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Messages - Tersa

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Author Craft / Re: Labels
« on: October 09, 2006, 03:18:51 AM »
I've been running into a problem with labels lately. One of my friends is having problems because some people don't like her art, labeling it as "anime-style crap."  It's gotten to the point she gets upset anytime anyone refers to her drawings style using "anime" as an adjective.  However, her drawing style pretty much a simple anime style that focuses more on the feeling or idea she's trying to get across than form.  There's really no other way to describe it.  We need labels to categorize stuff.  It's just how things are.  A problem only results when people start expecting everything with a certain genre or style label to be exactly the same, and that if they hate one thing filed under that category, that they'll hate them all.

terroja, I haven't really met anyone claiming to write 'vampire cyberpunk.'  Instead all the people I meet like to claim that they're amazingly deep, dark poets!  It's gotten to the point I refuse to help people proof-read anymore because everything they give me is all about death, somehow relating a muffin to the apocalypse or something similar.  It's not because they're trying to express something, no, it's all because they're writing to be labeled a certain way.  [begin rant about poetry you are welcome to skip] And people wonder why I refuse to read most poetry... they use it as a license to make no sense at all because they are being "artistic."  Never mind THEY can't even tell you what the heck they're saying. [/end rant about poetry you are welcome to skip]

Author Craft / Re: How dark are you?
« on: October 07, 2006, 05:10:04 AM »
I don't think I'm really that dark aside from my sense of humor. I just have a taste for angsty, broody men.  :P

I always end up writing for the darkest male character I can find.  I don't try to, it's just who ends up fitting the best.  For example, the character I've been writing for the past few days is one of those people that a lot of days gets up and wonders why he heck he doesn't just climb to the top of a tall building and jump.  There's plenty of other characters I could be writing for but he's just the most interesting. *shrug*   

Author Craft / Re: Readers--what would you like to see?
« on: October 01, 2006, 02:55:18 AM »
I just want to see a strong female main character that is strong with out being, pardon the language, a bitch.  It feels like everything I read that has a female lead character, if written recently, she's just a snarky bitch saying, "Yeah, I can do everything boys do and do it in heels, so HA!  And why am I doing it, you ask? Well, aside from the fact you don't need to know, it's just to show the boys up and show I can, wooohooooo!!"

...Okay, so that last part is a bit of a stretch, but it still drives me nuts.  I don't want female characters to be on the damsel in distress part of the spectrum either, but I would like to see a woman that actually has some sort of grace.  She can still smackdown-foo the bad guys, but it would be cool to see her also be able to do stuff through clever negotiation and manipulation a la Queen Elizabeth I of England, too. 

Author Craft / Re: Writing near to home with SF and Fantasy
« on: September 26, 2006, 03:16:17 AM »
You're not alone, I'm the same way.  If I try to write a whole freaking new world my writing has a tendency to be very choppy and the dialogue, normally the easiest part for me, sounds forced.  It's like you said, it takes more brain power, more forethought and planning, and I'm just at the stage in my writing I don't want to have to plan the ancestry of this character, where they live, where they're from, what their social status is, before I get to what the character IS and what the story is going to do because of them.  I just want to sit down, snap into that state of mind, and write until I'm done. 

However, that said, it's not exactly easy as pie to write urban fantasy either, even though it's probably just more general writing stuff that is hard instead of genre specific stuff.  For example, I don't have to really set up a whole different place for my character Jake to live, but because he is my main character and I'm telling the story through his eyes, I still have to sit back and try to get into a whole different headspace than what I'm normally in.  And it's not just that he's in a different stage of his life than I am (he's in his mid twenties or so, I'm a bit younger, still in the student stage of my life, while he's transitioning to the teaching portion of his life) but men just talk differently than women do.  They use different adjectives, different nouns, they use shorter sentences with fewer add ons.  In my experience, they say what they mean, then shut up.  I'm a girl, a tomboy, but still a girl, and I have to literally read back through my writing and go, "Arrggg, that sentence has two X chromosomes!!! *Growls at the second X* Y, Damn you, turn into a Y!  *Shuffles some nouns and verbs around*" 

So yeah, writing close to home is easier in some ways, but you have to focus much more on detail and I think that because the world is more familiar, readers are going to be less forgiving of inconsistancies and mistakes.  Without a whole new world to be awed by, it's easier to pick up characters acting weird and the sentences just aren't flowing and meshing the way they should.

Author Craft / Re: Vampire Use In Contemporary Fantasy
« on: September 14, 2006, 12:25:48 AM »
"Strike that, the health concious kid sister made it two.... succubuses.  Succubusees?  Succubi?  Stupid Latin correspondence course."

Sorry, with all of this talk about succubi and incubi, I couldn't pass up a chance to quote Harry.  Ah, how I love Blood Rites.   ;)

Cathy Clamp, thanks for posting about The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology .  I love reading myths to get inspiration for stories, so I'll have to go track a copy down.   ;D

Author Craft / Re: Vampire Use In Contemporary Fantasy
« on: September 04, 2006, 05:30:37 AM »
I don't know how much of what I read really qualifies as fantasy, but most of the stuff I trip across with vampires either paints them as seduction machines or angsty seduction machines.  I personally love vampires and would really, really love to write something centering around them, but I think right now people are getting sick of them.  That really saddens me, because I don't like seeing them as just pretty sex machines, or just anything for that matter.  It makes them so dull, and there's just so damn much potential for making them into interesting, facinating people who are incredibly sexy because of how interesting and deep they are, which is far hotter than just being a seduction machine.  But maybe I'm romanticizing it all far too much... 

