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Messages - LordDresden

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Darkest Hours / Re: Throwing cars...
« on: November 30, 2009, 03:27:50 AM »

I can't watch my husband and sons in SCA combat.  (Especially the sons, because I want to grab a broom and shoo the bad people trying to hit my Babies!)

A coworker of mine was relieved that her daughter (now about 18) didn't want to be a cheerleader.  She (the daughter) is short and slender so she'd be the one the other girls tossed in the air and caught.  The mother said she was sure it would give her an ulcer to watch them throw her daughter up in the air the way they do the smallest girls.

(In actual fact, cheerleading has one of the highest injury rates of any athletic activity among teens, IIANM it's higher than tackle football.)

Darkest Hours / Re: Throwing cars...
« on: November 30, 2009, 03:24:32 AM »
Well look at the plus side the blasted the marriage away so no more worries there. (Yes I'm a little pissed at that)

You're not the only one.  Quesada made a lot of enemies with that, both for doing it and for how it was done.  It's turned up over on repeatedly.

Darkest Hours / Throwing cars...
« on: October 07, 2009, 03:11:39 AM »
I loved the bit in the novel in which MJ reveals how unnerving (ulcer-making, really) it would be to be married to (or otherwise tightly involved with) a superhero that you really cared for.  She'd seen on the news where the enemy had been throwing cars at Peter.

That's the thing, in the Marvel Universe everybody's seen various superpeople in crazy fights, it's part of everyday life like car crashes or scandals or H1N1.  But when MJ watches the news, she doesn't see 'supervillain throwing cars at Spidey', she sees 'supervillain throwing cars at Peter'.  Quite a different thing, and a deep level of personal helplessness, sort of like being married to a cop or a soldier only worse, and and with live video of the dangerous parts usually at hand.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: April 18, 2009, 05:50:50 AM »
I am not allowed to use videocameras to record Lara and her sisters the next time they show up, just so I can rewatch the film in slow motion later.

I am, however, allowed to hire Vince to film them via telephoto lens just so I can rewatch it in slow motion later.  (How can I watch it when the videotronic gear blows out around me?  Wouldn't you like to know...)

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: March 18, 2009, 05:52:27 AM »
If he only had hands...

Bob thinks:  " cute.  He thinks I need hands to upload porn..."  :D

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: March 18, 2009, 05:48:16 AM »
I am no longer allowed to use pyrofuego on other people's television sets just because they are playing the 'Barney Song'.

"I love you, you love me, we're a-"
"PYROFUEGO, you lumpy dinosaur-like mindwarping nightmare!"

When I'm working with the Ordo and the Paranet and somebody is making a brew, I am no longer allowed to ask, "Is it soup yet?"

When meeting with Lara, I am not allowed to say, "Hello Nurse!".  She doesn't get the reference, even on those occasions when she dresses the part.

I am no longer allowed to ask, "Got change for a denarius?" when turning over a Coin to Father Forthill.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: January 22, 2009, 03:10:17 AM »
Which is likely to happen. Most people don't find there life partners at 18; drunk; and at mardi grai.

If they had gotten married right away, I would agree, but I'm more cautious since they seem to have taken a little time.  I'd think the big danger would be the risk that Rick was drawn to Lisa by her similiarities to Karrin, which might be the case.  Alternatively, there'd be the risk that there was an element of 'screw you Sis' in Lisa's decision to screw/marry Rick.  Or both.

On the other hand, they might grow into Charity and Michael.  Too soon to say.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: November 24, 2008, 12:28:23 AM »
When showing people my apartment, I must never utter the words "and this is where the magic happens."

However, I am allowed to smile knowingly when Stacy says the same thing...  ;D

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: November 15, 2008, 05:50:55 AM »
The funny thing about the jokes concerning Batman and Robin is that historically, it was a common thing to happen, not the gay parts.  Craftsmen for centuries took boys into their homes as apprentices, to train them up in their own speciality, so all Bruce Wayne did was find a boy whose need for Revenge was as great as his own and train him.

IIRC, Robin was not supposed to be so brilliantly costumed but in something closer to the Batman's own outfit but a combination of factors over-ruled this, including Kane's refusal to have Batman and mini-batman, thus the bolder costume.

