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Messages - Aine

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GAH. They tried to run our card and the person didn't write down all the numbers to run it and they GAVE AWAY OUR ROOM! When they said "oops, sorry, nothing we can do" and Gryph asked for a manager, they transferred him to the overflow hotel.  This is after TSA slit open my box with my sword and didn't bother to retape it (thank goodness everything seems to be there), but still!  Wth? 

Sorry to hear we won't be meeting you, PG and OE.  :(

I'm all packed.  Had to check a bag, as I'm guessing security might have something to say about me trying to carry on a 3 1/2 foot sword...

as long as you're not creepy i'm okay with you stashing it in my room.. except i probably will be getting there JUST in time to quick change and head down.  wonder if mollz would go normalish when she's depressed... cause.. i'm normally lookin now.  *cries*

Same here, anyone is welcome to stash their costumes in our room, as well. 

DFRPG / Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« on: December 29, 2010, 01:10:31 AM »
I will be leaving Thursday morning for, you know, I'll [airquotes] be there [/air quotes] as much as I ever am the night before I'm leaving...

As for Sunday night, I'll try to make it from DC...also not really different than any other week...

Excuse me while I "waaaaaaaah!" a moment.

Gryph will make an excellent Michael. I, however, am a 5'4" redhead. While I am probably built like Charity, there is no way I can grow 8 inches before MarsCon...I was thinking maybe Bianca? Or possibly, um, Lea? I am stumped on this one...anyone want to profer suggestions?

DFRPG / Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« on: December 22, 2010, 05:18:27 AM »
I'll be there with bells on.

Really, my garters have bells on them. Just ask Gryph. ;)

DFRPG / Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« on: December 20, 2010, 04:27:39 AM »
  :-[  Yikes! I am still in DC. Weather delay on top of mechanical delay meant there was no way I was going to make my layover and no way to get into storming San Jose. Scheduled to head home tomorrow at the same time...
Weird day, just lost track of the day and didn't realize it was too late until it was too late.  :-\

DFRPG / Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« on: December 13, 2010, 03:50:45 AM »
we play by chat, DW. The bulk of the game is played in a chat room with the dice rolling and off-topic chat happening here on the forum chat.

Just have Sue tell them she's pregnant. It's what I do on my frequent flights to DC...

Hotel and flight reservations made, con tickets purchased. 

Gryph would make a pretty good Marcone...but I have no idea what I'm going to do yet, there would just be something wrong with a short Gard...

I know many are I'm not much for costuming myself but I have a couple months to ponder it. I'm just wondering which outfit Pricellie will wear her's are always great.

I asked JB at Dragon*Con if he would be willing to make Lea a foot shorter so I could dress up as her...I don't think he thought I was serious.  There really aren't many average women in the 'verse.

You know the Friday night theme is Urban Fantasy characters?  Are we planning on dressing up and doing JB proud?

So what's the singular noun a snark?

Snarker, maybe? 


Could we be a scrum?  A host?  A legion?  A multitude?  A swarm?  A drove?  A thronging concourse?

I like "horde."

How about Thronging Horde. It does both well for us *or* a thrash metal band...

Concourse just makes me think Monty Python...


"Message for you, sir..."


Thanks!  That's me + VandalGryphon, btw.  He will have read ALL the books by then, dammit.  *glares at Gryph*

hmmm...*ponders horde*  

Could we call it a "team," maybe?  It's still a horde but people seem to be okay with cheering on a horde that's called a "team."  

P.S. I would make "Team Harry" shirts, but people would no doubt get confused...well, that and I'm still wearing my "Team Mondo" shirt.

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