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Messages - sdfds68

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DFRPG / Re: Fighting While Hidden
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:56:00 AM »
Since a veil is a spell, doesn't it have duration built into it?

Because if that's the case, the veil would stay up when the attacker is attacking, just like any other block made with spellcasting powers, right?

I don't think reducing 'hiddenness' is the best way to handle subtle actions from stealth. If somebody wants to do something stealthily, then if it doesn't seem like it would break stealth, they just do it. Less bookkeeping, since that way stealth can just be treated as a block.

Finally, if you've got a veil up before attacking something, you probably just get to ambush them if they didn't notice you were there. Surprise attacks are easy if you're the Invisible Man. Or the invisible demons about chew my face off.

DFRPG / Re: The Take-Out Chain Game
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:43:15 AM »
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The sky cracks open and and a mass of flesh dissolving protoplasm from beyond time falls on you. Weapon 4. It's not the stuff that hurts the most, it's the eldritch pitching arm behind it.

DFRPG / Re: The Take-Out Chain Game
« on: March 08, 2015, 12:03:35 AM »
Weapon 9 attack with Mythic Strength and a big sharp axe.

The axe hits with the flat of the blade, almost gently, and the victim collapses into unconsciousness.

Drop a large building on someone with explosives. Weapon 12.

DFRPG / Re: Stating Manannan Mac Lir
« on: March 01, 2015, 07:41:59 PM »
I think that's a bit powerful for 1 point, otherwise he can shatter the equivalent of an Item of Power with Mythic Toughness.  I would say that it does 2 extra points of damage only versus a target in armor or using a shield, and the damage bonus applies even if the target is the shield or armor itself.  That's powerful enough to "negate" the effects of a mundane shield and still effective enough to reduce the effectiveness of any high powered armor or shield.

IoP's are already protected from destruction as part of their package. They can only be destroyed after their purpose is perverted by a ritual. The power could be edited to only work on mundane and enchanted sources of armor, if you want, so that IoP armors wouldn't be ignored by Answerer.

DFRPG / Re: Stating Manannan Mac Lir
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:56:38 PM »
[+2] Item of Power: unbreakable sword, Fragarach ("The Answerer")
  • It is what is: Weapon 3 (Weapon 5 with his Inhuman Strength)
  • [-1] True Aim +1
    [-1] Supernatural Sense (detect lies)
    [ 0] Channeling (Air) (in another wielder's hands who doesn't have Evocation, this would grant the ability and cost an additional -2 Refresh)

I can see how you're trying to replicate the powers of the sword, but what you have doesn't seem to match up quite like the sword from the legends. May I suggest these powers instead of True aim and Supernatural Sense?

[-1] Breaker: Destroys armor (and shields) as soon as it hits. Ignore armor ratings from equipment
[-1] Answer me!: After a successful weapons maneuver to place this weapon at someone's throat, you may compel that person to stay still and tell the truth. Keep the tag on the successful 'sword at throat' maneuver.

DFRPG / Re: Stating Manannan Mac Lir
« on: February 26, 2015, 05:14:36 PM »
You're quite welcome. Good luck with game.

DFRPG / Re: Stating Manannan Mac Lir
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:30:13 PM »
A friend to the Fomor -> This is probably a complication for the players.  The Fomor are bad guys in Dresden (not sure how much I can say on the board without spoiling, but there is some great info about them on the Dresden wikis).  They have an affinity with water and the sea.  In the same way that Odin has alliances with the Winter Court that he must respect, I see Manannán as someone with complicated allegiances to the Fomor, despite his fondness for mortals such as the PCs.

The Tuatha Dé Danann fought a war against the Fomor and the Fomorian king, Balor, driving them into the sea. Manannan was one of the Tuatha, so I don't think he's very Fomor friendly.

DFRPG / Re: An Attempt at a Healing Power
« on: February 17, 2015, 08:44:52 PM »
Uh, does this power apply to physical consequences or all consequences?

