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Messages - Nickeris86

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Author Craft / Re: World Domination of Course!!!
« on: March 02, 2012, 04:02:47 PM »
I did have the idea of taking out satellites. Also a satellite weapons system that would be just as devastating as a nuke without as much radiation.

Author Craft / Re: World Domination of Course!!!
« on: March 02, 2012, 04:47:34 AM »
After reading some of these I am going to have to rethink my introduction of the Invading force. Originally I had them capture a US Navy fleet, without killing anyone then destroyed the ships.

Kind of a "Here we are and we can do this. What!"

But now I am thinking striking at the US in such a direct method would be unwise politically.

I am going to have to go a more subtle way before the actual fighting begins, because it will happen.

Author Craft / Re: Reliable Website for witchcraft research?
« on: February 28, 2012, 12:48:28 PM »
I don't know about website but most big bookstores will have a section devoted to wican and druidic religions.

Author Craft / Re: World Domination of Course!!!
« on: February 28, 2012, 12:48:52 AM »
One of the biggest strengths my invading force has is the amount of prep work they will have done before even making their presence known. Slowly but surly having the citizens wanting a better way and then presenting it to them.

Its key to the story to note that this forces leader remains completely anonymous, taking the V strategy of rather than being a man fighting for an ideal he/she will strive to be that ideal personified. They are also very very charismatic and genially a good person.

The main focus of the story is to some what spark debate about which side is in the right, the invaders with good intentions and potentially questionable means or the flawed governments already in power.

Author Craft / Re: World Domination of Course!!!
« on: February 27, 2012, 02:37:23 PM »
Economic:  They've the wealth to buy influence and dominate the media to spread propaganda.  Buying banks and industry so they can leverage whole cities and politicians.  Like the DeBiers diamond cartel:  They can outspend and financially bury anyone who won't play ball.

Technological:  They've got a hammerlock on something new and wonderful that everyone simply feels they must have.  Cheap but advanced energy/gas alternatives, nanotech miracle medicines.... great stuff, infrastructure comes to depend on that technology, which can only be obtained by staying in their good graces. 

As the old saying goes, "By gifts one makes slaves, and by whips one makes dogs."

Cultural: Getting in on the ground floor, and coming to dominate education, entertainment and/or religion.  Ideally, overlaping, coordinated projects that might seem unrelated but subtley reinforce support for whatever ideology puts people in the pocket, makes them want to be there, but it's something that would have to have been simmering for a generation or two without some plot device.  Mix in (manufactured) trends and fads?  Text 382991 to decide who makes it to next season!

Combine all three, and you've got both the the physical tools for domination as well as the means to instill the fanatical loyalty.  No single element would be enough to guarantee success, but if all 3 are addressed, you've got the potential for a global movement, or at least domination of enough countries to have the military means and will to conquer the rest. 

Thank you very much this will be helpful (insert evil laughter here)

I took a break from my novel to get some editorials done for some music venues i visited over the weekend. Don't have a word count right now since I have been hand writing them but they take up at least three journal pages.

Author Craft / Re: Dead Names
« on: February 27, 2012, 05:58:04 AM »
Lol that makes me think of the short film Frankin Weenie where a kid brings his dog back to life Frankenstein style.

Though I feel I should clarify something, this character is not a dog in shape. He looks like a really tall beefy man. His masters keep his skin completely covered to hide his undead nature. I was using the dog analogy to describe this type of undead's level of free will and intelligence depending on the amount of power and skill used to make them.

This particular one is damn near flawlessly built and has the comparative intelligence of a very well trained and well cared for German Shepard.

He vary well could have dog parts in him somewhere but you couldn't tell by looking at him. Though will have zombie animals and other such horrors running around my main character eventually.

Author Craft / Re: Dead Names
« on: February 23, 2012, 11:30:59 AM »
I thought of giving him a silly dog like name like that but it felt to similar to a character from a web comic that I read, his name is Quilt.

I gave this character the name Rock, mostly cause it was simple. Other characterizations is that he is incapable of speaking but is crazy strong and durable. He is mostly used to open stubborn jars and haul corpses back to the lab.

the problem is that I second guess myself so much while I write that I end up only getting a few hundred words down a day when I actually get around to writing.

Though it does not help that the only time I have to write is in the evening or weekends which is also the only time I have for friends and other fun stuff.

Sometimes wanting to be a writer sucks lol but I wouldn't want to be anything else.

Author Craft / Re: Dead Names
« on: February 22, 2012, 12:40:14 AM »
I like a few of these suggestions, animus, has promise and I think it would work within the concept I have for undead creation and control.

I may also use ogre as an general term that the ignorant use since these creatures have a small measure of free will and thought.

Author Craft / Dead Names
« on: February 21, 2012, 01:43:07 PM »
I have reached a point in my story where I have introduced one of the mane characters who happens to be an undead minion. His characterization is pretty straight forward since he is more like a very loyal dog in a humans body. His type of undead are constructs made of several corpses molded together, like the Frankenstein monster. My problem is that I have no idea what to call this type of undead. Most of the traditional names, like revenant, don't work because I am using them for other creatures already or they don't inspire the correct mental image for me. The most irritating thing is that I had a good name, but wrote it down in a journal that I unfortunately was forced to leave in the US when I moved out of the country. I am hoping that discussion will reawaken the name or help come up with something new.

Ack I've been a bad otter, I haven't written a damn thing in two days, and you guys are busting out three thousand words a night. *facepalm*

(yes I meant to write otter not Author)

Author Craft / Re: North and South
« on: February 18, 2012, 02:06:02 PM »
Oh derp I hate when I misspell that. lol

That was my plan that it would take place in the southern hemisphere of my world. My concern is that my readers would find it irritating cause I have never read nor heard of any book that took place in the southern part of any world and been anything but warm or hot.

Woot broke two thousand words, almost three thousand and am up to eight pages total.

I have also introduced magic, and two new main characters, though one is an undead construct who is going to be more of a pet than a character but he is important.

Though I am faced with a new problem, what to call his type of undead. I had a really cool name picked out but I wrote it down in my journal which i was forced to leave in the US when I moved to Korea.

Author Craft / North and South
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:40:41 PM »
I had an idea to try and mix up my world a little bit and was wondering if it was actually a good idea or if its dumb.

In my story I have cultures and landscapes some what reversed. The colder climates and more barbaric lands are in the southern part of the contentment and the hot desserts and tropical areas are in the north.

I had never seen this done in a story before so I thought it would be interesting to try it out, what do you think?

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