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Messages - ButMadNNW

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DF TV Series / Re: TV Series Timeline
« on: March 04, 2007, 12:54:27 AM »

Bob of the books ... pissed off the faery Queen.  In folk lore Oberon is Mab's son and he becomes the Faery king and marries Titania.

And Oberon regularly pisses off Titania. :D

*waves at Darkling* Glad you found your way here. :)

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: March 03, 2007, 10:10:50 PM »
I checked the library on my next visit...and totally messed up!  I picked up what I now know to be the 8th book, and read it first.

Here's a question - why do publishers stop putting "Book #__" on books in a series after a while? I was looking at Jim's books at my local Borders, and SF says "Book 1 of The Dresden Files," FM says "Book 2...", but after a few volumes, it just says, "A book of The Dresden Files" or something like that, which leads to confusion if you don't have access to a list. (I read the 7th book of P.N. Elrod's Vampire Files first, because I didn't know any better.)

I've noticed They do this with quite a few series. Any thoughts?

DF TV Series / Re: Shooting Order Vs Airing Order
« on: March 01, 2007, 08:48:09 PM »
I noticed during episode 1 of the marathon they advertised a different episode of DF for Sunday.

More likely they were simply advertising a different sub-plot of the same episode.

*nods* I noticed the new promo, myself. If you watch both of the promos, they feature the same line uttered by Bob about "someone of tremendous power."

EDIT: Woot! I'm a Wizard! ;D

Episode Archive / Re: BB005 - Doomboxes and Deadly Doorknobs
« on: February 27, 2007, 09:50:52 PM »
<snip> TV Harry ... with a *very* mobile face, mercurial, with shiny dark eyes.

....................*swoon*.......... I'm sorry, you were saying? :D (I have to "fangirl" once in a while, or my head would explode.)

Bob is great, Bob is wonderful, Bob <Bob Bob Bob. LOL> Where does this endless stream of British (he is Brit, right?) character actors come from?

Well, that particular "British character actor" came from Kentucky. LOL! I love it. First, I finally get into House - Englishman Hugh Laurie doing an American accent. Then I find Dresden, where not only do we have Englishman Paul Blackthorne doing an American accent, but Kentucky native Terrence Mann doing an English accent! Enough to give one a headache if one thinks about it too hard. (I had an instant like for Paul. I shouldn't have been surprised when I found out he's English, considering I have a weak spot for them.)

Strangely enough, most of the British character actors come from Britain, where there is a certain theatrical tradition, you know Shakespeare, Marlowe, Pinter etc..., not to mention the Old Vic, the New Vic, and the Royal Shakespeare Company. ;)


Though I must admit my favourite British character actor, Spike in Angel and Buffy was played by an American (James Marsters) AND he got the accent well, (with the help of Tony Head who is really British ;D)

I agree. I love Spike and was slightly devastated when I found out James Marsters is American. And then, to rub salt in it, I found out "Wesley" was played by an American. Sometimes it's better not to know. ;)

(Edited to correct Terrence's home state.)

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: February 27, 2007, 05:42:45 PM »
Read the books before the show, and in a way I feel a little sorry for those who are approaching from the other direction.

In certain cases, I kind of prefer "approaching from the other direction." As we've seen in this case, reading the book(s) first and then seeing a movie/TV adaptation of that world almost always leads to some level of disappointment. It's the nature of the beast.

However, if you're exposed to the video version first and - like me - are intrigued enough to check out the source material, you are given the key to unlock a door that opens onto a richer, more detailed world that fleshes out what you've already been enjoying onscreen. (And, when I've skimmed bits of SF, I tend to visualize Paul and hear his voice; which tells me that, for me at least, Paul is going a good job of maintaining the spirit of Harry.)

I'm in the middle of another book, so I haven't had a chance to read my copy of Storm Front, but I went to Borders last night while running errands and picked up a copy of Fool Moon anyway, because I've been that impressed with the show and what I've skimmed of SF. I couldn't resist - I started reading FM in the car before I drove away, and I got sucked in, reading the first 12 pages in one whoosh before I realized I'd done it. :) I'm beginning to understand the wicked fast reading times I've seen quoted on this board.

DF TV Series / Re: TV Series Timeline
« on: February 26, 2007, 07:31:19 PM »

(2003/4): (Three years before the events of the show)  Harry uses black magic to "self-defense [Justin] to death."

