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Messages - Snark Knight

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I'm pretty sure there was a WOJ that, at least, archangels aren't susceptible to Nemesis because their nature is immutable.  Maybe he wasn't speaking to the lower orders of angels on that point because he just wanted to keep readers guessing, but the omission seems striking.

On the other hand, it's not impossible that some of the Fallen - being treacherous by nature - might make a calculated decision to go over to the other side for rewards under the new Outsider order, rather than being compelled by Nemesis.  Or the infection might be of the host rather than the Fallen.

Regarding Namshiel though, I think he's the misdirect, with Tessa and/or Rosanna framing him as the Denarian turncoat.  Marcone isn't an innate talent, or at least he's a very minor one if he has any juice at all - most of what he's doing relies on Namshiel's power. All it would have taken to ensure Nemesis' success in BG would have been for Namshiel to turn off the tap at the crucial moment.  That suggest that while Namshiel is still a dick, he's acting on his own purposes rather than the Outsiders'.

As for Arctis Tor, we don't actually have Mab's reasoning for believing he was the attacker (for that matter, she didn't actively confirm Harry's guess that he was, either, she just stayed silent to it). But I don't think it would be beyond Tessa's abilities to cast a disguise that would pass for Namshiel so long as she didn't get too close to Mab.  Just choose a spiny battle form instead of her usual one - or even cast a high quality illusion of one - fry some foot soldiers from a distance, and boom, you've got a patsy set up even if the attack fails.

Besides, on all the other occasions we've seen Namshiel fight, he seems to have a preference for more esoteric forms of magic over raw fire - I suspect it's an egotistical streak.  I suppose it's possible the attacker really was Namshiel and he was just resorting to crude fire because it's a good counter to lots of Winter troops, but it seems more compelling that someone less talented was posing as Namshiel.

DF Spoilers / Re: Black Council & BG
« on: April 16, 2023, 01:59:02 AM »
We'll have to agree to disagree.

The BC, and I include Nemesis in that, wants dissension,  I agree, but the Accorded Nations are tighter together after fighting together,  that would have happened whether they won the battle or lost it.  Drakul, I don't see him working for anyone, he was just on a recruiting trip.

For now, I'll stand on my belief that Etri's attempted assassination and Ethniu's attack were separate plots by separate groups.   But others used it to pursue their own goals.

Unless or until we get additional evidence one way or the other.

The accorded nations were supposed to be decapitated in the fighting. If the survivors were driven together by the failure of the masquerade but lost most of their monarchs, that would have still been a net win for the BC.  Plus, Ethniu's original play to offer them their safety if they left ahead of the attack would have driven one hell of a wedge if more had taken her up on it.  Those would have been well positioned to attack the remnants of whichever nations did stand, fight, and suffer grievous losses, and predators could hardly resist such an opportunity.

But for argument's sake, sure, let's say the two plots were separate. Blackmailing Thomas into trying to clip Etri still came, what, 36 hours before Ethniu's attack?  And coincident with the Council vote to expel Harry, which was probably a Black Council / Circle move.  That suggests that even if they weren't cooperative, one was timed with knowledge of the others - it's too much of a coincidence that completely disconnected plots strike that close together.  If it doesn't indicate willing alliance, it's still likely one faction is using spies in the other to either follow the spied-on party's timetable for maximum impact, or influence it to when the ones doing the spying wanted it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Master of the Future? The Fugitive...
« on: March 15, 2023, 04:31:30 PM »
Would Cowl know that Mouse could banish the Nemean Lion?  Maybe, but maybe not.  The necromancer would have had to gather some solid intel on Harry to learn that Mouse is a Foo Dog.

Not that difficult to put together that the dog Harry has after knocking over Cowl's Foo dog puppynapping operation is one of them.

DF Spoilers / Re: Master of the Future? The Fugitive...
« on: March 12, 2023, 02:22:53 AM »
So we should assume that Mouse now knows Cowl's scent, and that Cowl isn't anyone that Mouse has met before else he would have recognized Cowl in this story.  That should narrow the list of suspects.

Apropos to maybe nothing, but has Mouse met the Gatekeeper?

