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Messages - lovejoy69

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Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Post number level names...
« on: July 13, 2011, 08:44:31 PM »
Hey, c'mon, folks! I agree, lots of good ideas given for levels wherever you wish for the higher numbers, but let's not overlook the members with smaller numbers. They may have just begun to participate in the forums.

IIRC, right now newb's get a pat on the back at ten and then at one hundred. Let's keep something acknowledging those who may just have recently arrived, as well as those who may just enjoy lurking/reading more than they do much speaking out.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Post number level names...
« on: July 13, 2011, 09:34:46 AM »
Some very long-used ones in my part of the country are -

door's open but nobody home

a few sandwiches short of a picnic

a few bricks short of a full load

a bit light in the loafers

And in regard to the recent replacement of a level name, myself I did prefer McPosterpants because to me it's funnier and I didn't find it offensive in any way. However, since that did bother another member, so be it.

Yes, I've seen a 'put on your big-girl panties' type of phrase any number of times in various settings and never have considered that offensive. It's a remark about handling a task or issue in a mature way, not a gender slur. AFAIR I've always seen it addressed from one woman to another, never from a man to a woman. That's probably also why guys may have seen 'big-boy pants' used instead.
Unless something's frankly blatant and explicit, any personal affront or distaste is a very individual reaction. Thus, my reaction only counts for me alone. Others' reactions may well be quite different on any number of topics than are mine.

Is there any other suggestion which might be more amusing than McPostington, for switching again?
                                (loved Don's post about McPostington, BTW.)   

That's my first choice if we have a girl (We are at 7 weeks).  I still have some lobbying to do with the Mrs though.  And yah, I already told the Mrs that if we did name her Evelyn I'd call her Evie.
Congrats, congrats!!! Wishing all three of you all the best. Healthy and happy and everything.

(And yes, Iago's daughter Evie turned two on June 12th. She and her little brother-on-the-way will be two years and just a few weeks apart in age.)

Thats why 'Jack' calls Karrin, Karrie; it comes off as endearing until you think Karrie aint short for Karrin. Even you make the stretch that some thick accent makes it come across as Karr-een.
Murphy's family seems to be long-rooted into the Chicago area. I'm from roughly the same Upper Midwest region of the US. It doesn't strike me as at all unlikely that her dad's nickname for her when she was a little girl (and thus the nickname which his coworkers would have heard him use back then when he mentioned her) was Karrie. Dropping final consonant sounds and tagging on a syllable with a '-y' or '-ie' sound would be quite usual. For example, for a dad speaking of his two year old girl, Evelyn would likely be shortened to Evie. For a boy, Daniel goes to Danny or for a girl, Danielle to Dani (pronounced like Danny and sounding the same as the boy's nickname).

Rawlins knew Karrin Murphy's father while Karrin was a very small girl. The nickname Karrie seems reasonable to me, though she no longer uses the diminutive herself anymore.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: June 22, 2011, 06:25:24 AM »
Yeah, I'm a proponent of Storm Front being set in 2000- makes chronology a ton easier.

Also, one thing I picked up re-reading Death Masks- it's an election year. (DM 116).  Does that help any?

EDIT: City elections are every four years- 2003 being the most likely (too late in the series to be 1999 or early for 2007)- making 2000 Storm Front.

In terms of being easier to calculate chronologies, yes, setting Storm Front as if it were 2000 would be way more convenient. In terms of when they were actually written, and unless Jim was for some reason intentionally setting the early books future-dated, IIRC Jim has said in Q&A sessions that he had written SF while still at the University of Oklahoma, and also that Fool Moon and Grave Peril were ready before Storm Front eventually sold.
Since SF was published April 2000, it would seem that those were written in the late 90's. For Harry to be about a year younger than Jim, Harry would have been 25 in 1997.

The only other real-world date that comes to mind is that Stroger replaced the old Cook County Hospital in December 2002. Of course, hospital construction must have been in progress for quite some length of time before that, so Jim could have become aware of the upcoming hospital move some years ahead of the actual move if he was tracking major Chicago planning.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: June 21, 2011, 05:47:16 PM »
Spoilers from the short story Curses- the preview of the first fifth is on Amazon....
(click to show/hide)
If one were to briefly describe Mouse to a person who had never seen or heard about him before, would you explain him as comparable to a small timid rodent or to a large, shaggy, sometimes dangerously bellicose critter?

