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Messages - The_Sibelis

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DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: January 03, 2024, 03:06:16 AM »
The straight jacket was meant to scare him intentionally, only thing that'd make sense. We even have a whole how to do in SK about how Elaine used magic to bind him in spot. What, did the straight jacket get busted up? Other than physical, what exactly was it supposed to stop from a wizard, even a teenager wizard of little skill yet developed?
Whole things rigged on another level I say.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chekhov's Arthurian Athame
« on: December 23, 2023, 09:23:58 PM »
Re: The larger sense of source material, I think Le Morte D'Arthur by Thomas Mallory may be a good candidate for sourcing and influencing Jim's interpretation.  I also think that it would be interesting if Elaine Mallory had some relation to the Arthurian legends.  I haven't read Le Morte in years, but may pick it up over the holiday to see if anything jumps out.
Mort and Mallory both stick out to me there. mmm, wonder if we'll meet a Darthur lol?

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 23, 2023, 07:23:08 AM »
With all due respect:  I apologize for whatever degree of "misconstrual" and/or "bullying" you perceive; none was intended.

I likewise find your reply to me filled with "misconstrual" and mis-statements as to what I had said.

I think it best not to engage further.
then you should address them. Misunderstanding only happens under lack of communication after all.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 23, 2023, 02:15:02 AM »
I'm not sure, but I suspect Jim is too savvy a writer to hinge the entire rest of the series (from Mirror Mirror onwards) on a bunch of multiversal twists&turns, on 7 Harrys (Harries?) and alt!Kemmlers, etc etc etc ad infinitum.

I think most of his readership would find it not worth following the complexities.

He's already -- IMO -- on the borderline of "too complex" with 1 multiverse novel + 1 time-travel/retcon/repair-the-Sacred-Timeline novel.
🙄 he already did technically, Demon Reach.
Tho as is usual your misconstruing a simple concept and plot twist that doesn't "govern the rest of the series", that's the greatest thing about the DF, you can enjoy it on many levels. Plus he has the time travel book last? Heh, I disagree. What I said was a tin foil theory to begin with, I literally started with an apologetic don't try because it's nonsensical. To share your doubt immediately after our ahem, history is bad taste. Opinion vs opinion that's enough said for me..
However be aware "I'm not sure" is synonymous with "I don't think". And  when people try to simply unname a theory as viable based on that.. well, the saying goes,",those who say you can't shouldn't interrupt those who already are".
And this has been a point of contention on how people come at each other from it has been the gathering of much heated debate and mod warnings for years.  Because it is not discussion, it does not promote discussion. And it should not exist here. It drives people away as is it's intention and is a perversion of etiquette, designed as such. Quite frankly, I'll go all ten rounds with anyone who disagrees and all day after. Stop trying to bully me, please and thank you 🙏
(Oh and you have no idea what the original theory was, because seven of nobody is running around when bodies are being tossed behind them to escape.. and proper etiquette would be to do as I asked previously and be curious about that)