I haven't got to the new one yet, but Zoo Day dropped a pretty heavy cluebat that it was Cowl and Kumori who originally stole Mouse and the rest of his litter from the monastery. So Cowl may be as cautious about disguising his scent - at least, around Foo Dogs - as he is about his appearance.

DF Spoilers / Re: Winter and summer relationship
« on: February 28, 2023, 07:15:12 PM »
Then BG happens. And bob says that Mab and Titania fight as practice. In the end of the book when Titania shows up it seems she genuinely loves her sister. There could be other reasons why they don’t talk.

I think there's some real grudge between them, but also Titania was doing a sort of "nobody stabs my sibling except me" thing.

DF Spoilers / Re: How much information does the WC have
« on: February 19, 2023, 03:05:00 PM »
If they came after him one at a time, like a Bruce Lee movie, sure. Alfred could take out the whole White council. But can he target multiple targets at once? We don't really know that.  When he fought Lara and Freydis on the island, he didn't ever target both at the same time. He bound Lara in the grass. Then he swatted Freydis with a tree. Lara pulled free, Harry put her in quicksand. Freydis came on, Harry sank her too. One at a time. The hardcases may not be able to hurt Alfred, but they could Harry. Alfred can protect him against any - but all? We don't know yet

That was basically just restraining them with the island's natural materials.

Telling Alfred "grab everyone and put them in the cells" is a completely different matter.

DF Spoilers / Re: How much information does the WC have
« on: February 08, 2023, 10:26:12 PM »
The SC might have studied up on the island and knew its capabilities. Harry as powerful has he is still a child by SC standards. Not even a teenager. They may believe they  can take him. ...
They seem to realise what happened pretty quickly. Once harry starts talking

He was acting like he could take the entire delegation if he had to even on the dock. He thought it was a bluff because he didn't realize he could command Alfred to grab everybody, and the narrative is pretty clear that Eb read it that way, but then Eb went ahead and pretty much backed his play by acting to the others like Harry was someone to avoid throwing down with. That should have made Mai even more suspicious about why he's suddenly that powerful in that place.  Allow him to get out of their sight once the fighting started after the way he'd been acting like he could take them all was monumentally risky, if she knew he could have them all snatched up and taken below with a command to the spirit.

She probably does know something about the island from their wars with Kemmler. But if Mai had been aware that "take them all below" was a capability open to the Warden, and connected Harry's confidence to taking up that mantle, I'd have expected her to shoot him in the back the moment he bolted.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chat gpt predicting Cowl's identity
« on: February 08, 2023, 04:13:18 PM »
And zero chance of Ivy being his half-sister as Margaret has not been said to be the previous Archive. That surely would have come up by now. Also the age gap tends to make it unworkable given both Harry's parents were dead before Ivy was born.

Yes, even with the possibility of Nevernever time dilation making her actually older, that doesn't fit for several reasons.

Margaret Sr was
1) Not the type to kill herself over being distraught at becoming the host for a massively powerful mantle (or mantle-ish construct, whatever). Her own dark past gave her much better reasons to be distraught, and she didn't harm herself over that.
2) Not acting like she was bound under any sort of neutrality clause. The "deliberately breed a starborn child" scheme was emphatically not neutral.

DF Spoilers / Re: How much information does the WC have
« on: February 08, 2023, 04:02:25 PM »
So, given that, they should be briefed on all the major magical shenanigans going on in the world.

And yet, Ancient Mai didn't seem to be aware of what Demonreach really is, for one example.

(I suppose her scenes on the island might be read as having been dissembling to not speak about it in front of Harry and the other Wardens who aren't cleared to know ... but Harry suddenly acting weirdly confident on that particular ground should have been an excellent reason for someone who understands what the island is and had tried to sentence him to death before to absolutely not step on its ground.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Power Ranking. Top 50.
« on: January 09, 2023, 04:57:45 PM »
Missing the Walkers, no?

Hard to place them, given we've only seen them up against a starborn, but I'd figure they're probably right up in the top tier against anything else.

DF Spoilers / Re: Magic bullets
« on: December 31, 2022, 10:20:29 PM »
My theory is, the "Mistfiend" isn't from the Nevernever, but is a very-minor Outsider, primarily dangerous because of all the Mordite... which is a substance native to the Outside (so, no:  I doubt a Mordite Bullet would affect an Outsider).

