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Messages - Oblyss

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DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 20, 2013, 06:32:01 AM »
So your character is/was a mortal who becomes the personification of Death for the Dresdenverse.  Reminds me of Mort from Pratchett.  Basically Death wanted a vacation so he hired Mort to be his replacement.  Even if that isn't how your character became the new Death there isn't anything to say the old Death isn't still around somewhere.  Which could be good for plot hooks as he mentors or makes troubles for your character.
Yeah, that's near exactly along the lines of what I was thinking. Of course they aren't going to be getting super powerful from it or anything, and it's only for the one specific version of Death I figure. I'm still not 100% how my GM is going to run it but I had figured along the lines of what you said, that either the old Death is, dead, retiring, on vacation and it's my char's job now. They'll have to answer to Death's old Boss along with maybe the Old Death themselves, being mentored by them. Or if they're dead, maybe first order of business is investigating who killed them. In which case, Azrael would be a great choice for Death's Boss I think, since we've personally seen Angels in Dresden files. Though, maybe they don't go around showing themselves off to be an angel and just keep it to themselves.

Like you said, all of those options have some good plot hooks to some degree. I think the old Death being alive and retiring is my favorite choice.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 19, 2013, 07:39:41 PM »
As far as the IoP, if you really want a scythe you could pull an "incredible vanishing weapon" ability into it. 

One of my players has a custom IoP called a Hellfire Sword.  Narrativly these swords were made by the fallen during the rebellion against The White God.  It has a stunt folded into it that allows the sword to materalize in the players hand, but not "call" it to her if she's disarmed.

You could also play with the physical nature of the item.  Say two small hand scythes, similar to kamas, that link together as sort of a double bladed staff if you really wanna play it up haha.  If you have ever played Darksiders 2 you'll know where I'm getting this from.  xD

Hah nice, yeah I noticed some things like that around here. I think I'm gonna run with the Mantle of Death idea though. Thanks for the suggestions.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:27:08 PM »
Pretty much anything with Pratchett's Death in it is pure gold.

As it turns out he's only the Death of the Discworld and thus an emissary of the Death of Everything.  So you could run with an idea like that too for your high concept.  He also could "split" off smaller and smaller emissaries like the Death of Rats.

That's a really neat idea, my GM is also a huge discworld fan. And you're definitely thinking along the lines I am, I want my character to become the new "Death" for the setting, now. Your idea is interesting because it'd suggest while she might be the "Death" for the setting, she'd have another Death above her as her boss for lots of different realities. Keep's the emissary servant position while giving them a station of importance of being Death's personification.

This is of course only for the European/American version of it, and things such as Valkyries(Nordic psychpomps respectively) and the like would exist alongside her in their own realms and lore positions.

I had been a little unsure who to make her boss out to be, but your idea would work really well. I'm sure my GM would love it being a big Discworld fan, so definitely thanks.

Does he even want the job?  If not, a good High Aspect may be, "God help me, I'm the new Servitor of Death" or "Servitor of Death in Spite of himself"

Works for Senior Council member McCoy, works for me.

Hah! That's a neat thought, I'm not sure yet really. I probably still have a few weeks before it starts to come up in game, I'll have to see what kind of dark situation my GM throws me into and how they depict the job offering. Really the position doesn't seem all that bad to me the player but who knows. I'll just have to wait and see how it turns out.

She currently has a warden looming in the background out to get her so, this might be just the thing to give her some social armor against him trying to get her killed. It'd also give her a new power source to stop using Kemmler magic which would make the White Council happy.. I uh think. I imagine they'd prefer the natural workings of Death to Kemmler's works.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 18, 2013, 01:46:27 PM »
Because I see it so often in someones signature here on the forum:

"What can the harvest hope for, if not the care of the reaper man." (Terry Pratchett)

Not as a high concept, but one of the other 6 you have available. Maybe even the trouble aspect, meaning he is not just death incarnate, but he cares about the people he has to take over to the other side.

As a high concept, maybe something akin to "Death's errand boy"?

Hmm, thanks for the thoughts. Considering my character's personality and such I don't think it'd really go as far as to replace their current trouble. Though it could easily replace one of her other aspects, I even have one in mind that could use the boot.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 18, 2013, 12:27:57 PM »
All those are good, shiny Aspects...but none of them actually define you as a servitor/emissary of Death. That requires something more title-y. High concepts really need a title, and thus are often a bit less cool-sounding than other Aspects...but they usually need to be to fulfill their function of actually defining who and what the character is.

They really need to be something that you could put "He's the..." or "She's a..." in front of and have it make sense. He's the Fallen Prince of the Wraith Family. He's a Knight of the Cross. She's Daddy's Little Denarian. He's the Combat Leader of the Alphas. Etc.

Okay, I see thanks. I'll think about it some more and figure out something along those lines.

Edit: Probably something like Easy-Going, Polite, Outcast, Smart Ass for the 'evocative' part. So something like "Outcast Grim Reaper". Since I really already have an aspect for something like smart ass.

Edit2: Reading up on the resource page, found some new ideas.
Death's Replacement

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 18, 2013, 11:23:43 AM »
"Your Friendly Neighborhood Death" would be the obvious one...

And personally, I'd go with the classic black hooded cloak for the Item of Power, the 'mantle of Death' as it were...this obviously wouldn't be a useful weapon, but you could walk around in it, and it seems thematically better suited to the power-set. Thematically speaking, weapons give offensive powers, mostly, movement and defense are better provided by something like this.

On the Robes, I thought about that and you have a good point. I think I will take you up on that suggestion, and just see about a random non special weapon if I want to cover that part. Thanks.

