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Messages - Piotr1600

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Author Craft / Re: PoV Idea
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:30:23 AM »
Dunno.. The unresolved sexual tension worked well for "Moonlighting", "Beauty and the Beast", and others - and seems to be working in TDF, IMO...

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Threads that need to be joined?
« on: January 17, 2011, 09:58:36 PM »
Shouldn't this:,23689.msg1004814.html#msg1004814

get merged into the "Perfect casting" mega-thread?

Excellent! Thanks for sharing!

Author Craft / Re: I need more music.
« on: January 14, 2011, 09:23:15 PM »
All kinds of free listening here in the classical section:

There is a "Play all" button on the RH side of the grey divider bar...

Other genres also have instrumental music, of various quality.


Modern Jazz (and several other flavors of jazz too, one level up):


It's all non-commercial (although some of it would like to be commercial!), and as I said, the quality is all over the place in terms of both musicianship and production values.
But it's free, and there are occasionally examples of utter brilliance among the piles of so-so stuff...

Pictures TSA and his highly trained partner looking at the sword shaped xray on the box marked "sword" in the checked luggage:


"Well, it could have been a sword shaped bomb.  Never can be too sure, good thing we're highly trained professionals."

"uhhh... yuhhh... trained."
George & Lenny as TSA agents FTW!
Scary-true, but funny at the same time...

GAH. They tried to run our card and the person didn't write down all the numbers to run it and they GAVE AWAY OUR ROOM! When they said "oops, sorry, nothing we can do" and Gryph asked for a manager, they transferred him to the overflow hotel.  This is after TSA slit open my box with my sword and didn't bother to retape it (thank goodness everything seems to be there), but still!  Wth? 
Do you have a confirmation number? They make great flails to use on goobs who screw up reservations...

Nuh uh. Still awake. Haven't crashed yet. I have no clue why.
You are currently powered by a sprinkle of pixie dust from the "Gonna-Be-A-GREAT-Con" anticipation fairies.

Their magic *always* seems to run out in while you're in a warmish room full of fellow con-goers while you are forced to wait for the guest/author/panelist you came to see...   :)

Ummmm... Vanilla? french-vanilla? plaes don't bite me
[Elbow nudge/whisper] SShhhh, You are *Super-garlic n' Holy Water* ice cream, there Icecream, at least when you're talking to vamps![/whisper]

Author Craft / Re: don't know if this is possible
« on: January 06, 2011, 04:36:58 PM »
Other folks may have better ideas, or they may know how to go about doing exactly what you want - and  I'm not trying to be a downer, but I doubt that the pool of "talented writers who have no clue what to write about and therefore need you for inspiration" is very large at all... If someone is talented enough to develop your ideas (and pretty much wind up doing all the detailed creative work in the process) they're going to want by far the majority of the compensation/profit. And your idea would pretty much have to be "OMGWTFBBQ!" level to attract much interest.

Collaboration is a possibility - but in addition to you having to put in a *lot* of work/time just to figure out - and describe in enough detail - the basics of characters, story arc, important events yadda yadda, you'd have to find someone who you could stand to work with (and they would have to be able to stand working with you!) who gets your vision...
Look in your local area for writers groups/clubs. If there is one the local library will probably have a way to contact them. Check you local community college, especially the adult & continuing education classes - my local  CC has evening classes for writers and the odd writers workshops. I would think that these might make good hunting grounds for a collaborator. May even be a Craigslist entry or two - don't know but there's everything else...  :)

Short of you signing a contract and paying them outright for their work, I'm not sure that you can *really* protect yourself per se - Great ideas are pretty much a dime a dozen. The *work* is in the development, refinement, and "bringing forth" the characters / storyline. You could sort of go the route of copyright, but it doesn't really protect undeveloped - undocumented - parts of your ideas, just what is written and can be considered unique traits of the existing work. You'd definitely have to consult with a good attorney for advice on how to proceed here.

Don't let me discourage you - just be aware that there's a hell of a lot more involved than having a great idea.

Author Craft / Re: Hero vs. Heroine
« on: January 04, 2011, 06:38:57 AM »
Gender of protagonist is irrelevant to my enjoyment of a well crafted story.
If the protagonist is the way they are for a reason and the reason makes sense and is believably supported in-story it's all good.
I too have a few pet peeves - one of which Snowleopard put succinctly as "Guy in a girl-suit".
Guys and girls approaching everything in an identical manner or being fully harnessed into some kind of negative gender stereotype.

And [off topic] except for Stoker, Butcher, and one other author whose name escapes me right now, I sooo don't want to read - or even know about - yet another crappy/stupid vampire story of either gender at all, regardless of how 'sexy' or sparkly they may be.

...I need to stop looking now.  Cheapest flight round trip is $250.
You can always sell plasma - You have enough time between now and then!  ;D

Yes, my cooking skills don't reach far beyond stewing in a big pot and grilling.  I still have nightmares about the time I tried to make garlic mashed potatoes.
Well, yes it seems perfectly reasonable to me that you would indeed have nightmares about *garlic* mashed potatoes!
That's kinda right up there with "Wooden Stake salad" or "Avocado dip with holy wafers" or such like...  :)

All Hail the Magic Food Machine!

You do know that TMFM has a sibling that also does wonderful Food Magic(tm) don't you?
If not then you need to meet "The Fabulous Pressure Cooker"!
Those two, along with the Mighty Morphin' Microwave and Father Charcoal Grill, formed the holy quadrinity of my bachelor survival-cooking years...  :)

Heh. Not at all.

Jane &/or John Q. Boring  with their "must live in this limited social box" are far more... alien  to me than someone who obviously thinks that "the box" is a good place to keep the gloves and nets when they're not out catching bats and other fun stuff... :)

Na na na na na na na na - bat dog!
Chiro, I find it fairly reassuring that I wasn't the only person who went there with that... :)

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