IIRC Jim retconned the Mistfiend's nature in one of the later books where Harry was reflecting on the events of TC, to say Peabody explicitly let loose an Outsider to kill all those wizards.

Mordite being the substance of the Outside, I doubt it would be effective against Outsiders. Harry would probably have to use Soulfire to craft anything that would be bane to them by virtue of being made of a Starborn, and then the massive liabilities of having pieces of your soul floating around that others can take and use against you would probably overwhelm the utility.

I'd bet he probably could enchant a bullet to spread Winter cold throughout a body as soon as it contacted blood, but any target whose magical defenses he can't overwhelm with the Infriga spell anyway - at much less effort - is probably going to be good enough with shields, veils and kinetic speed boosts that the chances of getting a bullet into them are remote anyway.

DF Spoilers / Re: Explanation behind Harry's ID?
« on: December 31, 2022, 10:00:36 PM »
Quite a few others have theorized that the Id consciousness is actually future Harry influencing his past self under a guise that misdirects the past self enough to avoid serious causality problems. It's pretty suggestive that Id Harry first appeared in FM wearing a fine leather long coat shortly before Susan gave real Harry the leather duster.

DF Spoilers / Re: The return of Agent “Slim” Tilly
« on: December 31, 2022, 09:36:43 PM »
But I expect Harry hasn't forgiven Rudy, and having been thwarted in the moment, is now thinking of a more Mab-inspired retribution (slower and colder).

The choice Butters told him to make was to recognize that Maggie doesn't deserve a cold-blooded killer for a father. That seems like a final answer on the matter of retribution.

That said, if Lara were to mention to any of her Skavis peers that this Rudy guy who's been a problem for her new fiance has some excellent reasons for be feeling regretful and would surely make a delicious meal ... oh, well ... if it's not by Harry's hand, or even his word.

DF Spoilers / Re: The return of Agent “Slim” Tilly
« on: December 23, 2022, 07:44:07 PM »
I think this could be part of Twelve Months, if Jim decides to make it so (or it might be deferred to another book).

Last I've seen the plan was still for Mirror Mirror to come after Twelve Months, which would start to add up to a long delay between BG and the feds showing up. My guess is Twelve Months at least touches on them, if only peripherally.

I suppose it's possible they'd recruit Tilly. On the other hand, it's potentially too easy to make the point of contact a fed who's somewhat sympathetic to Harry, after coming to believe him and teaming up against the Reds in Changes. The Librarians probably work better if they start off more antagonistic and it takes a real effort to win them over.

At a guess, I think the Librarians might be more likely to pull some strings to transfer Tilly to some dead-end backwater posting or surveil him (thinking him potentially compromised, either as a sympathizer or by mind control, after too much contact with the wizard) than to actually recruit him.  I think there was a WOJ that the main reason Murphy never got an invite was that they were suspicious of her known association with Dresden.  So if Tilly has a role in 12M, I'd bet in the direction of him helping / working with Harry on something isolated, then paying a career price for it to introduce the kind of pull the Librarians have. Something along the lines of an epilogue appearance to tell Harry some undefined other feds have been questioning Tilly's associations, and maybe he's being reassigned to the Wyoming field office.

DF Spoilers / Re: So Fitz is...
« on: November 21, 2022, 09:44:47 PM »
Perhaps he didn't try because there is no way to lift the curse.  I need to go back to reread the passage, but I believe Bob said as much.  I also think that McFinn and all of his ancestors would have searched for and found it if there was a way.  The only way to end it for the McFinns was to end the last McFinn, which Harry did.  However that doesn't mean there aren't other families out there suffering from the same kind of curse, so I wouldn't be shocked if there are more Loops out there, they just aren't McFinns.

The curse bloodline is, what, 1500 years old or so? Even if Fitz wasn't McFinn's son, that's plenty of time for there to be other cousin branches off the family tree for the curse to hop up and over to a next nearest relative.

As for the origin of the curse, I suspect Chauncey's "legend" about it being started by St Patrick was propaganda originated by the Denarians. Back in that era, creating a monster and telling the Irish "look what the Christians did!" probably would have seemed like a clever ploy to thwart conversion of Ireland.

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