
« on: April 15, 2011, 07:55:13 AM »
Thanks for the tip.


If the group ever actually faces Mommy Hannah, though, it will either be after (intelligently) trying to face her at great range, or she could stealth right into them and get  the first shot with an ambush (which would be disgustingly nasty).

If the group has to use their fate points for defense (which would be likely), they won't be able to get as much off in offense.

Another thing I could do is have Mommy Hannah attack only part of the group.

Hmm... this really gives me something to think about, though.  According to Your Story, stattting a monster that would give a real challenge to my group would be like... 80 refresh.

An 80 refresh Lich for instance could be tossing around like 40 shift evocations around!

It's all ok as long as my PCs are prepared to die... lol.  I may email them about just that today.
Well, I've found that after about 40-50 refresh things just simply get too wonky. At that point I start looking at mooks to fill things out a bit more. Even with that huge stress track you can still stack everything into one wicked attack and go nuts.

Now, if you can survive a few big strikes things get much more interesting. And it may be different with you, as I know all of the characters really well and the entire situation (this being a con game).

DFRPG / Re: Two Power Questions
« on: April 15, 2011, 07:52:39 AM »
Thanks for the feedback folks. I'm trying to stat this guy out as an Up to your Waist level character and I don't think the immunity to poisons thing is gonna make the cut. It was a fun idea but I can see the argument for actually make it that expensive. (For what it's worth, I'm thinking a blanket immunity to Toxins would be the way to go).

As for the taste power, I'm thinking that I might just list it as "heightened taste" and call it being able to make assessments and declarations with Alertness when it comes to taste. That lets the GM (if one ever materializes) set the difficulty or if it's even possible.

I should state that my intention with the power was letting him sort of analyze other potions and liquids by taste. Not enough to actually let him reproduce them right then and there, but enough to get him started on further research into the area. Mostly it was just kind of a flavor thing that I didn't think was handled well enough by aspects.

DFRPG / Re: One of my nastier NPCs - opinions?
« on: April 14, 2011, 10:27:13 AM »
Just to give you some perspective, this is the guy I put up against 6 Waist Deep (7 Refresh) heroes:

High Concept: Spirit of Cannibalism
Other Aspects: Cruel; Insatiable Appetite; Weakened From Ages of Imprisonment

Athletics: Fair (+2)
Composure: Great (+4)
Discipline: Superb (+5)
Fists: Superb (+5)
Endurance: Superb (+5)
Intimidation: Superb (+5)
Presence: Great (+4)
Most other skills default to Good.

Claws [–1]
Demense [-1]
Hulking Size [-2]
Incite Emotion (Lasting Emotion, At Range) [-3] insatiable hunger
Spirit Form (Poltergeist) [-5]
Supernatural Strength [–4]
Supernatural Speed [–4]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Mythic Toughness [–6]
The Catch [+2] is holy weapons and expressions of genuine faith
Physical Immunity [–8]
The Catch (Stacked) [+4] is that it only works against those filled with insatiable hunger
Supernatural Sense [-1] hunger

Physical OOOOOO(OOOOOO); +1 minor consequence; Armor: 2
Mental OOOO   Social OOOO

Claws - Fists (+5): Weapon: 6; Defend with Athletics
Incite Emotion - Discipline (+5): Weapon: 2; Defend with Discipline
Warp Demense - Discipline (+5): Weapon: 0; Defend with Athletics or Composure

Physical Dodge: Good (+3); includes Hulking Size penalty

Total Refresh Cost: –32

They managed to take him out in TWO attacks by burning a ton of collected fate points. Just be warned that if your players have enough fate points they can potentially end the fight very, very quickly.

DFRPG / Re: Fred Hicks talks about "Rumors From The Paranet"
« on: April 14, 2011, 10:24:18 AM »
Is there a transcript for the hearing impaired, by chance?

DFRPG / Two Power Questions
« on: April 14, 2011, 10:22:22 AM »
So, I'm working a PC (sadly for the fun of it, since I think I'm only ever going to be the GM for DF) and I've been thinking about two powers and wondering if they're balanced or not. Was hoping to get some feedback and consensus here.

