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Messages - EldritchFire

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DFRPG / Re: Whom do I give a Fate Point when I do an AOE?
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:35:33 PM »
If you had invoked one of the PCs aspects to lower that persons defense roll against the AOE then that person would have gotten it, but if you invoked the NPCs own aspect to raise the attack power or whatever then it just goes away.

That's a compel, not an invoke. And you're right, compelling someone's aspect gives them the Fate Point.


DFRPG / Re: Banking Character Gen Skill Points?
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:26:22 PM »
Do people allow players to save character creation skill points to spend at the next significant milestone.

I haven't seen a rule specifically disallowing it. But I must ask, why would someone want to do that? Would it not be better to spend the point now, and build upon what you have when you get more skill points?


DFRPG / Re: Balancing of Powers
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:23:25 PM »
@edge of dreams: To clarify my point: I´m not talking about a regular attack. I´m talking about a maneuver to place an aspect like TOO OCCUPIED TO SEE THE NEXT ONE COMING or something like that.

That could easily be an athletics roll, not a fists/weapons/etc roll. You're moving so fast, it's hard to see you. That's an athletics manoeuvre for sure! Also, you'd get a +1 bonus to the roll because of inhuman speed! Bonus!


DFRPG / Re: Illusion magic
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:19:14 PM »
A block is a block is a block.

If outside of combat, what is the effect?  Is it a maneuver?  A social attack (for something like social combat)?  Why are you doing it?  

Like was stated, start with the effect, work back from there.  Balance, power, etc. relys on the mechanical benefits of the action.  Don't over cost something just because it seems like it would be hard to do from our (Harry's) perspective.  Thematically, it would use Spirit for evocation, and I'd say Illusion (which isn't in the books but would be something like Veil magic) for Thaumaturgy.


What do you want to do. Make it harder to hit you? That's a block. Do you want the ability to either make it harder to hit you, OR make it hurt more? That could be a block (remember, you can sacrifice a block to turn it into an attack spell), or just an aspect of illusory clones everywhere. Tag and invoke as needed.


DFRPG / Re: Fate point economy?
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:14:38 PM »
I think I'm overlooking some things somewhere, but at what point does a player/character receive fate points?
I know there's a refresh at the start of the session, and that you get a fate point whenever an aspect of your character is compelled and you choose to accept the compel.

But I read about fate points exchanging hands on various occasions throughout the game. When does this happen?

If player A compels player B's aspect, player A gives player B the Fate Point. It's the same as when the GM gives a player a FP for a compel...except the FP comes from the compelling player.


DFRPG / Re: items usable by others?
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:13:05 PM »

DFRPG / Re: Balancing of Powers
« on: July 26, 2011, 02:27:10 PM »
Personally, I think that the speed powers are overpowered. Heck, let's look at inhuman speed. For -2 refresh, you get:
+4 initiative (that's -2 refresh right there)
+1 to all athletics rolls (that's about -1 refresh)
no penalty on supplemental action move (-1 refresh)
2-point reduction in stealth penalties due to movement (-1 refresh)

That's -5 refresh worth of stuff for only -2 refresh! Underpowered? I think not!

Remember, powers are just a collection of stunts that are a bit more powerful. The blanket +1 to athletics is "a bit more powerful" than a normal stunt.


DFRPG / Re: magical tattos + mundane items
« on: July 24, 2011, 01:28:48 PM »
I usually don't like magical tattoos, because they often try to get around the item part of enchanted or focus items. That said, I've had an idea that would kind of take this to the extreme.
A charakter, that is able to put items inside of drawings he made of them and he would be able to take them out again, removing the drawing as if it had never been there. If you do this with tattoos, you can carry a lot of stuff in plain sight. And drawing a sword from your forearm? That is just plain awesome ;D
I am not sure how to stat this, though. Maybe by creating aspects and invoking them for effect to get the item back? Any ideas?

The character I'm currently playing draws a sword from a tattoo in his forearm! Here's the basic write-up of his powers.

If you're interested in the actual character, here's the Obsidian Portal page.

I hope that can help you out!

