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Messages - itari

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Okay. Mac is Death.  ;D
Of course not. He doesn't talk in ALL CAPS.

Ah, was this part of the "Mab is Molly" theory?
I think everything is. :D

And yeah, I agree with the theory. Mab did it.

As to the snow, didn't someone suggest that Mab would be a little... annoyed at losing her Knight?
I still stand by my theory that Titania didn't regain the control over the Stone Table in December. Mab is too rational to cause snowfall just because. Either the snow is an effect of Winter being dominant, or it's a tool that Mab uses to slow down Summer agents (like she did in SmF).

Collection of disparate facts from the sample chapters...

  • Everyone in Chicagatory is in the prime of their life with no scars (well at least the 3 we know)
  • The cars are vintage
  • What Harry is percieving is being censored
  • There's an angel garding the door to the "precinct"
  • Somebody cheated when Harry was killed
  • 3 people Harry loves will be harmed if he doesn't solve who killed him
  • Harry is asked to write down a specific address to go to rather than to say something like "Mort's House"
  • Harry is limited in what he can influence on the living plane, and has no magic
  • Mindless specters want to eat Harry's ghost
  • Memories can be used as a weapon on these Specters
  • Harry was taken to Mort's old address, not the Duplex in DB
  • Harry had forgoten that he had already seen Mort with a bicked head
  • Mort stopped to take the time to grab a single Oreo before locking Harry out of his bedroom
  • There is 1.5 feet of snow outside
  • From Harry's perspective about an hour has gone by since he died, yet 6 months have passed

  • Although Harry has no magic, he is still able to use his Sight, at least in Chicagatory
  • He bleeds ectoplasm
  • He can feel pain
  • Despite the snow, there are potted plants with leaves in Morty's garden and hedges
  • Sir Stu is familiar, apparently, with Harry Dresden's name and reputation. I think he saw Harry in DM and DB.
  • If a wraith devoured Harry, it would become so powerful that it could threaten the living

A little bit off-topic: when I read about Stu spending 5 years listening to Pink Floyd, I immediately thought of this.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The voices in my head (Series spoilers)
« on: July 07, 2011, 05:23:31 PM »
Also, not sure if this belongs here or not, but this thread is what made me think of it: do you think it's possible that in the Nevernever, Harry would be perceived by everyone, and able to interact with everything in much the same way he could when he had a body? It's called the spirit world, after all. Presumably because a lot of spirits live there. Maybe once he's there, he'll seem almost solid, almost like his old self. At least in his mind, and one's mind apparently has a strong influence on things over there.
Wasn't Chicagatory in the NN, though? Agatha Hagglethorn was material in the Nevernever, so I think it's entirely possible.

Something on the single oreo....
These are typical actions for someone trying to lose weight:
One oreo is textbook portion control.
Heh, I thought that Morty took the oreo, because some people eat sweet things to deal with stress  ;)

When he died, it was sometime in the winter cycle, or at least the Winter cycle.  Otherwise, the table wouldn't be in Mab's control.  I'll have to go back & check, but for some reason I recall reading that this happens in May & 6 months prior Harry died?  Isn't that December, or am I missing a month?

I know I've had a winter, where it didn't snow until at least the 2nd//3rd week of December.  Changes might have been like that.  Or the snow wasn't mentioned, for whatever reason.
Harry died in late October. Winter controls the Table when days are getting shorter (from June to December). He thinks that an hour passed since his death. It didn't snow that day, because Murphy's clothes (as described in Aftermath, slacks and a silk blouse) suggest that the weather was quite nice then.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The voices in my head (Series spoilers)
« on: July 06, 2011, 10:35:46 AM »
Harry might have Schizophrenia  ???
More like split personality ;) which would nicely explain his headaches and memory loss.

He has had a history of headaches and loss of control. Is it possible that Justin may have had more effect than previously thought? Maybe it's just harrys way of dealing with massive brain intrusion
Same as above. He's not a raving lunatic, but not the most sane person ever.

personally Harry would expect snow in his personal time frame.
When Harry died, the weather was sunny. Why would he expect 1.5 ft of snow an hour later?

Quote from: Dead Beat
He was short, twenty or thirty
pounds overweight


Quote from: Ghost Story
I mean, he wasn’t going to be modeling for Abercrombie & Fitch or anything, but he’d definitely dropped from self-destructively obese down to merely stout.

20-30 pounds overweight is not self-destructively obese in my book, even if he's short (a little bit below 5'6" - that would be 166-167 cm).

Let's do the math 'cause I'm a nerd.

The normal/overweight threshold (according to body mass index wikipedia page) is around 70 kg/155 lb for someone who's Morty's height. If we assume that he's 30 lb overweight (83 kg/185 lb), he's still in the "overweight" range, and not "obese".

Somethings up. 

Now the thing is, Harry is at the address that he gave Capt. Jack.  If he isn't remembering the events of DB (or at least those particular ones) He might not remember the correct address...

Or what if Harry is not in May in a year after his death, but in May BEFORE Dead Beat? :)

Another possible cluebat in this vein are Victor's job and his friends.  When Monica goes to Harry the first time he asks where her husband worked before he was laid off and if he had any friends or family.  She said he worked for SilverCo (a trading company), he was friends with his boss, and he was estranged from his family.  Serack pointed out to me that the porn studio owned by the White Court had silver in its name and that might be another clue.  Also, Victor settled on lust as his emotional focus for his spells.  If his teacher was White Court, he or she would be biased towards teaching Victor to harness lust over the rest of his emootions.
Hey, I made a similar thread not long ago! ;D

Your theory is plausible, I think, although:
I suspect that it will eventually be revealed that Victor's teacher was either Lara or Thomas Raith, and I am personally leaning more towards Lara.
Thomas doesn't have much magic, only few tricks. I doubt he could teach a sorcerer.  Lara, on the other hand, is not a spellcaster, unless she deliberately hides it.

I can follow that chain of events.  However, I would think it was  Papa Raith that was teaching VS.  i mean, after VS failed, he started his own coven of porn start sorceresses, epic btw.  And we know from what Eb said, that Papa Raith knew Arianna as well.  back when Maggie Sr was hatching and plotting.
That would be my guess too.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: May 21, 2011, 09:52:26 PM »
Correction: I was looking up where Harry's birth year was given and realized that it is based off Jim's comment that Harry is about nine months younger than he is. That doesn't necessarily mean Harry's was born nine months after Jim. It could simply mean that Harry is Jim's current age minus nine months during Changes. Since we don't know the exact date of the books that doesn't tell us much since a variable minus a constant is still a variable. For example if a book was set in the Forgotten Realms, both the character and the writer could be the same age (both being 29) even if the character was born in 1374 DR and the writer in 1982 C.E..
Well, you can always use pop-culture ;) For example,
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Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 29, 2011, 10:51:21 AM »

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 25, 2011, 10:23:59 PM »
I think it's funny that Neil Flynn was on the list, but looking at everyone on there, Joe Flanigan would be perfect.

Yeah, he looks really close to my mental image of Harry.

And I always see Emilie Autumn when I read about Maeve ;)

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