You probably already noted this, but just in case: According to "Bad Blood" last night, he self-defensed him to death five years ago. :)

He is the very model of a modern magic general.
He has information vegetable, animal, and ethereal
He knows the Queens of Faerie, and He quotes the fights fantastical
He is the very model of a modern magic general.

Somewhat late, but this post makes me wish to bear your internet children. And what address should we deliver your shiny new internets to?

I, too, love the parody! :D But I shall never bear anyone's children, sorry.

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: February 23, 2007, 07:25:33 AM »

Our evil plan is succeeding! Soon we shall realize our insidious goal of spreading literacy and bibliophile-ism through the nation via quality television programming!


LOL!!  :D

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: February 22, 2007, 09:33:37 PM »
(I've said this before, different places, so sorry if you see me repeating myself.)

Never heard of him.
Saw an ad for the show in the middle of one of my DVR recordings.
Thought, "Ooh! That looks interesting!"
Immediately set up a timer.
Watched the first episode, loved it.
Watched the second episode, loved it more.
It was either the second or third episode that I suddenly noticed "Based on the books by" in the credits and said, "Oooh...." ;)

I was down sick last week, but my family went to the movies at the complex that houses our Borders. Me: "Hey, would you mind looking for..." Thus, I own a copy of Storm Front. ;D I'm in the middle of reading Peter Pan (I realized a few months back that I'd missed some of the classics in my childhood), but SF will be next, which completely throws off my original timeline! LOL (I *was* going to read HP6 next.) I've skimmed bits and like what I saw, though. :)

Slightly off-topic, a friend of mine just told me she caught an episode of the show and "liked it a lot." She's written a novel about a wizard-type that's *this close* to publication, so I'll definitely be recommending the books to her when I confirm that I'll like them (I don't doubt it).

Author Craft / Re: Character Names
« on: February 21, 2007, 11:19:35 PM »
A funny anecdote:

I've always liked the meanings behind names, so when I started getting more into my writing and into role-playing in my teens, I went to the bookstore. After looking through several baby name books, I chose one and took it up to the counter. The cashier looked down at the book, looked up at me, donned a slightly confused expression, and said, "Congratulations?" ...

Took me a second to realize she thought I might be pregnant! :D Then I laughed and assured her that wasn't why I was buying the book!

Anyway, I had a character walk into my head maybe 5 years ago. What with Real Life distracting me and being stressed, I didn't really start working with him until recently. And even then, I couldn't write, because he refused to tell me his name! I started paging through name books, pulling names off TV/movie credits, trying to find something that resonated with me. At some point, I decided he was an ex-pat Brit, so I started pulling names off the credits for Wire in the Blood. In one episode, there was a kid named Corran. That name followed me around long enough that I finally had to admit that was the first name.

But surnames are where I always have trouble. I finally wrote to a friend in London and asked her for help. She told me that "Corran" is Scottish (my book says Irish, and the kid in the show lived in north England, so I'm confused), and got it into her head that he's a highlander. She even hears his light-brogue accent (I still can't), and when she heard that same accent at work, she wrote me an email with that guy's last name. "What," she asked, "do you think of Corran McLaughlin?"

So, for now at least, my main character is Corran McLaughlin (middle name Rene, after his French grandfather, and as an in-joke). He's probably stuck that way, because I'm like some of you - once I have a name, I canNOT think of the character with a different name. If I start writing before I've decided on a name, I go so far as to put [C] as a placeholder for the main character, [P] for his/her partner, etc., so I can't get stuck on a name. :D

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction - Good or Evil?
« on: February 21, 2007, 10:48:09 PM »
First let me state that I have always written original stuff (Mom still has a "book" I wrote when I was 7 or so). Very few things have been completed; a lot of ideas faded away and died out after an intial excitement phase.

In college, I was deep into Highlander: The Series, and no one else I knew was. I found kindred spirits online - probably the first online community of which I was an active member. I discovered fanfic, but I thought I'd never write any (I thought it was presumptuous to impose oneself on another's world). However, some of the people on the HL board were really good writers, and I enjoyed some of their stories; other stories, it was a struggle to find anything nice to say. After I'd spent enough time obsessing over Methos (my favorite character), studying him and the "rules" of the HL universe, discussing the show, and reading some fanfic, I got an idea that wouldn't go away. And so I wrote a fanfic. That was almost nine years ago, IIRC, when I was 19.

