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Messages - Smith

Pages: 1 2 [3]
DFRPG / Re: Help with an Emmisary of Power/sponsored spellcasting source
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:31:22 PM »
I like the second idea.
Here you have a cop, that has gone above and beyond to protect his city, by contacting some power to give him the strength and ability to take down some big bad. The cop believes he's basically made a deal with the devil, however in this instance it was the city itself giving the cop the extra juice to serve as it's emissary.

That could be epic. Hell, you could probably run a number of sessions just off of the cop trying to discover where his power comes from and what it means to him, not to mention the "Bad-Guy of the Week" sessions in between.

DFRPG / Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:53:17 AM »
In our game, my friend made his character a "Gremlin Blooded" Changeling. Gremlins came about in World War II, made up by British pilots to explain random mechanical errors. Later a story-book was written, illustrated and published by the Walt Disney company about them and how the pilots convinced the gremlins to help in the war-effort against the Nazis by fouling their planes. There was also a Warner Brothers cartoon about them, featuring Bugs Bunny.

Also if you're looking for inspiration on Fae and Fairy types, there was a game put out in the 90's called "Changeling: The Dreaming" by White-Wolf. They did quite a bit of research and came up with a few really cool "Kiths" that could easily be adapted for a DF Game.

DFRPG / Re: Idea for an Enchanted Item/Item of Power
« on: December 31, 2010, 05:22:04 PM »
Been talking with my GM and we've agreed that the spell would have to turn the "summoned item" into another form (I've chosen Magnetic Force) in order to get it from the prepared space to the glove. How this will be explained thaumaturgically is... the circle for this spell would be made of rare-earth magnets... the glove would contain a smaller circle of the same magnets (procured from the exact same source). The item in the circle, when called, would be turned into pure magnetism and go rushing towards the glove, using the mystic link between the magnets to overpower any outside influence (i.e. getting stuck on someones refrigerator next to the preschooler's drawings).

We've also decided that it wouldn't work over a threshold that the wizard wasn't invited through and would also have a distance of maybe a few city-blocks, as such, we'll probably go with the "Car Trunk" option.

Thought you guys might like an update. When I have mechanics written down for it, I'll be sure to post those as well.
As always, feel free to leave comments, concerns and (especially) cash prizes.  ^_^

DFRPG / Re: Idea for an Enchanted Item/Item of Power
« on: December 29, 2010, 06:56:14 PM »
Well, I'm not thinking Global Availability, more like... city wide. I notice one of the big concerns with out-and-out teleportation is the character covering X number of zones and overcoming Y number of Borders and the effects they will have on the caster. I'm thinking this could work with a number of stipulations applied to it, such as "Not across a Threshold" and "Inanimate Objects Only". I'm also thinking that the prepared space and the glove need to share a rather substantial thaumaturgical link, like "The gloves rivets are forged from the same metal that makes up the circle" or some-such.

DFRPG / Re: Idea for an Enchanted Item/Item of Power
« on: December 29, 2010, 06:27:44 PM »
I'd actually like to drop the Nevernever aspect of the spell. Just have it so the glove calls the item from the prepared space, but I thought some people might require that kind of distinction.

DFRPG / Idea for an Enchanted Item/Item of Power
« on: December 29, 2010, 04:15:39 PM »
As stated in the book, Conjuring kinda sucks. Yeah, you can get that sword, but it takes so long to whip up the spell, only to have the sword last for so long. It doesn't make much sense, when you can just go out and get that sword (or other item) cheaper and easier the old fashioned way.

So here's my idea.

The wizard creates in a safe place (home, laboratory, trunk of his car, etc.) a summoning circle (like the one in Harry's basement), this space is specifically set aside for one purpose... holding an item for later use. The circle is then linked through a lengthy thaumaturgical casting to a glove, which contains the spell. When activated, the glove summons whatever is in the circle to the open (gloved) hand of the wizard.

I could see this being extremely handy as it's not always convenient to carry around your Wizard's Staff, loaded gun, sword or what-have-you.

The way I'm thinking this would be accomplished is the glove acts as a once per session use Enchanted Item. The player would have to specify what item was in the prepared space, upon activation of the glove's enchantment, the prepared item is sent into the Nevernever to be pulled out again by the glove.

Any thoughts?

DFRPG / Re: Lonely Gamer seeks multiple partners for Hot TableTop Action.
« on: December 01, 2010, 07:17:25 AM »
Yeah, I've been sitting on these DFRPG Books since they released. I'm hoping to be able to do something with them.  ^_^

DFRPG / Lonely Gamer seeks multiple partners for Hot TableTop Action.
« on: December 01, 2010, 12:01:17 AM »
So, I've been looking for a tabletop group for a while now. My old group, after a couple of years, grew apart and now I need my fix of pen and paper goodness. I have one friend from the group that is still interested in RPGs and between us we have a veritable library of games and systems. We tend to fall into the Roleplaying over Dice Use mentality.

If you're located in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, let us know!

Also if you're not located in the same area... feel free to let others know where you are and your gaming preferences.
I'm all about gamers finding gamers!

DFRPG / Re: Game in Minneapolis
« on: November 25, 2010, 09:19:19 AM »
I live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and have been dying to find a game ever since the books came out.

DFRPG / Re: RPG group areas
« on: June 16, 2010, 04:52:09 AM »
I'm in the Twin Cities area (Saint Paul / Minneapolis) of Minnesota.
I would love to see my way into a Tabletop Game.

DFRPG / Re: City Creation - Detroit
« on: June 16, 2010, 04:30:25 AM »
I was going to suggest City Club, if you're doing anything with Vampires in Detroit it fits, Red or White. (I used to be a bouncer there, I could tell you stories. ^_^)

For that matter, if you need just a seedy rundown area, don't forget Cass Avenue (none colloquially as "Cass Corridor"). If it's dirty, dangerous, unhealthy and/or illegal it can be found there. Also there's a great bar called "The Temple Bar" on the corner of Cass and Temple... George the Owner/Bartender would make for a great Face, especially because his bar is alot like MacAnally's. Could totally see it being Accorded Neutral Ground.

If you're looking for artsy "psychic friendly" ground, Wyandotte's about 15 minutes south of the city on the river and has a great many little places that would work well. The Cosmic Eye Crystal & Stone Shop easily comes to mind.

*God I miss Detroit*
Hope this helps.  ^_^

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