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Messages - Zuriel

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Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction: Is It Real Writing?
« on: June 25, 2012, 05:42:34 PM »
I'm not much into fanfiction, but, like all other fiction, its legitimacy is entirely dependent on the individual work. Consider, for example, all the fantasy compilations out there where multiple authors are given a common world to write in (e.g., Thieves' World); it seems pretty much parallel to fanfic, in that they're using other people's creations, but given that they're pro authors and they get praised for their work in those compilations, that makes it sound as legit as anything else.

Still, for someone trying to make a name for himself, it would seem more effective to do so for his own story, not someone else's. Yes, there's plenty of awful fanfic out there, but there's also a lot of awful pro fiction, so quality has no direct correlation to that question of "originality". So, again, it's an individual thing and what the writer DOES with it.

That's pretty much the way I look at it.  I'm just gather ammunition to bop my relative over the head with.  Good fiction, to me, comes in any form, whether it's a professional/published author or an unknown fanfic writer.  If it's good it's good.  I heard about one person who wrote such good fanfic the person was asked to write for the TV show, which did happen and eventually he/she became a producer, I believe.  That's very rare, but it does happen.  And just because an author or any creative person does good work the majority of the time, doesn't mean their stuff isn't gonna stink at some point.

Depends.  I've read some fanfiction that's better than a lot of published stuff, and some that's utter crapola.  I think ultimately that creating your own characters and setting is a lot more rewarding (and difficult!) but as long as you respect any rules the original creator may have, and don't do anything dumb like try to sell it on Amazon, I don't see any real harm.  It can be good practice and a lot of fun. 

Also, bear in mind that a few writers of original fiction (PN Elrod and Peter David come to mind) got their start in fanfic.  If you stick to public domain characters, you can publish without fear of litigation--I've read an excellent series of mysteries that are basically Shakespeare fanfic.   And don't forget the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, which is actually Twilight fanfiction with the names changed (I haven't read this, so I can't speak for the quality, but it is very popular.)

I have no urge to be published, just a fun gig for me, but as you say, venturing into your own original characters and stories is ultimately more satisfying.

There was a case I knew of recently where someone published their work on Amazon and it turned out to be someone else's story (several people who knew the original author spotted it and voiced their complaints...and it was immediately removed).  But you always run the risk of writing a story that is similar to someone else's, but given the same set of ideas, no one really writes the same story as the next person.   

Ugh.  I hadn't heard about Fifty Shades of Grey being a knock-off of Twilight.  Hmm...thought about reading it, just because it was getting so much hype, but may have to skip that one.   :-\

Author Craft / Fanfiction: Is It Real Writing?
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:09:41 PM »
So, I had this conversation with a relative not long ago, and it sort of bugged me.  I told her I'd written some fanfiction (how I started out writing), and she answered by saying, well, you should try writing your own story one day.  And I argued back that the story is mine, that I'm just using a particularly character in a original story of my own design with completely original characters sprinkled in, but she didn't seem to think of it that way.

I thought over what she said, went back and read my stories...and they could all fit in the original category, if I changed the names - and no one would be the wiser.   ;) 

What do you think?  Do you give any credence to fanfiction, consider it on par with other fiction?  Or do you consider it a level down?

It was a good place for me to start...

Just curious what others think.

writing is like a gerny
its about the traverling not the destination

That's very true!  Just like life.   :)

Maybe that's why I keep putting off finishing my first long story, because once I do, it's over.   :(  As long as I keep editing, I keep it alive...if you get what I mean.

On the other hand, I did write yesterday.  Yay!  Got inspired when I was least thinking about writing, so I edited/completed some short stories I'd been working on since January.   :)

That sounds good. Writing can improve and exercise your mind and be a chance to learn to new things and meet new people.  New things not just in writing, but you can find interesting by research and chatting with follow writers. 

Yeah, I agree.  Writing has been a great exercise for my brain, opened up new interests, and gives me a way to express myself creatively...since I can't sing a note on key or paint a masterpiece.   :P

That's great, cen!  The internet is such a great resource for so many things.   :)  Can't imagine what life would be like without it.

