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Messages - ImpishMortal

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DFRPG / Re: Power Rewrite: Physical Immunity
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:18:13 PM »
But you might be able to be affected by a 'Distracted by a thousand lead mosquitos' maneuver.
And I'm rather at a loss for how I'd justify total immunity to physical maneuvers.

I agree. While someone may not take physical damage, they are still subject to the laws of physics. Therefore, someone with physical immunity to unarmed attacks could be TRIPPED, THROWN, or HELD DOWN if a manuever was successful. The rewrites should reflect this.

How exactly can Harry rule out a different necromancer going there since he left ?

Maybe he can't, but why would another go there and also use necromancy?

Here's a possible solution worth considering about the location discrepancy of Harry's office that Knnn pointed out: the bombs were placed beneath Harry's office. This would still satisfy them being "around" his office if they placed them for the entire length and breadth pointing up.

Also, I feel like there is something off with the events concerning Lydia in GP, but I can't determine what that is.

Oh, wow.
I didn't even look at the part of the scene where Harry adds the coin from the drowned guy and one of the Kincaid-killed-them guys, without altering the final coin-count at all.
Yeah, I'm not trying to rationalize this anymore. I'm just going to with my good friend Occam, throw my hands up in the air, and ask the Mighty Jim why he does this to me.  ::)
He's so... not detail-oriented. It makes everything so stressful for those of us who make lists and are kinda OCD and tend to over-analyze wayyy too much. It's almost like he's just focusing on the story and plot and characters and silly things like that rather than the miniscule details that almost nobody actually ever catches until read-throughs or even really care about anyway because in all probability they completely lack any actual relevence.

I feel you Ziggelly. It makes me paranoid to even try to come up with theories that may be plausible depending solely on whether or not a piece of info is an actual goof or an intentional discrepancy. Thus, Jim sows his tales as we reap epileptic trees. :P

DF Reference Collection / Re: The importance of Names.
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:26:37 PM »
Yeah, it was definitely the intro blurb he included before "Something Borrowed" in Side Jobs. :)

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:39:02 PM »
You didn't read the Harry Potter books, did you? 

What I'm proposing is that Harry be sent back in time by GK to learn more about the Black Council, nothing else.  Of course, then he ends up playing a role that he didn't know he would. 

For example, Future GK helps send him back specifically to NOT change the past and only observe the BC shenanigans.  And one of the first things he does is accidently bump into PG GK.  PG GK realizes he's from the Future, and threatens to punish him for breaking a law.  Future Harry manages to convince/prove to PG GK that he traveled with Future GK's help and consent.  PG GK lets him go, and as he's departing, Future Harry makes an off-the-cuff comment about giving him a little more detail this time when he warns him about the black magic stuff.  PG GK says, "um, I have no idea what you're talking about".  And Future Harry says "yeah, you tell me there's dark magic being performed in town, and you have me look into it."  To which PG GK says, "First I heard of it."  Which confuses Harry, until he begins to realize that he sets that in motion.  Which then has him worrying about what else he may have already set in motion the first time, but doesn't know what he has to do this time around.  Queue internal dialogue rant about making things difficult for himself.

Thus Harry has to balance not changing anything other than what needs to be changed to match the first time around, while also trying to investigate and learn more about the BC.

No, time travel isn't needed to make it work.  But time travel could be used to explain things in the book that went unexplained which his theory didn't touch on, and could also be the way that Harry finds out about the plot which Knnn spelled out.

I don't think Harry Potter did it well, but it had way more plot holes and inconsistencies as a series than TDF does. Time travel also introduced critical logic issues into that series. Information and items don't just appear out of nowhere.
(see: and

Besides, who says the bad guys are doing it constantly and that there aren't good guys who have had to travel back to "fix" things themselves? For example, I think the instance in which Harry "was supposed to die" at the hands of Corpsetaker could have originally played out that way, but was altered by someone traveling back and alerting Marcone. Harry would not have been able to do that (in this particular instance), so it strikes me that perhaps there are have been several alterations to the time stream, but that we only see the the altered time and not the original situation that had to be "fixed."

I'm using this as part of my argument for explaining his parentage, so yah I think that is very likely.  Stuart did say that 1 in 10 dogs can sense spirits.

But nothing of wolves, eh?  ;)

Methinks all of them can sense spirits.

You'll have to forgive me I didn't read all the comments so I hope I am not repeating something.

Serack, some questions for you if you can answer them.

Do you think Fitz will be able to control the change (or be trained to control it) or have his human consciousness afterward? 
Does he have a soul or some mixed hybrid of one?
Would this explain why he was able to hear Harry?

Sure, I'm not Serack. But I think I can address some of your questions.
Wolves are all over mythology for several cultures -  sometimes good, sometimes evil. In many cases, especially that of Native American lore, they are somehow linked to the supernatural. Based on Jim's use of mythology and folklorem I think Fitz's ability to perceive things beyond the natural world could be attributed to his wolf heritage (should he turn out to be Tera's son).