The main character was an extension of myself, because I wanted to go into that universe and play (I didn't know at the time self-insertion was a no-no, and still don't care, to this day; she was my stand-in to start, and grew into her own character). There was no sex involved. Very few of Methos's 5000 years of life have been detailed, so there were a lot of lovely blank spots to play in without overtly breaking universe rules/canon. I stuck to the two existing characters I knew best: Methos and Joe, with guest starring roles from characters I felt I had a pretty good feel for. The major deviation I wrote in was a reincarnation plot - something HL never included.

And yes, I posted the story on my now defunct website. If nothing else, that story holds the distinction of the first longish story I actually brought to a conclusion. ... I enjoyed writing it and amused myself, but didn't think it was that great (but I never like anything I write). I got a lot of lovely, positive comments on it (three in particular still stand out in my mind, but I'll spare you). Many people thought I had a good sense of the characterizations of those existing characters I used. Several people suggested I submit the story for publication - but that is the line I would never cross - I was fully aware I was playing with someone else's toys. (I did start a sequel, but it died.)

However, though I would never submit that story, there was enough interest in it and I liked the plot enough that I started trying to think of a way to adapt the story using my own characters. About four years later, an entirely new character (outside any existing universe, with some new "rules" I don't remember ever having seen before) walked into my head and I'm currently wrestling with him, trying to develop his story into something I can submit for publication. If not for that HL fanfic, he wouldn't exist; so writing the fanfic WAS a positive thing for me.

Soon after I'd written my own fanfic, I got tired of digging through all the drek to find the few fanfics I could stand to read, so I just stopped looking. The typos, bad grammar, overly self-indulgent writing, universe-rule-breaking... I couldn't stand it - if you're going to play in someone else's universe, you need to follow their rules as near as possible, IMNSHO. And I HATE slash - to me, that is the ultimate in disrepectful, canon-twisting rule-breaking. .... However, fanfic as an entity is not going away. People inclined to write have always done it, will always do it. There is some good stuff out there, but I have neither the time nor energy to look for it, so my solution is simply ignore it. If I ever manage to get published, I will make it publicly known that I'd really rather fans stay away from slash (if I want my main character to have same-sex relationships, I'll write that; but if I write him straight, I'd rather the fans respect that); but other than that, I'll probably adopt a "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Because I have to feel like I have a firm grasp of the universe and its characters before I would dare to write in it (and I have to have an idea that won't go away), the only other fanfic I've written and shown to people was a tiny, two-page piece that filled in a gap in the film V for Vendetta - I simply described something that logic dictates did happen, but it wasn't shown in the movie. The board I currently Admin liked it and wants me to write more, but I can't - there's not enough playspace/wiggle room in the universe; HL was big enough, V4V isn't. (The only exception I'd possibly make would be to rewrite the movie novelization - I used to love reading novelizations, but I know too much now, and that officially licensed, published book was just horrid.) I also haven't read any of the V4V fanfic my board members have created, except for the pieces written by a writer friend who is *this close* to getting her original novel published (same friend loved my little fill-in and praised me for sticking to the rules of the V-verse). ... I'm so judgmental of others' fanfic, I'd just rather stay away from it altogether.

More recently, I dug out that old HL fanfic to share with a couple people on my board and read it myself for the first time in years. Looking at it now, with a B.A. in English-Creative Writing under my belt, I had to laugh at myself and how proud I was of that piece. There are still some passages that I read as someone else's writing ("I can't have written that - it's too good."), but I can see how my writing has evolved since then and how inexperienced I was. I even, to my chagrin, found some typos! :D

Wow. Sorry I went on so long. To sum up: Fanfic can sometimes have a purpose and some of it can be quite good, but there's too much simply BAD writing out there for me to bother looking for what's worth reading. It's not going away, so I'd rather ignore it than fight it. As long as they're not trying to make money off it and are acknowledging that they're playing with someone else's toys, I'm okay.

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: February 20, 2007, 08:15:13 PM »
That just makes me sad.  It's not like Potter is the first wizard to use spellwords.

I completely agree. Harry Potter (a series I love) hardly invented the magic word.

I agree, as well. And on a similar note (sorry to add a slight derailment by responding so late; I just got here), I quickly tired of people (IMDb/SciFi) complaining that Harry & Bob looking the Ravens up in a book was too Charmed-like. When has there been a wizard in history/literature who did not have at least one reference book? Maybe not a "Book of Shadows," but even Bob makes a mention of his "first grimoire" - I think in the first episode... - Grimoires are real, historic texts on magic, so where's the fault?

*carefully sets thread back on tracks*

*waves to Robert* Hi! :) I don't have a question at this time, but I'm truly enjoying the show (without having read the books). Keep up the great work!

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