(click to show/hide)
Harry began to build Little Chicago not long after he began to receive Warden pay. Luccio made him a warden in Dead Beat.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Harry's Power Ups (Changes Spoilers)
« on: June 20, 2011, 07:59:03 PM »
Agreed, but with some caveats...
Murphy-as-standard-vanilla-cop was relatively powerless vs. supernatural threats so long as she stayed within the current legal (and mental!) world-view.
She only got to be able to be effective when Harry changed her worldview (essentially educating her about the real supernatural)
Murphy and Susan, Molly and Toot - they each contributed to Harry's additional growth/wisdom (thus more power) in one way we often have only touched on obliquely.

The Harry of Storm Front and Fool Moon was more than a little reluctant to disclose any information about the supernatural world to vanillas, or to those with less magical power than he. That outlook could have, in a different personality, have stemmed from a desire to keep others powerless and therefore less than himself as a wizard. In Harry's case, it arose from his reluctance to have others suffer fear and injury. Harry worried that if they knew a little then they might get overly bold and inclined to tangle with opponents who were out of their league. He was being too paternalistic, simply too overly protective.

Part of Harry's maturing, part of his increased strength, has been as he has come to the painful realization that he can't keep everyone safe on his own. Harry realizes that some of the bad outcomes which befell Murphy, Butters, Will and the Alphas, Kim Delaney, Lydia, even Molly and the Carpenters were directly caused by Harry not teaching them what could have helped them to better defend themselves.

Harry had to learn the hard way that although they aren't capable of handling what he does, of ever becoming wizard-level practitioners, they're better off to have as much knowledge as they can utilize. Susan wouldn't have gone uninvited to Bianca's ball had she known what she was risking by doing so.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: paying up for the forums
« on: June 18, 2011, 05:13:24 PM »
I think the idea is that she can ignore it at her leisure within the topic, whereas a PM might seem more urgent.
As always, Serack, you're right. Being just a thread post, then Priscellie or iago or whomever could feel freer to choose to answer or not. Just didn't wish to come off as intrusive.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: paying up for the forums
« on: June 18, 2011, 05:04:29 PM »
And hey, the greater number of sales of each item Jim's store gets from Amazon, the greater percentage we get in profit! 
... And never underestimate the value of appending the store-friendly identifier to other products not advertised in our store. 

If more forumites took the extra thirty seconds to append the store-friendly identifier to their purchases (as I detail here--I promise, it's less complicated than it looks!), things would bode very well for the site's future AND Evie and Hickslet mk 2's college funds. :D 

It's better than any "Donate to keep the site alive" button, because it doesn't cost you a dime!

Priscellie, as always, thanks for being helpful, thorough and gracious with a prompt reply.

I really wish that more forumites knew. I strongly suspect that many or most of us haven't known about the substantial advantage of site-linked Amazon purchasing, or at least haven't thought about it recently enough to readily remember to do so when they're ordering.

It's natural for forum folks to appreciate the untold people-hours given by mods and admins which keep this forum community healthy and enjoyable. To keep in mind that server hours, hosting and out-of-pocket site expenses mean that there are actual money costs involved to keep this ship up and running are perhaps seldom considered.
I wish that there was an avenue, besides this particular thread, which unobtrusively brought this "buying power" choice closer to the forefront of forumites' awareness.

Again, most sincere thanks.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: paying up for the forums
« on: June 17, 2011, 06:49:20 PM »
1.  Go to the book/Kindle book/CD/electronic device/foot massager and scroll down to the "Product Details" section
2.  Copy the ASIN -- it should be something like "045146365X"
3.  Click on the Amazon link for any item in our store.
4.  Replace the numeric value in the URL with your item's ASIN:
5.  Go to that URL.  It should be identical to your item's product page, but the "iagonet" at the end is a tag that lets Amazon know we sent you.  Place your order from there.  You'll pay the same price as before, but Amazon will give us a small cut of the transaction.
6.  Bask in the knowledge that you're helping the boards stay alive and healthy!
We get a residual when you buy from B&N through our store, but we don't have any magic code to apply to non-store stuff. and info is covered above, check.
Do Borders and, for that matter, the Shop Indie Bookstores links in the Store also pay referral compensation to or to

For example, say that there's a Borders link for a particular item at
- Is it solely Amazon and Barnes & Noble which actually help support the main site and forum site financially or do all four of the bookseller links do so?
- If the Borders or indies links do pay compensation, do all four linked booksellers pay roughly equivalently?
   Please understand, I'm not in any way trying to be improperly nosy. I don't want numbers at all.
   It's just that if I as a purchaser am choosing between the same item at close to the same price which is offered by more than one seller, then if I knew that Bookseller-A pays twice as much compensation to the site as does Bookseller-B or Bookseller-C, then I could make that one of the factors when I decide where to transact my purchase.
An answer of more, less, they're equal, or "that's none of your never-mind, that is our proprietary information and not for you to know" -- any of those would be completely up to you.