I just wish I had time to explore more of it, but then there would have to be about 100 hours in a day.   :P

I had a minor brainstorm last night and finished a part of a story I'd be stewing over.  The ending just kind of came to me, all of a sudden, and it worked out great.  I love it when that happens, which isn't often enough, though.  Ended up getting 1,000 words down, so that was a productive night.  :)

I still need to complete my long story before the two-year mark hits.  Gah.  That's too long to let it go unfinished.  Maybe tonight or this weekend, if all goes well, I'll take another stab at it.

CWG...We should all be proud of whatever we accomplish in a day, whether it's writing or research, or just thinking about what comes next.

The goal we set for ourselves is the only one that matters.  We know when we've done well and when we didn't, and I'm always happy to get anything written down!   :)

And now I must brace myself for an encounter with the outside world, make my way through the stifling heat.  Ugh.  Just thinking about it makes me cringe.   :P

Deposed King:
How great it would be to have an entire day to write.  Wow.  I can only dream of that.  I've come close a couple of times, by blocking out every possible interference, no matter how many times they pounded on my door.   :D

And published authors have a commitment that drives them, and I suppose after a while you develop a discipline that allows you to meet your goals.  Thank goodness I don't have that kind of pressure.  I don't do well when someone is breathing down my neck.   :-\

yesterday you did just under the length of the entire part of of my story that i am writing

oh and i have another 190 something words since i was last here
that for me is productive

(being slowne down by sneezing all most all the time ::) )

good luck everyone  ;D

Any writing is better than none.   :)  Just hope I can beat my word count tomorrow.  Won't have time today to write a single word, unless I skip a little RL stuff, if I can.

Ahh...darn allergies again?  I feel for you.  People here who have never had allergy problems in their lives have them this year.

Right now it's very hot and very dry, which is good for me, allergy wise.  I tend to do worse in damp, cooler conditions, which means I'm more sensitive to molds.

And my asthma is tied in to the allergies, so when they are bad, the asthma is worse.   :(

Yay for you!

I didn't write last night but I got a few words down the night before...about 1000 altogether.  I resurrected an old story that I'd almost decided to abandon, but got inspired to work on...and then I edited another one.

All in all, not a bad night for me.   :)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: June 20, 2012, 01:00:35 PM »
LOL!  I hear you.   ;)

I never seem to have enough room for new books either, so I go through them every so often and try to get rid of a few old ones, but I hate to part with a lot of them.   :-\

Most of my DF books are paperback, since I just started reading less than two months ago, but I did find hardcopies of TC and GS at the local used bookstore because I couldn't find a paperback anywhere.

Sounds like you've got your writing work cut out for you.  Good luck!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: June 18, 2012, 04:24:44 PM »

I agree. But when is "Ghost story" going to be out in paperback? So I can read it?

Boy for someone who was one of Butcher's first fans I sure have to wait long to read his books.  :)

Now even longer for that next one but at least there will be one. :)

If you're interested, I have an extra hardcover copy of Ghost Story that I'd be willing to mail to you for free.   :)  It's in excellent condition.

And no authors of any significance rarely, if ever, come to Indiana, so I have no hope to see JB.  We may be in the crossroads of America, but we're overlooked in just about every aspect you can think of.

Biology was ok, but I didn't like the teacher (hard-nosed old guy).

I was a good student, but I wasn't a social butterfly.  Never did fit in with groups, always pretty much a loner, which probably stems, in large part, from being an only child.  Spent a lot of time with just me.  Still do.   :)

Good luck on your Biology paper!

Hey, cen!

I'm glad there are audiobooks for you!  If I had vision problems I would be thankful to have them, too.

I am very happy that my full-time education is over.  I wasn't the happiest of students, hated my high school - it was huge (2,000 in my graduating class).   :(

Still...absolutely, you should celebrate 500 words, even if it's Biology.   :)


Yeah, RL can interfere quite easily at times...too easily.