Based on what we've been given so far, I believe that the Tara + MacFinn = Fitz theory seems to be the most plausible at this point. Consider this though:
a) We don't know how they met,
b) nor if they were together in order to pass the curse off onto a magical offspring.
For all we know, this was intentional on their part in an effort to stem the power of the curse, or perhaps it was do to the mechinations of one of the bigger powers at work.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Harry's Power Ups
« on: June 16, 2011, 04:42:16 PM »
FM - Meets the Alphas and Tera West
SK - Gains Mouse
DM - Is given custodianship of Fidelacchius
WK - Establishes Paranet
SF - Is given custodianship of Amoracchius

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 13, 2011, 08:17:28 PM »
A former employee of SilverCo.

Here's a train of thought to consider:
Victor worked a well-paying job at SilverCo until he was fired for reasons unknown.
Victor then took a relatively late-life interest in magic.
His next 'business' venture was making Three-Eye potions/drugs by using kinky sex rituals/rites.
Silverlight is the porn studio that was trying to put Arturo Genosio's company out of business in BR.
Silverlight is family owned and operated by the White Court.

Jim heavily uses the word silver to 'tag' or describe the White Court and it's members--from clothing to how their eyes look when they're 'vamping out'.

How much do you believe in coincidence in arcane mystery novels?  8)

Very interesting idea. Perhaps a member of the White Court has a place on the Black Council and thereby extended their influence on Sells in some way? It would only support my theory that the Black Council would have at least one member from each group with any supernatural power/influence.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 13, 2011, 04:43:08 PM »
Oh and here's an unsolved mystery to add to the list:

Who is Victor Sells?

We never really find out who he is really, other than his wife stating that he was not speaking to his family (to her knowledge), nor did he really speak about them with her. Perhaps he has an as-yet-to-be-revealed insidious background?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 13, 2011, 04:28:45 PM »
Also, the RC infection may not be so much an enchantment as an alteration in the nature of the being.  And even if it was an enchantment, it's a full-body, internalized one- breaking it with a warden's sword would be like trying to surgically destroy every virus in the body to cure a disease. 

As for the pentagram, Ms Duck has a pretty plausible explanation.  If the enchantment is violently released, slashing blindly through something like that would be somewhat suicidal.  Actually, I don't remember off the top of my head, but I don't think Luccio was even there for the climactic battle of SmF.  It was just Harry and the Knights on Demonreach, with the rest as backup.

I don't think that explanation works, according to Harry's musings about Morgan's sword in SF.
The sword wasn't the most dangerous thing about him, not by a long shot, but it was his symbol of authority given to him by the White Council, and if rumors were true, it was enchanted to cut through the spells of anyone resisting him.

It would stand to reason that any magical ward (even one with a Hellfire bonus!) would fall under said category and that a Warden could destroy one without harming themselves (unless it was containing something nasty ;)). Otherwise, the swords are completely useless.

On the topic of Susan's infection, my belief is that she was fundamentally altered into a magical being. The sword would only be useful in wounding/dismembering magical beings, unless said being was a magical construct.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 08, 2011, 11:34:21 PM »
Interesting, thanks for posting that. Although it doesn't say "any" enchantment, so that might give us an out for Luccio's failure to act....

For that matter, if they could actually unravel ANY enchantment -- as that unravelling cloth did in Summer Knight -- then they should be able to "cure" things like the half-turned Red Court vamps. And we know they can't do that, or Harry would've gotten somebody to lay them on Susan already (or something similar). So that makes me think that there are limits to the enchantments they can affect...

Maybe it's more along the lines of spells/wards and not necessarily objects/creatures that are magical in nature.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 08, 2011, 09:56:04 PM »
Okay, I'm starting to think that JB needs a CONTINUITY OBSESSED beta reader, because I just caught another plot-hole.

During the meeting with Nicky and the Nickelheads at Shedd Aquarium in Small Favor, after they raised their pentangle or whatever it was (pentagon? pentacle? pentagram?), to cage the Archive and shut her away from help...?

Why, exactly, did Anastasia Luccio, who was present and did have the item in question, fail to simply use her Warden's Sword-- made to cut through ANY enchantment-- to cut through the barrier and charge in to help with Murphy at her side, and Michael and Sanya not far behind?


It stands to reason that Peabody probably was already influencing her at this point. And since we don't know who or what comprises the Black Council at this point, I think it acceptable to postulate that at least one member of the Denarians is on it. Therefore, Luccio's inaction in disrupting the barrier (assuming she could, of course) only served the Black Council's purpose.

Here's a question: Did Lash's last comment before "self-destructing" seem cryptic to anyone else? I don't have White Night nearby, but if I recall correctly, she said that she would explain everything later. For some reason, I always felt like she took a huge chunk of Harry's life force and used it to create a physical/astral form in order to come back later. Remember Bob made a big deal about how much spirit damage Harry had taken. Any thoughts?

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