Thanks!  When I'm going to spend roughly x number of dollars on a purchase anyway, then it's advantageous to know whether one choice entails more overall benefits than another choice.

A reply in the thread or a personal message, whichever you may decide is appropriate, would be fine with me.
I didn't want to bother a mod or admin with my question, so here in the thread you have the choice to answer or not, whiatever you feel is best.  Thanks.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Harry's Power Ups (Changes Spoilers)
« on: June 17, 2011, 07:34:45 AM »
I'm not sure how this would be categorized, but getting the coin and burying it called upon Harry for significant actions. First, Harry raced to out-reach toddler Harry C to slap his hand down over the coin to protect the child. That's a knowing and intentional act of sacrifice, because Harry knew how incredibly dangerous it was to touch a coin without protective fabric between skin and coin. There was no time to take any precautions because little Harry C would have grasped the coin, so Harry D chose to take the hit instead.

Second, and related, is that Harry immediately and decisively sealed the coin away from himself and everyone else. No one in the Church, which is the only history we know, has known of any other person who has resisted the temptation. That leads into a third point, or at least an extension of the second point, in that Harry kept resisting the temptation. Lash ran the gamut - more personal power, less personal discomforts, and perhaps the most insidious one, that of how much good Harry could accomplish for others if only he had the assistance of partnering with Lasciel and her fellow denarians.

A less courageous man would have hesitated that split second which would have meant that little Harry C got to the shiny thing first. Harry may not have a conventional set of beliefs about TWG and the afterlife, but Harry did know how absolutely devastated the lives of human hosts had all become.

Grabbing a hot metal poker without knowing that hot metal burns one's flesh is one thing. The poker will sear and scorch but the mental choice to grasp it was simply uninformed, not brave.
OTOH, to know what the red-hot metal will do to you, how excruciating the pain will be, and still to do so because one needs to do it in order to protect an innocent -- that's selflessness and valor.

Harry not only resisted Lash all that time but even interacted with her enough that he persuaded her to "self-actualize", if one were to wrap it in psych lingo. Harry persuaded her to form an intent of her own and to break with her own origin and source. She chose a better purpose for her existence than the one she had begun with. Without Harry, Lash wouldn't have become an entity of her own.

Wouldn't I have to wait until AFTER the release date to get a signed book from a virtual signing? I've waited this long, I might explode if I had to wait longer!

Besides, I like giving my local independent book store my business. Keeps THEM in business....

Besides 2, the whole idea is to be in the presence of THE MASTER...... (will he be bringing a Mister stand-in so you can be in the presence of The Master?)

Now I'm just blithering....
Get the best of both. Order GS from the virtual signing. That'll be your copy to keep.
Buy GS on release day from your local bookshop. Read it, then donate it to one of the libraries near you which haven't ordered it. (Yes, I know it seems beyond belief, but there are actually libraries which haven't seen the light and don't own all of Jim's works.)

$27.95 - that isn't chump change but it's roughly comparable to a casual dinner out for two.
Wouldn't you rather give up the one night at a restaurant to instead pick up a Burger King burger for each of you, then scurry home and curl up to read it?
And by donating, you could be spawning any number of future fans from that library offer, who'll become just as dedicated as we are???
And Jim's smidgen out of the two purchases will be going toward keeping him focused on what we want him doing, namely writing. No sense in letting him get dreamy-eyed about putting down the keyboard and finding something else to do in his life. Something less painful than writing, like bamboo shoots under the fingernails, or testing out beds of nails for mystical yogis...

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: May 21, 2011, 03:00:12 AM »
IIRC, Jim has said a few times that Dresden is several months younger than himself, or has said he's almost a year younger.
JB's birthdate is 26 October 1971. Harry Dresden's birthday is 31 October, so that would most probably put it at 1972. It places Dresden just a few days off from one year younger than Jim himself.
With other info, that Dresden was twenty-five in Storm Front, then IRL that would come out to 1997 if Dresden were twenty-five just about to turn twenty-six, or 1996 if he were twenty-four turning twenty-five, if I counted right.

Storm Front was released in the spring of 2000. Jim had already written the next couple of books by the time SF was sold and was engaged in seeking an agent and a publisher during the late 1990's. The timeline for Dresden's age compared to roughly when Jim was writing those early novels and the corresponding RL dates seem IMO to meld moderately well.

Disagreements? Info I've missed? RL info which I've used is wrong?
(If discussing this is inappropriate for the purpose of this particular Timeline additions thread, I could snip it out into a different thread instead.)

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