The first is Supernatural Sense (Analytical Taste). Basically this guy can taste something and immediately tell you what it is, what ingredients went into it, and maybe even where said ingredients were produced or grown. But that's it. So this is a guy who could totally get the secret formula of Coke by tasting it. Or he could tell you where the grapes in a wine were grown. But he couldn't taste blood at a murder scene and tell you who's it is or what their blood type was.

Question is, do you think that's a valid use of Supernatural Sense, or is it too overpowered? I'm kind of on the fence about it. I'd totally allow it if one of my players asked me, but I wanted to get some feedback. It almost feels too powerful for a single point of refresh.

The second power was Physical Immunity with the Catch that it only works against ingested poisons. Now, I have this priced at a +5 rebate (+2 for only protecting against one thing, +2 because not ingested poisons is INCREDIBLY easy to find, and +1 because a wizard would know about it) but I have a hard time thinking that Immunity to Ingested Poisons is worth as much as Evocation. But that's what the rules get me.

Do you think a +7 catch (reducing the power to -1) would be too much for that immunity? Or should I go with the rules and just accept that my concept is going to require -4 refresh in powers?

And FYI, I don't really have a GM to appeal to. In our group I'm the GM. That and this guy is an alchemist and I just thought that it would be neat if he was a super taster and immune to ingested poisons.

DFRPG / Re: More Holy Swords Than Three?
« on: April 14, 2011, 10:02:28 AM »
In my campaign, the players have recently uncovered information about an unknown branch of the Order of Santiago which was not secularized in the sixteenth century, but instead continues to watch over four Swords of the Saints: Joyeuse, Durandal, Curtana and Almace, and their potential wielders. [Note:  I chose these with reference to the Song of Roland and each contains relics of a specific patron saint.]
Of course, Charlemagne’s sword is said to have been buried with him, and Curtana is currently in Ultima Thule…  ;)
We did something similar in my game. I even have stats for Durendal, if you're interested.

Personally, I don't think it breaks anything if there are more swords, though said swords should have different powers. Here's what I have for Durendal.

Durendal [-3]
Description: Durendal is a holy relic every bit as powerful as one of the Swords of the Cross.  While the Knights of the Cross concern themselves with fighting the Order of the Blackened Denarius, the weilder of Durendal (and several other lesser holy relics) has been tasked with protecting a smaller area of the world.  Where the Swords of the Cross can cut through the most potent protections Durendal can temporarily strip an evil entity of its greatest power.  Such a boon does not last long, however, and so the weilders of this holy relic learn to finish their fights quickly.
Musts: You must have a destiny or calling to inherit the Sword, represented as a high concept or template.
Skills Affected: Weapons, others

Armor of Faith.  When weilded with a true and holy purpose Durendal surrounds the bearer with a nimbus of golden radiance.  This holy light provides the weidler with Armor: 2 against the attacks of supernaturally evil beings and creatures.

Divine Purpose. Durendal may only be swung with true selfless purpose in mind and heart; if this is not the case, the bond between the Weilder and the Sword is broken and may only be restored by undergoing some sort of trial of faith. When swung without such purpose in mind and heart, the blow does not land (any attack roll automatically fails), the bond is immediately broken, and the sword falls from the wielder’s hand.

Hidden from the Unworthy.  Durendal was only meant to be weilded by those of great faith and piety.  Those who do not possess the Righteousness power tend to overlook the presence of Durendal – at least until it has been drawn.

Holy. This weapon is a powerful holy symbol in its own right. Its very touch is like holy water or that of a cross or other symbol of faith backed by the belief of the possessor.

Lay Low the Wicked. Durendal was crafted with a singular purpose in mind – protecting the innocent from supernatural evil.  The Weilder of Durendal can temporarily supress the powers of supernaturally evil beings by spending a Fate point and making a special maneuver.  This is a Weaponry manuever opposed by the target's Conviction or Endurance (whichever is higher).  If the maneuver is successful the Weilder may supress one of the target's powers for a number of exchanges equal to the shifts gained in the action.  If the maneuver is unsuccessful the Weilder instead takes stress equal to the shifts gained by the target.

