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Messages - Slowpool

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DF Spoilers / Re: Question about beer bottles
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:33:46 AM »
How is everyone in the Dresden files able to pop the caps off beer bottles with just their thumbs?  That’s not something just anyone can do if they lack superhuman strength.  Does JB just not understand this or are all the beer bottles like “Grolsch”?
  Jim has stated before he never used to drink alcohol.  In fact, in VA he mentioned he didn't have his first drink till he was 44.  Also, in Skin Game they need the might of Mjolnir to open some of Mac's brews.

DF Spoilers / Re: Best question answer at the Virginia book signing
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:29:08 AM »
I know he has discussed diversity issues before (a criticism I found unfair). I don't remember anything specifically about women.
  You wouldn't happen to know where those are, would you?  I'd like to be able to listen to/read them, to get a better idea of his stance and whether I interpreted too much from the signing.  It's a problem I've had in the past, and refining my interpretations of conversational undertones is an ongoing process for me.

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning Molly
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:24:32 AM »
Ima bet it's going to incidentally be one of her sisters, Amanda, I think, is prominent enough to fit Just has to be someone who idolizes her, after all.
  But how the hell would Amanda get roped up with the Fae enough to become one of them?  We know Molly became one because she was so wrapped up with Lea that she somehow qualified to inherit the position.  Is there really a way for that to happen with a position on a lesser scale?  Christ, so many better questions than the crap I actually asked.

DF Spoilers / Re: Best question answer at the Virginia book signing
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:21:09 AM »
Well, I think it's a valid question. Of course Jin is free to write whatever he wants, but the question is valid.
  Fair enough.  It's possible that she wasn't aware of the previous criticisms.  I still feel like her tone of voice indicated a level of accusation, but that could just be my interpretation.  Actually, has Jim ever touched on the subject before?  I can't seem to recall him mentioning it in any Q&As I've seen, or in any AMAs or posts in general. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Sudden wild theory
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:13:13 AM »
I don’t recall the passages where it was explained that Dresden’s mom was into the furry scene, but we never saw pics of Dresden’s father; he could be very hirsute. Also, sleeping with a shapeshifter could be pretty amazing, I’d think. Add time travel and you might be on to something here. :)
  I mean, there was the scene where Harry spoke to his father at the dream camp.  I don't seem to recall him being described as hairy.
  Ultimately I doubt a Skinwalker would be interested in intercourse.  Getting spawn on mortals would probably involve rape, and then only because it would be the best way to torment them.  Besides that, I think Margaret was only somewhere in her second century when she died?  At most?  Grey speaks about being alive for a couple of centuries, at least.  It would take a convoluted mess for this to work out.  Jim is too lazy for that.

DF Spoilers / Re: Zoo Day spoilers
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:04:56 AM »
Dresden needs a new apprentice    I loved the story's about molly when she was just  kid in Harrys eyes.
  I'd like to see how Maggie grows into whatever power comes to her.  Jim has said that if she does manifest magic, it would almost certainly be affected by the fact her mother was a half-turned vampire.  I'd love to see how that interacts with a magical talent.  A female lead with wizard magic AND pseudo-vampire powers going to totally-not-Hogwarts?  That's Young Adult series gold, right there.

DF Spoilers / Re: Best question answer at the Virginia book signing
« on: June 12, 2018, 04:57:57 AM »
I was really irritated reading this thread and felt very sorry for the girl. Griff, I love you  :)
  The question felt too charged to me to earn anything but a charged response.  Again, I might be projecting; maybe Jim really was being genuinely polite, with no sass returned, and I was just personally annoyed with the question and read too much into it.  I've heard and read too many criticisms of Jim's stuff because of his portrayal of women to do anything but cringe slightly when she started asking.  Either way, it's difficult for me to feel much pity for her.  That's the kind of question you can't really ask an entertainer without expecting someone to disagree with you.

DF Spoilers / Re: Summoning Molly
« on: June 12, 2018, 04:46:52 AM »
Good point.  She'd probably send Lea, assuming she can step in for the Lady.  We know she's Mab's handmaiden, but can she act for Mab on behalf of Molly?  Probably but their rules might be funny.
  On that note, has there been any mention of Molly's handmaiden?  Does she have a Jenny Greenteeth yet, or has no one asked?

DF Spoilers / Re: Best question answer at the Virginia book signing
« on: June 12, 2018, 01:37:08 AM »
I'd agree that he was gently insisting that he'll continue to build his world in the way he always has, and wants to, rather than twisting its entertainment purpose into a political agenda.  I just didn't pick up on any vehemence for her or her idea.

I guess if I had to describe it , it was more like Michael sitting back and calming stating that others could do as they like, but he was going to do what he felt was right.
  So I saw a video of the Q&A; it was with an extremely old camera, blurry beyond belief, so I can't really tell if his expression is accurate to what I remember.  If the glare is there, I think it's when he says "I'm planning on writing the story I want to write, and the story that appeals to me and the story that I think will sell well."  I still feel like I can hear a hint of "shove off" in his final statement of "You should never preach harder than you can entertain, and uh... I don't like preaching."
  So yeah, definitely not scorn- but I still feel like he was putting out "bite me" vibes.  Less passive to my mind than Michael, but not so confrontational as I originally remember.