But as to rereading DF  Um,(Clears throat) Urm...I hate to tell you this but there's 13 novels published now--not sure if that includes "Side Jobs" and unless it takes you less then a week to read one--which would mean way too little writing time--number 14 will be out by the time you finish. All together it could take a year or more of waiting to get back on "a semi-regular schedule of writing".

There are 14 books if you include Side Jobs, and I'm already near the end of #7 DB, ready to start on #8 PG tonight.  I skip over the descriptions of Harry's apartment and McAnally's Bar, things like that, so it goes a little faster.  But then I'm also taking notes as I read so that slows me down, yet I read a book about every three days.  The first time through all of them I found time to read one in less than two days, but now I'm not in much of a hurry.  I'll be done with the second go 'round in plenty of time before CD comes out.

I might even find a little time to write down a few words here and there, but mostly editing the second half of my long story I started over a year and a half ago.  Since it was my first story ever, it needed a lot of TLC.  The first half is in good shape, but when I re-read the second part, I cringed and realized I really needed to apply what I've learned since then and get it in shape.   :)

DF Reference Collection / Re: Mouse's Origins
« on: June 17, 2012, 02:35:45 PM »
Harry probably didn't pursue the punk wizard, because he wasn't a big threat.  He stole puppies, didn't kill anyone.  Besides, Harry didn't know the pups were as special as they turned out to be.

And I was wondering...

The Wardhounds at the White Council, the Chinese Temple dog statues that come to life, aren’t they most likely Foo Dog spirits, too?  Mouse's brothers and sisters?

It only gets in the way if you let it.  This blog- Time Management might be helpful.  Or this one, Manipulation of Time, which equates time to money. And what it all boils down to is what are you doing instead of writing, and is it more important? 

For example, I've used up 3 hours that could've been spent writing.  Two of those hours were sorta related to writing-I was hashing stuff out with my husband, working through a Mexican standoff sort of scene. I spent about a half hour trying to look up something relating to a different post, and then about another half hour finding these links. 

While I might be a slight bit annoyed at myself for doing all that instead of writing, I'm also not beating myself up for it because I made my weekly word goal yesterday.  Some things you can't get around doing-school, work. 

But you can find time there to write.  I write during my lunch hour-the half that I'm not eating/reading.  I've had to make sacrifices--I don't read anywhere near as much as I used to.  If I'm lucky, I read a book a month.  However, I'm also very lucky in that my day job allows me to be able to listen to audiobooks, sometimes, while I'm working.  Which also feeds the writing side of my mind because I've noticed that while I listen to audiobooks, I'm picking up on the craft.

And now I have to go find the shatterpoint for this Mexican standoff to get my characters out of the kitchen they're trapped in.  Either that, or sleep.

*edited for getting rid of the OMGblockoftext*

I was sort of half way joking, but RL does, on a regular basis, interfere and there's nothing I can do about that, unless I find a cave and go live as a hermit, so I try not to waste the free time I have.  Lately I've been re-reading DF and that is consuming my extra time.  Once I'm done with DF I should be back on a semi-regular schedule of writing.  And my obsessions override everything else, which means I let many things go in order to write.  And then when I look around and see the neglect, I madly clean or whatever needs to be done so I can get back to the computer.   :P

I'm also picking up tips on writing as I read, though I'm not using audiobooks.  I'm a very visual person, so audiobooks have no appeal to me, for that reason, and also because I like using my own imaginative voice for the dialogue.

And I'm also kinda weird that I usually, especially if it's a long story, need to print out the last few pages I've written and look at them as I would a book page and then edit.  For some reason it's easier for me to get a feel of how the words flow, etc.  That also means I'm using a lot of paper and ink at times.  It's not efficient but it works for me.   :)

Hope you get those people out of the kitchen soon!   ;)

Yep, it's always something getting in the way, isn't it?

Sometimes I think the world conspires to inhibit my creativity.   :-\

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