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Messages - Heartsonycgr

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Here's a list of Fells Point Restaurants from Urbanspoon.  Looks like there's something for everyone!

1.Blue Moon Café
2.Salt Tavern
3.Obrycki's Crab House
4.Kali's Mezze
5.Red Star Bar and Grill
6.Ale Mary's
7.Ding How
9.Peter's Inn
10.Pitango Gelato


Been a long time since I lived in Balto.  Just tell me where and when & i'll be there.  K

EDIT:  List of folks interested in meeting up over the weekend of the Baltimore Comic Con (August 20-21)

-Habu (myself)
-Myyrdn (if we can guilt trip him  ;D)
-The Doctor (possibly) (By the way, just so we're clear, I'm the real Doctor, as evidenced by my avatar self photo.  This guy is just someone who has my name...  ;D)
-Heartsonycgr (possibly) Change that to definite, the Blackberry says so - my Bob "equivalent"  :o ;D

Let me know if I missed anyone, or if you'd like to be added/removed.

@myyrdn :  Good news is Saturday traffic @ that time is not great but not nearly as bad as weekdays!  If you get hung up and need a place to crash Sat nite, I have a spare bedroom.  Note that you must NOT be allergic to Golden Retrievers, Doberman Pinschers, birds or cats, otherwise it could be fatal  :o

@Sihnon : I think getting together on a regular basis for beer, food and cheer would be a blast.  I'd be up for it.

Am likely not going to BCC but it's only a one hour drive from my house, so happy to meet up for dinner in Baltimore or the surrounds...or even in VA if that will enable some like Myyrdn to attend!

So, seems to be a general consensus for meeting after the Baltimore ComiCon on that Saturday?

Checked the old Blackberry (geek here!) and can do Sat after Comic Con in Baltimore..count me IN!!  :o

Definitely up for get together of Dresdenverse fans.  I run from PA line to Richmond no problem, Baltimore no problem for me, either.  DO the MD Ren Fest, not sure about Balto Comic Con (would LOVE to do it, but may have conflicts).  Also do Celtic Festivals/Highland Games and lots of stuff, so pick a date and I'll cross my dewclaws that I can make it. Count me IN!!  (I was such a nerd at the book signing I jumped in line and didn't get to hang with a lot of new local folks--Serak, Myyrdn & Electric Butters, buddies from Mars Con mostly--but would love to meet more Dresden geeks since I work/live in the greater DC Metro area.

A ton o' fun.  I,too, foolishly drank a late coffee and didn't get to sleep until 4 AM. I am way too old for that. Great seeing the Marscon crew again! 2012 Boston here we come!


We have seats up front at VA B&N book signing. Come see me!

I've had some stuff come up, namely in the form an account statement from my school with a bill more than double what was estimated to me.  Whether or not I will be able to come remains to be seen at this point, and will probably stay undecided until Sunday.

Awwwwww.  Try to come..... :(  We will miss you if you can't!  I'll treat you to dinner for the heads up for B&N! :)

Thanks for the heads up--I called and according to Cust Serv my books are in shipping now...I like having the backup plan you suggested in case they don't get to me in time, tho.  I wonder if they had so many pre-orders they ran out and it's taking them a week to restock to send out current orders...

OK clearly I gave BN too much credit.  Over the past two days have gotten emails saying they're shipped AND they're not shipped.  Calls to Cust Serv say yes will cancel, followed by email saying cannot cancel.  The best story yet was being told that the order was being held for the OTHER item of the two I ordered.  You should have heard the duh duh duh noises after I pointed out to her that BOTH items were two copies of the same book!

Bottom lines are 1) they said books can be returned w/in 14 days (and to where I will go with that I will not say) and 2) I will NEVER EVER EVER NEVER order a book from again. 

This is ONE BOOKSTORE (online version, anyway) that DESERVES to be driven out of business based on their terrible, unreliable and illegitimate business practices.  I feel SORRY for the physical bookstore owners that will be driven out of business by the horrific management of the larger company.

Basically, if you ordered a copy of GS from Barnes and Noble, double check your order.  Make sure that you're getting the book when you specified, instead of sometime next week. 

Thanks for the heads up--I called and according to Cust Serv my books are in shipping now...I like having the backup plan you suggested in case they don't get to me in time, tho.  I wonder if they had so many pre-orders they ran out and it's taking them a week to restock to send out current orders...

We shall see...I will re-check website tomorrow.

Can't wait for Monday, Monday.... :)

If they insisted on a purchase at the store...

Their website says store OR so either should be fine. Since that's 'in writing' I think we can hold them to at least that...

We HAVE to buy the book at B&N?  I already pre-ordered it from Amazon!

If it's any help for those who have not ordered the book yet, BNonline cost is only about $1 more than Amazon.... 

I'm sure this already got posted, but I will post again just in case.  On the Tyson's Corner B&N website it says:

"Please note: You must present a Barnes & Noble or BN.COM receipt for the featured book to enter the signing line. Copies will also be available on site the day of the event. We will begin distributing line passes at 5:00 pm on August 1, 2011."

Depending upon what folks are doing at Gordon B's, I am planning to try to get there at least an hour early to get my book and get in the line for passes (~4pm)...will get their earlier if the group determines a different schedule...


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