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Messages - Drashna

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DFRPG / Re: Physical appearence of a Changeling
« on: December 23, 2010, 03:43:10 AM »
Glamor would absolutely work.  Seemings.  And most creatures that try to blend in, do have human guise, human form, or flesh mask... or are Sidhe, and likely have glamors. :)

DFRPG / Re: Very Dumb Question about "The Catch"
« on: December 23, 2010, 03:40:07 AM »
So, if you have 3 physical stress normally, and inhuman toughness, against your catch, you're treated as only having 3, right? so a 4 stress hit would take you out?

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Resource Wiki
« on: December 20, 2010, 08:17:16 AM »
yes, it stands for WoJ, and seems to be mis-quoted quite often. :)  (especially when it comes to the Erlking, who everyone assumes Jim says is a King of Summer, but *NEVER* actually says that. :))

And the link for the thread of all collected WoJ is here:,21772.0.html

And the thread is very comprehensive.

DFRPG / Re: Focused Practitioner vs Wizard
« on: December 20, 2010, 08:08:53 AM »
Burn with Water? Easy, even the book recommends a way to do: ACID. Acid is water. Carry a car battery with you everywhere. ;)
As for fire, slag that metal/cement. Molten wall. :)  Or create a wall of non-fire heat that is too hot for anything to cross.

it's all about your creativity.

DFRPG / Re: Catch: The Trappings of Winter/Summer
« on: December 18, 2010, 10:53:08 PM »
Personally, I feel that a +3 is justified. Namely, only +1 for knowledge of the catch.  Don't agree?  Ask a random person how much they know about faeries, the mythological creature, and ask them if they know anything that hurts them or that they just don't like.  I'm willing to bet that they will have heard of faeries but have no idea that iron is the weakness shared by most or all faeries.  It's common knowledge for those who know more than just a little about faeries, but the average person on the street won't.  That, and a lot of faeries can take many forms, including that of humans, if only using Glamor. So it makes it harder to distinguish.

Though, if you and your group decide +4 is appropriate, that's fine. No harm in that. Well, except maybe to the Fae!  :)

DFRPG / Re: Second Law Mystery
« on: December 18, 2010, 07:47:49 PM »
It can be permanent, but it takes a lot more shifts to be so.

DFRPG / Re: Knight/Emissary of Santa Claus
« on: December 17, 2010, 08:48:06 PM »
@RyanR: Actually, it *only* mentions Santa.  It never mentions the Erlking's side. Ever. :)  Which is why I counted him as part of the autumn court. Specifically, because I few the autumn and spring courts more as sub-courts as winter and summer, respectively.  

Either way, Santa is definitely a Fae, and a powerful one. And yes, he should be associated with Winter.

@devon: absolutely. It's used to case a place for entry, is it not?  To figure out the easiest way in, if not break in necessarily. And probably high investigation too.

DFRPG / Re: Focused Practitioner vs Wizard
« on: December 17, 2010, 06:46:35 AM »
Dedicated crafters can make powerful items, but they don't get that control bonus to discipline rolls, so it can be much harder to hit anything. Nor from focus items. Their staying power is awesome, though. with 9 refresh, you could make 9 shift effect items. That's 5 armor!

The problem is +4 discipline vs +9.

DFRPG / Re: Magical Batteries
« on: December 17, 2010, 06:36:53 AM »
The book already has a great mechanism for that: enchanted items and potions.  

And the reason "free" shifts don't work is that you don't get something for nothing. The idea is game breaking. Lets say i rely on some items for offense and defense, leaving mental stress track free, so at the end of every scene, i dump all into this "item". So what about every scene not described. Assuming each scene is 15 minutes, thats 96 shifts per day. Minus what you spend. Game Breaking. That is over 100 shifts per scene that you *could* throw around every day. After a week of not doing anything, you could get nearly 1000. As a GM, no effing way. not unless every baddy could to.  And with them sacrificing people, 10,000 per week easy.  Nuke. 50 shifts to a small city for an hour... Can your wizard survive that???

DFRPG / Re: Knight/Emissary of Santa Claus
« on: December 17, 2010, 12:06:50 AM »
Actually, Jim has stated that Santa Claus is a unique brownie.  So definitely fae.

DFRPG / Re: Knight/Emissary of Santa Claus
« on: December 16, 2010, 06:41:41 AM »
Which is canonically wrong, because Santa is a Winter king and the Erlking is a Summer king.
how so? nowhere does it actually say either way. And not to mention that Erlking is supposed translate to "elf king", yet we see him surrounded by/with goblins, which feel like winter fae in personality (cruel, to the extreme).  And I'm more tan willing to dg up WoJ. :)

not to mention, i choose the erlking for spring as he would assist summer into coming into fruition/power as Claus would assist winter. Especially as Jim is very quiet about who is on whose side. :) 

DFRPG / Re: Upgrade a Supernatural Power
« on: December 16, 2010, 06:23:23 AM »
Not only would I, I have a player with similar (not str, but inhuman upgraded to supernatural)

DFRPG / Re: Knight/Emissary of Santa Claus
« on: December 15, 2010, 10:09:32 AM »
Well, there are lots of threads about erlking/oberon/santa claus and the various faerie courts. :) 

Personally, I run Santa as the king of the Autumn Court, and the Erlking (aka Oberon, IMO) as king of the Spring Courts. And run those courts more as heralds for the other seasons than their own full courts.

DFRPG / Re: Second Law Mystery
« on: December 15, 2010, 10:06:23 AM »
Just recently got into this sort of conversation.   Temporary vs permanent is definitely an important distinction.  But for the most cases, it's going to be permanent.   

"Your Story" mentions that a particularly strong willed person may be able to keep their mind intact for a while after transformation. So (s)he may be able to communicate in very rudementary ways.  But it does destroy their mind sooner or later, and usually sooner.

Maybe your PCs run into the victim while he's transforming.  A smart/skilled PC could quickly place a ward around his mind to prevent him from losing it.  Or maybe the ward just slows the process giving the PCs hours?, days?, weeks? to find a way to remove the curse or track down the warlock and kill him to break it. (26shifts min to permanently transform somebody, vs maybe 10-15 shifts impromptu). Or maybe its just temp because of the ward.

BUt generally speaking, permanent is mind destroying.  And as for changing back, technically, no it's not a violation. The general theme/feeling/"harry's technicalities" (because he uses it often in the books) is that you are not transforming a human. :) 

DFRPG / Re: Pulling on the Barbed Wire on Someone's Soul
« on: December 15, 2010, 07:34:32 AM »
Well, if the EMTs haven't left the scene yet (hmm, I think there is a pun in there somewhere :P), a smart PC could hex the engine (or the power locks on the doors, maybe, or blow out one of the tires) of the ambulance.  If they aren't smart enough to think of that, a generous GM could compel a player to do that. :)  Though convincing the EMTs to let the PCs take a look at the victim may need some social finesse. Theoretically, shouldn't be very hard at all. They'll be sitting there waiting for the next ambulance to arrive. And nothing better to do.

If they have left already, retro-active may be the way to go.  Or you could drop a clue or maybe somebody gets smart and tries to scry for the component used to create the sympathetic link used the the Thaum ritual.  Or just leave it be. They probably know that somebody is slinging around some bad juju now. Just step it up some more. Maybe, TBBG decides to go after the PCs, or their family.  They *did* arrive on the scene to help the victim, did they not?

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