It’s a Sword. Durendal is a scimitar (+2 damage) with a golden hilt.  It is said to contain within its golden hilt one tooth of Saint Peter, blood of Saint Basil, hair of Saint Denis, and a piece of the raiment of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.

Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, the sword already includes the one-time discount (page 167). This means that if the character possesses more than one Item of Power, the one-time discount will not apply on that second item. If Durendal is the second or subsequent artifact the character gains, the refresh cost is –5.

DFRPG / Re: Using DFRPG to model Alera
« on: March 24, 2011, 10:16:57 PM »
For furycrafting, why not use Modular Abilities? IIRC, they had to divide their attention between the different facets of crafting. Also, it does take some time to "activate" their crafting-enhanced abilities.

That's not a bad idea, either. However, the more I think about it, the more I realize that Aleran furycraft is a bit longer lasting than Dresden Evocation. More and more I'm thinking that while Evocation is a great thing to base things on, it needs to be changed to suit the way the magic works in the world.

The one reason I don't want to use Inhuman ___ powers to model this is that the Aleran's don't always have access to them. A Cane is always stronger than a human - but an earthcrafter is only strong when he's in contact on the earth and using a modicum of will to channel his fury. A subtle but important distinction.

DFRPG / Re: Using DFRPG to model Alera
« on: March 23, 2011, 02:51:29 AM »
I wrote out a pretty comprehensive chart for Furycrafting a while back. If I find it, I'll link it.
That would be enormously helpful!

DFRPG / Using DFRPG to model Alera
« on: March 22, 2011, 11:46:59 PM »
So, I'm making my way through the Codex Alera (almost done with Book 5, so please avoid book 6 spoilers!) and I really have a hankering to run a game in that setting. It seems to me that the DF RPG would work pretty well. But I wanted to get some feedback and suggestions as well.

  • Humans: Are the only ones who get access to Furycrafting. (I'm ignoring the Icemen for now, as they seem too insular to really use in a game.)
  • Marat: I'm gonna give them Echoes of the Beast as a default. Depending on totem they might get extra abilities as well. Will require a high concept. They might also need a few custom powers for the beast bonding.
  • Canes: Are gonna be a bit spendier, I think. Default warriors seem to get Inhuman Strength and Hulking Size, with Wizard's Constitution to represent the long lifespan. I'm on the fence in regards to Inhuman Speed. They should also likely get Pack Instincts and probably Echoes of the Beast (Wolf) as well.
  • Actually, come to think of it, I think I'm gonna have to come up with a generic "Enhanced Senses" power to represent the keener senses of the Marat and Canim. Probably 1 refresh and a blanket +1 to Alertness rolls.

  • Fortunately the rules are more or less already created for me. Crafters of a Citizens power use Evocation and most folks just have Channeling. Elements are obvious (Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Wood, Water). I'll likely need a lot of rotes for most of the common stuff.
  • I'm uncertain if certain crafters should have access to the Inhuman line of modifiers. It seems to me that Earthcrafters might be able to snag both Inhuman Toughness and Inhuman Strength, and metalcrafters could claim the same.
  • I think I might need to mod the spellcasting rules for generic fury use. Most of the internal stuff should probably not cost you a minimum of 1 stress.
  • Modeling the furies themselves is gonna be tougher. I think I might be able to snag the Minion stunts from Spirit of the Century as a basis. Then again, I wonder if they could just be modeled on a creative application of basic furycrafting.

Other Thoughts
  • The skill list is almost perfect as is. About the only change needs to be swapping Archery for Guns. Driving should probably also be swapped for Riding. Mostly it's just cosmetic changes.
  • I'm thinking about completely dropping the Catch requirement, that or expanding it into a general "weakness" style power. After all, most kinds of crafting can be disrupted by an opposite element, such as salt disrupting a windcrafter. Seems to me that you should be getting some refresh back for that.

So, any other thoughts? Any of you guys want to help me develop this further?

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