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Messages - JRBobC

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Calendar Event Discussion / Re: San Diego Comic Con: July 24-27
« on: July 28, 2008, 09:13:51 PM »
Gonna make a valiant attempt at getting the thread back on topic.  (Though I concede it might well be hopeless ;D.)

Did Mr. Butcher make any public statements about Backup, Day Off, The Warrior(? The one from Mean Streets), or Turn Coat?  What about any bits about original Comic Book stories? 

I did say public statements.  Please, oh please, no NDA stuff that you can only mercilessly tease us with.  I'm lookin' at you Shecky and Priscellie.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: San Diego Comic Con: July 24-27
« on: July 28, 2008, 06:11:43 PM »
Surprised no ones thought of Chinese Water Torture.  Only instead of water you use chocolate.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: San Diego Comic Con: July 24-27
« on: July 26, 2008, 03:07:41 PM »
This is a small interview I found with Mr. Butcher at the SDCC.  It's pretty small and basic, but at the end of the article is a Youtube vid where Mr. Butcher explains the soulgaze, in 57 secs.



Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Polaris in Toronto: July 11-13, 2008
« on: July 17, 2008, 07:27:55 PM »
"Extraordinary" pales; I was utterly blown away, especially by the climax. Freaking WOW. I actually envy you guys who will get to sit down and take the book in at one swoop; this is an intensely-satisfying reading "meal".

The word "bastards" comes to mind right about now ;D.  Oh, well.  Just have to go with my sig and be patient.

BTW.  Patience blows.  I want it to be December for the book, but not for the weather.

Episode Archive / Re: BS003 - A Long-expected Podcast
« on: June 23, 2008, 03:39:38 PM »
Well with all that news, thank goodness for your boss-hoss Priscellie. 

Though I gotta admit the IronHarryMan looked more like [start Arnold accent]"I'll be back, girlie man"[/end Arnold accent] to me. 

Boy oh Boy oh Boy.  There's a lot of Harry goodness coming down the pike.  Less we forget it, is there a description for Princep's Fury yet?  Heck is it even finished yet?

Oh yeah, and stellar little 'cast as well.  You're getting much much better with it. 

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Welcome back!
« on: May 25, 2008, 03:09:15 PM »
Am I right to assume that there were some posts lost in the resurrection of the server?  I just noticed that a few posts I made are no longer there.

Episode Archive / Re: BS002 - Slowdown on the Lowdown
« on: May 07, 2008, 11:33:14 PM »
Cheese is the perfect food.

To gag and vomit too. ;D

Anyhoo.  I don't think I said that one of the things I like about the 'Spress Casts is the new information.  Usually when the irregular one comes up the "news" is old.  This one had some newie's and goodies.  Mainly the Princep's Fury cover.

Ah, yes, for posterity we save the other threads....  Does anyone get a really funny image of three computer anthropologist or sociologist geeks a thousand centuries from now reading our posts?  I guess it would be better than going through our trash heaps (hopefully before long we all have zero environment footprints and there aren't any) but I see a whole cult being built up on CAW and what it might all mean in a spiritual sense...  :-)   Come to think of it, if there were a huge revolution or something it might have gotten it's start in Touch Subjects. 

uhm grammar check... should anthropologist and sociologist be plural?  What will those researchers think of our grammar based off postings.  Getting a headache thinking too hard.

They'll either find a Rosetta-like Stone, or just choose to get stoned.  The latter would probably make everything perfectly clear.

Episode Archive / Re: BS002 - Slowdown on the Lowdown
« on: May 06, 2008, 04:57:23 PM »
Wouldn't know about pizza, I hate cheese so I don't eat that often.
Speaking of pitchforks and torches...

*eyebrows with extreme prejudice*

I can't muscle my way past the gag reflex.

It puts him in good company.  Jim hates cheese, too.

Mr. Butcher is merely exhibiting good taste.

Episode Archive / Re: BS002 - Slowdown on the Lowdown
« on: May 06, 2008, 03:46:34 PM »
*consumes the pizza, with great decorum*

"You know all those theories you have about [blank]?  They're all wrong!  But I'm not gonna tell you what happens, nyah nyah!" would result in my immediate tar and feathering. :D

Wouldn't know about pizza, I hate cheese so I don't eat that often.

As for the tar and feathering, while an amusing image, I think it would likely be pitchforks, torches, cloves of garlic, and stakes to be burned on. ;D

I couldn't find the answer myself, (I'm sure it is very easy to find) but why do some of us get docked a large number of posts? I just went down 21 posts...boohoo

A thread must have been deleted.  Apparently that happens.

Episode Archive / Re: BS002 - Slowdown on the Lowdown
« on: May 05, 2008, 08:58:14 PM »
Its probably because I am easily pleased, but I didn't think there was anything wrong with the last Butch'Spress.  Except maybe the constant apologies for it being "too long".  It was just fine.  This one was great too.  I didn't hear anything worth complaining about.  Good job, Ms. Prisc.

Author Craft / Derivative Plots?
« on: May 05, 2008, 07:34:32 PM »
That's where you're wrong, Shecky.  Joss Whedon totally came up with the idea of heroes fighting demons in a cave.  And when the Fellowship fought off orcs and stuff in the mines of Moria, it was only because Tolkien had used a time machine to travel to the future and read Joss' mind!

I see someone has gotten into the "happy" brownies.

You mean like Fred from "Angel"? Hmmmm did those ghouls in "White Knight" seem a bit of a rip off from the end of Buffy? Oh well imitation is the most sincere form of theft.
How exactly to man sized bald guys with Spock ears and fangs translate to 20 feet tall uber ghouls that pull themselves back together after they get chopped up? ???

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: April 17, 2008, 02:19:44 AM »
The next time Morgan is unconscious I will not tattoo the words "I am a dick" onto his forehead.
a) Though I might consider doing it across his neck.  The hair would hide it *shifty look*, until I use wind magic on him from behind.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: April 09, 2008, 09:30:38 PM »
The next time I fight Chimpanzee Demons I will not break into a rousing chorus of "I love the Species that Flings its own Feces" sung to "I overlooked a four leaf clover that I'd overlooked before" curtisy of Bugs Bunny.

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