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Messages - Icecream

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DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:19:28 AM »
I have to leave my computer soon  :-\ Maybe I should wait until the reddit one.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:17:17 AM »
well, i've clicked it again, no server error yet. because it's still loading :D Oh dear.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:13:01 AM »
it goes live now right? I'm trying to get on but i'm getting an error .anyone else?

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: November 15, 2012, 11:28:10 PM »
If its people we love to hate, Im sure we can fit James Callis is there somewhere...Maybe Grevaine?


Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: November 03, 2012, 10:42:10 AM »
Richard Burgi, Gentleman John Marcone

oh wow, I could totally see it. even if his eyes aren't green :)

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: November 01, 2012, 10:18:07 AM »
How is it off-topic? The thread is about education and we're being taught how to derail a thread successfully

DF Spoilers / Re: This is a SPOILERS OKAY zone
« on: October 30, 2012, 07:41:01 AM »
I think it will be kept in the Spoilers zone without spoiler tag.
what we have is a publicly available blurb, some conjectures and a lot of imagination. :P

There's some other spoilers around that we're not allowed to mention  :)

DF Reference Collection / Re: The top selling books in the Dresdenverse
« on: September 24, 2012, 03:20:55 AM »
Oh, right I made this a while back for a photoshop, because the theme was "If fictional characters wrote tell-all books". not very good, I only had MS-paint

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 24, 2012, 03:12:25 AM »
For Harry, why don't we just take the body of Jared Padalecki (sam winchester) and swap his brain/acting skills /snark with Jensen Ackles (Dean winchester) and voila! Harry actor.
 Or maybe if you smush them together enough they'll combine and form a freakishly tall super actor.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy", she said.  "Owie, owie, owie."

yes these lines. It's just sickening when a child is going through something like that.

oh no, i was'nt trying to say anyone should, and sorry if the science quip offended, it's just me trying to make fun of myself i'm a science student and , well my notes and spelling can be atrocious because i'm lazy, and without a disability in terms of reading that is the not so socially acceptable thing.

I was just following my train of thought, because cen started talking about UK and US english, my mind just jumped how like with Harry potter, there's US and UK versions , and certain words have to be changed, and that is how the two different languages are expressed

but i think i get it now, yeah people can be looked down on if they spell very poorly, but when you know the person has dyslexia it's ok, it's not a reflection on intelligence or anything, it's got nothing to do with it, and i can read and understand what you're typing anyway.

heh, sorry. it's 3:00 am and I'm not thinking properly, damn i wish i could sleep. :)

note: I was trying to get at how dyslexic works should get printed if the author wishes it so, I suppose it did'nt come through.

ok , so you want to know why say, a book could'nt be published by a dyslexic person (without someone who does'nt have dyslexia going over it and correcting all the spelling to the usual way)  or that a book written by an english author could be translated into dyslexic-speak.

I think it probably does'nt happen because it would be difficult, like you've said, other dislexics spell stuff similar to you, but it won't be identical so someone may not know how to translate something exactly so that it would be easier for dyslexics to read, and I suppose publishing companies want a format that can be easily read by most customers , so dyslexic-speak won't come under this as you only have the smaller number of dyslexic people (and science students :D) , publishing comepanies probably expect dyslexic people to listen to audiobooks.


I got a little confused about what you were saying cen, but are you trying to get at , for example deaf people communicate in a different way,  they sign and this is recognised as its own official language (at least it is here in new zealand, not sure about the UK) and you are wondering why dyslexics who communicate in their own specific type of written language don't have this recognised officially alongside other forms of the english language such as UK,US,AUS and NZ?

well, I don't think i can say much as to why because i don't fully understand how dyslexia works, from what i think it is is people get letters mixed up in a word when reading or write down the sound of the word , rather than the spelling. but does'nt dyslexia change from person to person and there are different forms? 

so i think it would depend if one dyslexic person wrote something, can another dyslexic person read that better than if they were reading something written out the usual way? because if that is the case , than i think yes dyslexic writing might just be a language of its own. do you find this to be the case with you cen?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: August 17, 2012, 01:06:18 AM »
If a changeling has a child before they choose, what does it make the kid?

and is harry really crazy, and the crazy linked to those headaches he was having in TC?

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: August 07, 2012, 06:55:09 AM »
Try Frances - how many of those have you run across?
my great-uncle's name! and I've got a cousin call francois

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