Most of the gay jokes about Batman seem to have come about because of the television series and to be quite honest, they were just short of flaming in that. 

Actually, the main source seems to have been a crusading type who came up with the notion that comic books were a root cause of juvenile delinquency, named of Fredric Wertham.  He appears to have been a trifle...overwrought.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: November 09, 2008, 06:11:55 AM »
I am not allowed to refer to Cowl as the Joker

I am, however, allowed to refer to either Lt. Rudolph or Darth Wannabee as 'the Joke'.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: October 27, 2008, 02:08:53 AM »
Come Valentine's Day (or April Fool's Day, six of one half a dozen of the other), I am absolutely not allowed to call up the radio station and dedicate the following songs to the lovely ladies in my life:

I know What Boys Like (Waitresses) to Lara Raith

Hungry Like The Wolf to Andi and Georgia

Do You Really Want To Hurt Me to Deirdre

Waiting For A Girl Like You to Stacy Luccio

Fire and Ice to Titania and Mab

Devil or Angel to Lash

Wild Thing (by Sam Kinnison) to Elaine

You Were Mine to Elaine

Once Bitten, Twice Shy to Susan

Eyes Without A Face to Lasciel

Hot Child In The City to Molly

She's Not You to Murphy

Hard Headed Woman to Murphy

Devil In Disguise to Lash

Always A Woman To Me to Elaine

Cold As Ice To Maeve

Oh My Papa to Lara

They're Coming To Take Me Away to Aurora

Along those same lines, on Mother's Day I am not allowed to call up the radio station and dedicate Elvis' Mean Woman Blues to the memory of my mother, the lyrics make Morgan and Langtry even more paranoid than they already are, and deep down part of me fears that the black cat line might be all too accurate too...

Also, on Ivy's 18th birthday, I am not allowed to call the radio station and dedicate the Hawaii Five-oh theme to her, even though it would probably give Kincaid a heart attack...

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: October 11, 2008, 12:50:36 AM »
Im is not allowed to sell stage side seats and put on pay perview a swim suit compititoin between Murphy, Molly, Lara, Mab, Maeve, Lily, Elaine, Luccio..... even though i dont see why not.

Ivy hands him a crayon-written, highly detailed history of the Trojan War and says, "Here is why not."  8)

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: September 29, 2008, 01:59:40 AM »
Lash and I are not allowed to go on 'American Idol' to play guitar, it's just not fair to the other contestants, and it makes the Merlin crazy with paranoid suspicions about me, he starts raving on about evil spirits...

I am not allowed to ask Elaine to tease Carlos by going out with him....she might like it too much.

I am not allowed to send Toot to spy on Murphy's superiors just to get blackmail so Murph can get her command back.  I don't know why I'm not allowed to do that, but I'm not.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: September 23, 2008, 04:01:11 AM »
The next time one of the Fae queens does something I find particularly objectionable, I am not allowed to threaten to call and tell their mothers on them.

Although that would be funny to see Mother Winter decend on Mab and Maeve scolding them for being so bad and such lose skanks to the nice wizard who was kind enough to vist her in the woods when her own family doesnt even bother to call.  ;)

Maeve and Mab just know all their fun is going down the tubes when they hear the phrase 'nice wizard' from Mother Winter.  :D ;D

"And as for you, granddaughter, you might remember that you're not getting any younger, you're almost 10,000 and you're getting a bad reputation!  You could do worse than a nice, loyal, kind wizard like that, you know!  Do you want him to think you're some kind of slut with a brain smaller than your boobs?"

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: September 23, 2008, 03:51:44 AM »
When the time comes for Molly to learn electricity magic, I am not allowed to 'forget' to remind her to leave the piercings at home.  That would be just cruel...
No Pain, No Gain

Would Charity get mad at Harry if he did that...or would she grin when Molly turned her back and wink and thumbs up?  :D

I am not allowed to permit Bob to possess Mister and send them over to Raith Manor with carte blanche for both of them...unless Lara really pisses me off. 

(I have the mental image of Lara ringing up Harry sometime in the wee hours and wearily asking for terms...)

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