DFRPG / Re: Potions... items... useable by others?
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:24:50 PM »
Thanks folks, y'all the best :)

Glad to be of service!


DFRPG / Re: Potions... items... useable by others?
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:12:20 PM »
Potions, by their very nature, can be used by anyone. "A given potion can only be used once, period, but it doesn’t face a surcharge for being usable by someone else," YS280, right above the bullet list on the right.

As for items, "The strength of an enchanted item may be reduced by one to make it usable by someone other  than  the  caster,  such  as  a  magically armored coat that anyone can wear," YS179, second-to-last indent on the right column.

Unless designed otherwise, only the creator can use an enchanted item.


DFRPG / Re: Spell Theory
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:11:13 PM »
I haven't been able to find anyone addressing this idea so I thought I'd make a post to ask how I should handle some spell ideas I had.

The first was a blast of kinetic energy designed to throw a target through the air. how many shifts would this take and how could you deal with damage if you threw the target into a wall.

If you're going for distance, that's a manoeuvre. You tag the aspect for effect to move them to a different zone. If you're looking for damage, that's what the spell normally does. In this case, the damage comes from the impact rather than from the kinetic force itself.

Another idea I had involved combining water and fire evocation to fill a zone with burning steam, by using water evocation to fill the zone with mist and fire evocation to super-heat it. Would this be allowed in most games?

Again, sounds like a manoeuvre. Use whichever evocation makes the most sense. If you're in a damp location, fire makes sense since there's already moisture to superheat into steam. If you're in a desert-type environment, than use water since it's already hot enough.

Or, use both! In two consecutive exchanges start with the water evocation to douse the area with moisture, and the second to fill the area with mist. This way, you have two aspects to tag: moisture rich and filled with steam.

Just my [-2].


DFRPG / Re: Tagging mental consequences
« on: July 08, 2011, 05:39:26 PM »
This is why I was making the PC's do assessments (ignore law-breaking and focus on tags):

Scenario 1

Joe at the bar just got dumped by his over-bearing, soul-sucking girl friend.  He now has the consequence "feelings of inadequecy".
The PC's come in and start smashing the place up.  For the PC's to take advantage of Joe's consequence, they have to assess it.

Scenario 2

Joe is sitting at the bar when the PC's come in and start smashing the place up.  The PC wizard hits Joe with a psychic blast giving him "feelings of inadequecy".

Why, in scenario 2, do the other PC's get a free tag without an assessment when in scenario 1 they need to assess?

Without the assessment in #1, there was no dice roll involved. Free tags come out of rolling for them. Remember, you can gamble, and spend a Fate Point on an aspect you think the target has (YS113). If you want it for free, you need to roll for it.

Rolling for the free tag is iffy because they can roll to resist. If they have feeling of inadequacy, but your empathy is only +1, it might make more sense to spend the FP instead of rolling. If you spend the FP and invoke/compel, you know they have the aspect--or something similar. If you are handed the FP back, you know you were wrong.

Just my [-2].


DFRPG / Re: Off-Hand Training + Inhuman Strength
« on: July 07, 2011, 06:47:46 PM »
I figure this is actually answered in the stunt.

It says second weapon's bonus, not total damage bonus (or similar). So he add's only what the weapon gives him. No strength bonus.

This. The weapon rating is 2, no matter how strong you are.


DFRPG / City Advancement - Some Questions
« on: June 22, 2011, 08:28:17 PM »
YS93-96 talk about city advancement. However, there are a few things I'm still lost on.

First off, it talks about promoting a threat to a theme. If it's left alone too long, sure it's going to get worse. However, I'm not seeing anything on "demoting a theme." Sure, themes can be lessened, inverted, or get worse...but nothing about changing a theme to a threat so that it can be resolved.

Second, we know that you can promote a threat to a theme, adding to the Theme half of "Themes & Threats." But how do we add to the other half of the equation? What if I want more threats in the story? Is that just one of those "talk it out with the table" issues?

Thanks in advance!


DFRPG / Re: battlemaps/grids/etc & dfrpg/fate
« on: June 22, 2011, 03:40:42 AM »
Fred Hicks has you covered!

Late last year, he blogged about just such a thing! Check it out here:


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