DFRPG / Re: Biomancy Medical Spells
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:21:19 AM »
Healing poison
3+X shift total
3-shift maneuver to numb pain (if poison is indeed causing pain)
X-shift maneuver to counter the poison (cost dependent on what the strength of the poisoning is)
I kind of like this, but I'm also a little bit leery of X-shift rituals for healing purposes, simply because thaumaturgy isn't supposed to be fast. If you need to counter a poison of power X, how many turns of maneuvers and control rolls would actually be needed to get rid of the poison? If the poison is strong enough, wouldn't a character probably be better off getting healed by a one turn scholarship roll plus some fate point expenditures?

The others seem to be line with Recovery and Skills on pg 220 of YS, but given that justifying healing under pressure would almost certainly be faster through scholarship, I'm not sure how useful they are. It seems like justifying consequence recovery after the fact would be the way to go for magical healing, since it probably requires less mess than, say, an impromptu surgery for those inconvenient bullet wounds.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: December 22, 2014, 02:37:56 AM »
Maybe he just has some kind of location specific upgrade to Thaumaturgy? But one that's appropriately over the top for a wizard king that successfully invaded hell and yanked the moon out of the sky.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: December 21, 2014, 01:27:34 AM »
That actually looks really good. To me at least.

The limitation actually seems appropriate to me, both refresh wise and thematically. Because, well, he does actually spend all of his nights demon hunting. It's easy for him, since they're literally everywhere.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: December 19, 2014, 12:32:33 AM »
Description: You have the ability to project weapons from your mind into reality.
Skills Affected: Craftsmanship, Weapons, Guns
Projection. With a supplemental action, you may create a melee or thown weapon out of thin air. Two-handed melee weapons created this way are capped at weapon rating 3, while thrown weapons and one-handed melee weapons are capped at weapon rating 2. Weapons created this way last until the end of the scene or until you make a new weapon.
Reinforcement. By spending a scene and making a successful Craftsmanship roll, you may cause your projected weapon to become fully real. This means that it lasts indefinitely.

Versatile Tracing [-1]. You may create simple objects other than melee weapons with this power. Armour, simple tools, keys, and levers are all possible.

Complex Tracing [-2]. (Requires Versatile Tracing) You may create complex objects with this power. Firearms, explosives, chemicals, and machines are all possible, although at the GM's discretion a Craftsmanship roll may be required for certain items. Explosives, firearms, and two-handed melee weapons are now capped at weapon rating 5, while thrown weapons and one-handed melee weapons are now capped at weapon rating 4.

This power and every weapon has an aspect related to demon catch attached to it?

A crafting based reskin of this power with a permanent creations upgrade would fit him perfectly.

Also, is that power something somebody made for Fate/stay night? Because that's really cool.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: December 18, 2014, 10:51:05 PM »
I see this the equivalent of teaching whole villages the weaknesses of Black Court Vampires.  It's just a narrative justification to have a's a plot device.

Ok. That would work for 'teaching' thing.

But looking back I seriously failed to properly communicate the scale on which he produced magical weapons without help. He had several hundred warded spears and many, many quivers of warded arrows that just sort of showed up after a timeskip in one of the books. Would that be something that shouldn't be included in the power list, as it would be a one time narrative event? Or is being willing to sit down for months-possibly a year-and slowly build up an entire magic armory something that needs to cost refresh?

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: December 18, 2014, 10:33:15 PM »
That sounds like regular enchanted items with, maybe, Soulfire as the source so that it reduces toughness or acts as a catch for demons.  I'm not sure how he could 'teach' it to others, though.  That could be its own power - or it could just be a potion slot that he checks off his character sheet for others to declare later...  Getting that ability permanently just sounds like having him teach it to you is a narrative justification to spend refresh on Holy Touch.

Yeah, but he doesn't teach this to one person or make just a few of these weapons. He creates an armory capable of supplying at least an entire village and teaches everyone he can in every town he visits. I don't think the enchanted item rules cover that.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: December 18, 2014, 05:57:49 AM »
Here's the fan wiki entry for Arlen Bales:

Personally I'm not very fond of that entry, but if you've never read the books that's probably the fastest way to get his character history. There's also this book review isn't focused on Arlen specifically but has what I think is a better summary of the character in the third paragraph:

It doesn't mention his powers, but I think I can summarize them as of the latest novel.

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