As for the aspect I dunno, I'm still reading around and trying to think of something that really feels like a homerun choice. Been looking at idioms/expressions about Death only a few have seemed close to "Fuego!".

"It's your Funeral.."
"Nothing is certain but Me and Taxes."

Ok and of course "Don't Fear the Reaper"

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 18, 2013, 10:40:33 AM »
Yeah I'm still waiting to see what their response on the thaumaturgy is, we had to postpone a game because of real life obligations. Should be picking it back up in a day or two, if not next week.

In the end we decided to go ahead and "trade in" the kemmler magic for, as someone suggested(and thanks for the suggestion!), "True Death magic". The other idea was to drop psychomancy part of it for ectomancy instead.

This won't be immediate, it'll be at the least a few sessions from now and at some certain story point, my character's going to get hired on to be the new "Death". Basically a catch all psychopomp from non-specific lore position, but I want them to be a little more than that, without anything that breaks the first law or gets too silly. So I'll see how that goes, probably to help fill in the job I'll make them a sort of "spirit detective" as part of their new job. It'd be nice since currently she has no real job other than "Person for local mafia to shoot at."

That job along with an item of power for some other nifty new powers, they'll then take up an emissary of power role for this position and be all set for -2 refresh.

Sounds like it could be fun and open a lot of new stuff, and probably help get away from the kemmler background. A lot of this is also post-GM revisions and I've come to agree and prefer them. I dont know for sure how long away it is, -2 refresh and I still haven't gotten my first one. Still haven't decided what kind of Item of Power it should be, so far been edging between sword and a scythe. Though, as neat a scythes are they just seem so impractical to my now older self. A sword also seems like it'd be a lot easier to walk down the street with than a scythe if it became necessary. Though I am a fan of the 'rule of cool'.

Also, if anyone has some cool/fun suggestions for these ideas I'd love to hear them. You guys have proven to be full of fun ideas. Even if it's thematic ideas rather than mechanical ones, since the mechanics seem pretty good right now. In particular, I'd love any High Aspect suggestions anyone has since I have to change that was part of Emissary.

In case anyone cares, the powers on the item are here:
(click to show/hide)

DFRPG / Re: Magic Bullet
« on: January 17, 2013, 01:29:36 PM »
I do this with my necro, I labeled them as "Caster Shells" as a little tribute, and use them in a revolver. And for the mechanics I just set it up like this: It's an enchanted item, weapon5, single target, with 5 uses per session. So let's just say I have 5 bullets made and in my pocket. 

Or you could just say it's 1 bullet that fires 5 times before it runs out, I personally like the first way better.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 12, 2013, 02:38:11 AM »
This is described on p. 271 if you need a textual source.

Thanks a bunch.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 12, 2013, 02:11:27 AM »
Thanks for clearing it up.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 12, 2013, 02:04:53 AM »
Question about thaumaturgy:

How does the drawing power part work exactly?

Is there a limit on how much power you can draw?

My GM made me come up with 55 shifts of power saying, that Wizards are capped at drawing in what they can do for one Evocation for the whole ritual and have to use other power sources for the rest, like my vampire sacrifices. So they only let me draw in 6 power and I had to  come up with the rest in sacrifices or consequences or it failed.

I argued this isn't how I think it works according to what I've read. They said the Thaumaturgy rules constantly mention it.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: January 03, 2013, 01:10:24 AM »
Unless I've been horribly mistaken for some time now, you don't get fate points if you buy out of a compel.  Buying out of a compel doesn't change that.  Unless I'm totally misunderstanding you.
That wasn't the idea. I called on my sponsor for extra power. Gave me 3 points of debt. My GM used 2 of the free compels on stuff they were going to compel anyway, so I didn't get the fate points for the compels.

DFRPG / Re: Jedi Knight
« on: January 01, 2013, 10:08:47 PM »
Just a thought, but maybe Mind trick works like Glamour?

Edit: Maybe The Catch: Only people in one zone are affected by the trick. You can choose which targets in those zone are affected. So it'd only cost one refresh.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 31, 2012, 07:54:41 PM »
7?! That...seems excessive for, well, hexing guns, never mind automatic weapons (which are 4 or 5 per p.258). A 7 will hex things that operate by steam power, after all. I guess some guns are simpler/older than that...but not any that are in common use.

EDIT: Thinking about it, I guess if you're applying the Zone Wide extra shift-cost to that it'd make sense. I wouldn't usually do that on hexing, but I can see the logic to doing so, I suppose.

Yeah it was a zone deal, sorry. I had already been shot once and I was kind of in a hurry to finish it. I'm still new so I'm learning how combat goes, this was my first fight with humans.

Sponsor debt doesn't affect your refresh or even directly* affect your current fate total.  So not sure how you'd have more fate.   ???  Also, I agree with Deadmanwalking - unless those were old school hand cranked gatling guns or protected by a circle/ward, it shouldn't require anything close to an Epic success to hex.

*It may indirectly affect fate if you spend them to resist compels.
The idea was, I spent the points on the sponsor debt instead of receiving the compels afterwards and getting fate points for it. And yeah I was trying to zone hex them.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie to the game: Non-Evil Necromancer
« on: December 31, 2012, 06:10:38 AM »
True enough, I suppose, but with Refresh 1 that's a pretty small number of FP all told. Still, I guess if you're hurting for them already...

My GM tried to say I'd have 4 if I hadn't taken sponsor debt, but I had to make a roll of 7 to hex the machine guns of two guys, which I of course failed.

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