Author Craft / Re: "rest" notes in writing
« on: September 04, 2006, 05:04:03 AM »
If you guys are weird, so am I.  Granted, I didn't think about it as in depth as you did, but the way Jim deals with those pauses are part of what I really admire about his writing.  The way the dialogue is written in the Dresden files, all the pauses are exactly where you'd expect them to be if someone was actually speaking.  It makes everything natural and comfortable to read. 

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: August 19, 2006, 04:22:16 AM »
I've wanted to write a book and be an author for a long time, and recently I put together the beginnings of a book.  I don't know how it's going to end yet or even if it will be half decent when I'm through, but I'm trying!   

It's about magic and wizards and all that jazz, since that's what I've been reading and in the mood for lately, but in the world I have the wizarding world is a kind of altered reflection of our world with its own set of rules and customs.  All that exist are wizards and archangels.  Vampires used to be running about, but they've been exterminated and the only traces left of them are various families that have vampire in their bloodlines. It's being written in first person from a wizard prodigy named Jacob Bowen, who is preparing to take on his first apprentice at the beginning of the book.

My wizards are strange because I don't see them as doing magic in the traditional wave a wand and a teacup turns into a cat sense. They can rearrange molecules, protons, quarks, all the building blocks of matter, but they can't change the particles themselves, just what they combine to make, and they cannot create or destroy matter.  I suppose they're more alchemists than wizards, in that sense.  This is my first totally original work, so I'm just trying to watch and see where it goes.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: a fanwork section?
« on: August 06, 2006, 05:38:36 PM »
I know we can't do a fanfiction fanworks section, but would fanart section work?  I draw fanart and a few other people on the board do as well.  Would it be possible to have a place to post art and icons that people make?

Author Craft / Re: That Stuff Around Dialogue...
« on: August 01, 2006, 03:12:04 AM »
Thanks for all the advice.  It's a big help, especially the examples.  ^_^

Now, off to edit some of my stuff, using my new knowledge.  ;D

Author Craft / That Stuff Around Dialogue...
« on: July 27, 2006, 10:36:27 PM »
I have been pondering this as I write, and I wanted to see if any of the other writers on the board would care to toss a couple of opinions or some advice my way.

I adore writing dialogue, but I'm having some problems with the stuff around it, the little subtle actions that add to the dialogue so it isn't just "'[insert line here]' He/she/it said." over and over again. My question is how do you enhance the dialogue in third person writing without being wordy or resorting to using adverbs constantly?  Or is less more and I should really just let the dialogue speak for itself and just use "____ said," "____ replied," etc. most of the time?   

I eagerly await your thoughts, fellow writers!  ;D

Author Craft / Re: Favorite Words?
« on: July 01, 2006, 05:04:28 PM »
 ;D Frell is one of my favorite words, even though I didn't really watch Farscape all that much.  I love the word forsooth as well, even though I never have a place to use it. But my favorite word of all time, in any language?

Pamplemousse.  It's French for grapefruit.  ;D

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction - Good or Evil?
« on: June 29, 2006, 02:55:54 AM »
I am guilty of writing fanfiction.  A lot of it. I share only a tiny fraction of it with anyone, including my friends.  I don’t really write it for people to read, I write fanfiction because I like the world I'm playing in and bow to its creator, not because I think anything will ever come of it.  I agree some people take their stuff waaaaay too seriously, which is probably why most people think fanfiction writers are freaks.  :-\

I think that fanfiction has its place and one should NOT expect much to come of just writing fanfiction and not developing their own worlds and characters, but creating a new world and developing a cast of new characters is daunting, especially for someone who has never written for pleasure before.  If you start out playing with some premade characters and an existing world, it makes figuring out how to create a little world of your own easier.  It makes writing easier to get used to. 

Maybe I'm inclined to let fanfiction exist because it's how I discovered writing.  I know why people dislike fanfiction and don't want it written.  A lot of it is really, really bad, and the author has the right to keep their ideas theirs.  I totally understand that. After all, I would be livid if someone stole the two characters I'm currently trying to construct.  However, if the author doesn't mind and the fanfiction author is just writing for fun and not profit, I'm not going to say they can't.  I think Jim has the right attitude about it, letting it exist as long as it stays out of his sight.  :) 

*Opens umbrella in anticipation of tomatoes and ducks down behind it*

Author Craft / Re: Any WriMo's out there?
« on: June 23, 2006, 09:16:31 PM »
I'm one of those people that has signed up, but never actually managed to do the challenge. *Sweatdrop* I'm going to this year, though!  Thanks for mentioning the screenplay thing they've got going this year... I never would have known about it otherwise. I writing screenplays is actually easier for me, mostly because I love dialogue and listening to people talk, but I can't figure out how to describe what the characters are doing as they speak.  I see everything going on in this perfect movie in my head, and it's hard to describe how someone's pacing around the room without having adverbs all over the place.  :D

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