DF Spoilers / Re: Zoo Day Spoiler... Wag
« on: June 11, 2018, 07:54:04 PM »
By all accounts (both Lovecraft and the few outsiders actually seen in the DV) they are all pretty damn unique in both form and personality, especially the higher up in the power echelons you go.
Oh I'm not doubting that.  I just want to know if there are other Outsiders besides the ones who seem to want to ruin everyone's good time.  Are there Things that exist outside of Existence that don't want to crash our sandbox game?  Are there factions among them?  Or are they too alien for human ideas like that to apply?

DF Spoilers / Re: Zoo Day Spoiler... Wag
« on: June 11, 2018, 07:43:14 PM »
Ask that another way:  Could TWG be just a benevolent Outsider?
  Possibly.  I'd considered that for a while after Cold Days came out.  I mean, He's definitely an Outsider- He came from Outside, after all.  He had to if He created the Inside.  The question is are there different sorts of Outsiders?  Different classes of being, with different motivations?  In fact, I kind of wish I'd asked that in Virginia.  S**t.
  I'm imagining one of two major possibilities: one, that Outsiders are celestial entities on the same order as angels who opposed the idea of Creation from before the beginning.  They didn't even have the fortune of becoming Fallen- they never got to the angel part at all, and became formless spirits of entropy and chaos.  Two, they are remnants of past, failed Creations, and the Big Guy Upstairs decided (for whatever reason) that those old realities needed to go out of business.  Now the laid off workers are camping outside the shiny new building built over their old lot, swarming the front door and trying to sabotage the scabs who work there now.

DF Spoilers / Re: Best question answer at the Virginia book signing
« on: June 11, 2018, 07:16:11 PM »
He didn't come across as scornful to me, nor did he seem to be glaring.  I thought it was pretty polite rebuff to the question.  But everyone interpets things differently.

Garrett filmed the session, so it should be posted soon.
  It's entirely possible I was reading too much into it, granted.  And perhaps scorn isn't the right word; maybe defiance?  He was very measured and polite on the surface, but to me this seemed like a very pointed question (to my ears, the lady might as well have thrown the glove down) and Jim responded with just as much, but much more effectively veiled sass.  "I don't try to inject my politics into my writing, and I don't like it when people do that".  That's how I remember his words (paraphrased, of course), and at some point I could swear I saw him squinting back at her with something like annoyance.  That final look he gave the crowd when he was done, that shrugging "so yeah, wadda ya gonna do" face really sealed it for me.
  Again, I might be projecting; I hate it when people inject politics and social commentary into stories for its own sake, especially when it detracts from the narrative.  Hearing Jim say what he did tickled me to no end.  If I catch the video and it turns out not to have gone down how I remember it, I'll be sure to amend my statement.

DF Spoilers / Re: Best question answer at the Virginia book signing
« on: June 11, 2018, 11:24:13 AM »
I was there too (was the one to ask the first questions) and I disagree with this- the best answer was the one he gave to the sassy girl who asked why his female characters weren't more diverse.  You could feel the scorn he put into his explanation, the split second he glared back at her.  It was magical.

That aside, it probably won't involve killing a dude.  We've already had the drama from that.  Unless it's "destroy this person/place/thing", "save this person/place/thing", and "stay away from this person/place/thing".  There really isn't all that much more that the Knight is necessary for, at least not that I can think of.  His whole purpose is to kill.  And even if he did get conflicting orders, would the fact that he's Mab's chosen Knight mean he's more bound to her word than Molly's or Mother's?

I don't think they are new at all, I think they use whoever, in this case children to taken down their victim.   Harry didn't see them not because he is an adult, though both Maggie seems to think this is why, but because he has full control over his wizard's sight.  He has often said he doesn't like to use it unless he needs to because what he might see and what he sees will be with him always.   Maggie hasn't learned that kind of control yet, so she sees the Haunts, so does Mouse but he is old enough to realize  that the children are not the Haunts, but are being used by the Haunts.
WoJ is that only children can perceive and interact with this new pantheon of monsters Jim is introducing for the YA series, and that you forget about them when you grow up.  Molly forgot, Daniel forgot, and presumably even Lil' Harry has forgotten (or will soon, kid's gettin' big).  Doesn't seem to have anything to do with Wizard's Sight.  Even if it did, methinks Maggie would see a hell of a lot more with her Sight than just Haunts (and therefore comment on it), and Harry would notice her burgeoning gift immediately.

DF Spoilers / Re: Zoo Day spoilers
« on: June 10, 2018, 04:17:10 AM »
Possible, or once the kid matures they can cope because they have developed the skills to deal with the monsters that might take advantage of vulnerable children.
I might be misunderstanding you, but it's specifically stated that when you "grow up" (exactly what qualifies as growing up in this case is yet to be shown) you forget all about these monsters- stated both in-universe and by WoJ.  There's no coping.  To you, they've never existed.  They can affect you, apparently, but you're clueless.

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