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Messages - Gritti

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Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: September 20, 2009, 02:17:39 AM »
Alright I'll try the opening of the piece that I started last yeat but lost modivational steam on...let me know if i sould leave it alone or revisit it when I get a chance.

The prisoner opened his eyes and rolled over onto his stomach.  He reached out his hand to hover above a tiny speaker set into the heavy metal frame of his bed.   “4, 3, 2, 1”, he said out loud and then covered the speaker. 


 Everyday had started the same way for the past 13 months.  If he hadn’t started covering the speaker during the first week he’d probably gone deaf before too long.  He rolled back over, sat up, and closed his eyes preparing for part two of this ritual awakening.  Instantly the room was filled with light so bright he could see it through his eye lids.   “That’s another point for me Doc.”  He considered anytime the Doc failed at making him miserable a small victory in their silent war.  If life in prison had taught him anything, it was to revel in the small victories because you simply never had any other kind.  He smiled the only smile he expected to have all day and began to get ready. 
The Doc is waiting….that’s just great he thought and looked around his room.  Room, yeah right, technically it was his 5 foot cube “cell” but he’d decided long ago that to maintain a positive outlook he would think of it as his, very very cozy, room.  True, he could never fully stretch his 5’11’’ frame while inside his room, but on the bright side, it was a cinch to clean up.

Hooked or Not?

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: September 13, 2009, 09:36:14 AM »
I must also say a very humble thank you to meg_evonne.  The advice was much needed.

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: September 11, 2009, 03:50:14 PM »
Thanks LizW65, the confusing lines you referenced were a result of a poor cut and paste job on my part, but thanks for the feedback.  I took this right out of the middle of my chapter four, and I realize it doesn't really make perfect sence, out of context.  You're feeling is right.  The liquid magic is not alcohol, and the main character is 15 years old.  Should have mentioned that too.  Still working on it.

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: September 11, 2009, 12:48:32 AM »
Okay I'm gonna give this a shot, but I'll admit I have mixed feeling about this.  The need for feedback is outweighing my nerves for the moment though so here goes.  This is a couple of paragraphs from one of the early chapters in the piece I'm working on currently.  Do your worst. :-\

Almost done. I just had one more thing to do before I left.  My room was on the second floor so I bolted up the stairs two at a time.  Without thinking, I put stuff I would need for a sleepover at a friend’s house, like a toothbrush, some extra socks, among other things into a small bag with a single strap that slung onto my back.  Then I grabbed the original copy of the riddle and stuffed it in my back pocket.  Lastly, I grabbed Obi, put him in my jacket pocket, went back to the front door, and looked out the peephole.   

Dennis was standing on the front porch with his back to the door. 
   “Ahhh!” I forced my mouth shut but it was too late. He spun around and came at the door like a freight train.  I just had time to get out of the way before my front door was kicked open.  As he entered his eyes met mine and the smile that came across his face made my spine turn to jelly. 
He lunged for me and I stumbled away from him, got to my feet, and tore back into the house.  I didn’t bother to look behind me as I ran.  I knew he was there from the mini earthquakes his feet made as they hit the hard wood floors.  I tried to knock things over to slow him down like I’d seen people do on television, but Dennis must have watched a lot of the same shows I did because he was avoiding everything I knocked over.  As I flew through the kitchen I pulled the refrigerator door open and cringed as I heard him collide with it.
I didn’t stop running until I was out the front door, and across the street hiding with Lester.  While I stood there as still as I could, we heard the huge man run out into the middle of the street and then stop.  I figured he was trying to decide where I would go next, and he would probably be right so I had to get there and get out before he showed up looking for me.
“We need to get back to the shop and fast.”
“Did you find what you were looking for in the house?”
“Yeah and its pointing me back to the shop.”
“Won’t that Dennis guy be looking for you there?”
“But we’re going back there anyway?”

“Because what I think these people are really after is there, and I’m going to need a little liquid magic.”  I grabbed up all of my things and fit everything in my backpack except Obi and the keys which I kept in my pockets.  I started to run back to the shop with Lester chugging along beside me.

Kris_W... thanks for the tips.  I will check them out! 

Thanks so much
And, I'll take your advice and try to dedicate some serious time to reading everything here.

Okay, first off let me apologize for not realizing that there was a difference between copyright and copywrite.  After days of no response on this I picked up a book on the subject and it was brought to my attention that I'd spelled copyright wrong and that might be why nobody responded.  I corrected the spelling in the subject box.  Personally I think nobody responded 'cause the subject was rather dull. And theres always Google, Anyway confusion over.  Lesson learned.

Author Craft / Copyright!. Help me please. does anyone have this knowledge?
« on: September 05, 2009, 12:12:25 AM »
Being an absolutely new author I'll admit I don't know much about the business of writing.  Could someone explain how a copyright works very simply?  Also when is it smart to get a copyright for your work?  Does the publisher do that once the book is edited to its final form?  I'm completely lost on this.  Please help me. ???

Fantastic feedback,  Thanks so much.  It's opening up a sorts of possibilities I hadn't thought of. keep em coming everyone.

A truely excellent point.  I have to admit that the character I had considered my hero's sidekick is hard to maintain at all times.  I find myself saying oh yeah his friend is there too what should he do and before i know it I get tangled up with the plot progression.  I'm going to rethink some things.

My request for what makes a great villian great was so helpful to my current project, and big thanks for that.  Now I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on side kicks, or the hero's reflection in the story if you'd all be so kind.  No holds barred.  Bring it on.

Author Craft / Re: In all of Sci Fi who is you favorite villian and why?
« on: September 01, 2009, 08:00:12 PM »
Thanks everyone.  Your imput was very useful.  My first villian is born, let my hero beware.

Author Craft / Re: In all of Sci Fi who is you favorite villian and why?
« on: August 30, 2009, 08:50:23 PM »
well why can't the scariest, most dastardly, effective and potent villain be your favorite.  Likeable doesn't mean nice at least in my opinion.  thanks for the feedback though.

Author Craft / In all of Sci Fi who is you favorite villian and why?
« on: August 30, 2009, 06:15:52 PM »
I'm working on the villians in my story at the moment and while I'm not exactly stuck I would love to know what you think makes a great villian great.  Personnally I believe that a villian has to be alomost as likeable as the hero, but what else, or do you disagree?  Hit me with it.

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: August 22, 2009, 08:33:12 AM »
This is fun. 
I know I'm being stupid but I'm nervous to put any of my current ideas out into an open forum.  I'll try to write something now just as an exercise.  I'll try to post it soon.  Anyway keep it up all you brave writers.

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