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 22, 2023, 11:13:59 PM »
Just tin foil, don't ask lol, but I've begun to consider the mental confusion around the fights, the circumstances, what exactly happened and when... I think Justin was just HWWBH's meat suit in the end. So potentially it wasn't the gas station that banished him(unless the memetic timeline has been told to us wrong) Justin empowered and summoned hwwbh but... He didn't use the cosmic vending machine. He used his own magic to summon an outsider into the world... We don't know when or how many times he actually summoned him, how long he had such an ongoing relationship with him. But he created through magic and choice an outsider knight in the world. I think that changed him on a fundamental level, opening him up to future access. Similar to what happened with Molly, except reversed. He created something by synchrony that left him open to it.
My standard tinfoil theory is Justin was just another variant of Kemmler...(used to be Harry, but i realized..)To go along with my theory of the 7th Dresden and MM, and the usual mirroring of things... Harry learned from Kemmlers Bob how to do necromancy, leads to him learning how to do the body swap thing, leads to the same results.. the 7th version is greater than expected. Took out original Kemmlers, maybe stole a body along the way. And since the council hadn't twigged to two Kemmlers they really are quite sure they killed THAT one, which they intended to.
Why for either theory tho? It's been hinted/theorized at Kemmler might have been trying for a reincarnation.
So HWWBH or Alt Kemmler, both wanted Harry to
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DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: December 21, 2023, 05:07:19 AM »
Even if she wasn’t enthralled he was planning to act against Harry.  Why… then?  Why the clumsy action with poor preparation?
Leah explained it perfectly imo, it's hard to get young wizards to believe in doing magical violence. Both dumorne and behind were more interested in manipulating Harry's choices than actually enthrallment or murder. Behind is shown heavily in book goading Harry(same as Cat Sith later 👀 ) but dumorne? Look at his scenes teaching magic, what he actually taught them. He could have indoctrinated them with their own power, made them believe it worked any which way he desired and connected them to him in a proper cult fashion. None of which he did. What he did was teach it to him pure, almost the same as Eb(I'd bet Eb would have been a harder teacher before failing Margaret), as power and strength, as an art unto itself.
Then he was goaded into two different(?) Battles to the death winning both by... Well, doing Death to the opponent. Seems to me they manipulated him into doing exactly as he did 🤷‍♂️ it's only factoring in Justin's intentions for Elaine that things get muddied.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justine DuMorne is Kemmler (Theory)
« on: December 18, 2023, 11:27:56 PM »
And I also believe that there are ways to gather life-force via black magic rituals, which surely are used by wizards like Kemmler to extend their life span. So maybe a warlock using black magic can be 700-800 years old, but appear "only" 300 due to stolen life-force.
wouldn't need to. Wizards transfom their living energy fueled through their soul into magic that sustains them physically but... That effect isn't dependent upon them having more or less energy than the wizard next to them. It's a subconscious effect, the bleeding off of an active practitioners aura independent of actual power... Make it a conscious effort and you get something like the semi immortal guru mentioned. I'd bet dollar's to donuts he simply can make perfect copies of his cells via his intentions in meditations, aided by his abilities with shapeshifting. It aligns with Eastern mysticism.(no, it wouldn't make them ectoplasmic, case in point the Alpha's regeneration abilities)

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 18, 2023, 07:19:55 AM »
I laughed cause it literally seems like a joke position to me. Everything I said is true and is set up in her character specifically so. When other people argue with something that seems obvious to me? It's funny. She doesn't need to "abandon" anyone to do what she does to begin with, that's the straw man of your opinion I'm expected to fight here... I could farther explain she knows her family is secure and takes care of itself physically and spiritually. She's simply not worried about them and they don't process into her decision making in her own life specifically, and that's a proven pattern 🤷‍♂️
...also I don't agree it's fan service, I think it's was as in Stone as much as and in parallel to a specific sword, but that's just me..
We literally go from
Nice loophole, but... Murphy ain't gonna be willing to leave her own people behind.
Murphy wouldn't be so selfish as to abandon those people to that darkness and danger
for me to reply
She abandons "her people" every time she chooses to risk her life, when she chooses to be a cop in spite of her families desire...
And then as SOON as I ASSAIL the straw man of murphy needing to abandon her people to do what she does, not my position, your theoretical problem with my position... you try to lambaste me for it here
No; going out into the world to "fight the good fight" is NOT abandoning her people.  We have to do things contrary to the desires of our loved ones on a daily basis
from my perspective, you literally just tried to play me for a chance to act uppity about it. The ORIGINAL game everyone wanted to play with me that turned me into such a deep seeded azzhole quite frankly 🤷‍♂️
Your right, Murphy doesn't have to abandon her people, but since your really the only one who thinks from that perspective, you only prove yourself wrong. Murphy is a REBEL from her family, intentionally, purposefully. From the motorcycle an leathers to the Defining career choice, and the recycling of her ex husband she 'failed' with unto her sister.. it's literally built into her character.
I would prefer not to go down paths of logic for people to feel like they one upped me on a non sequitur straw man they erected for me to assail 👀 as the abandonment is NOT my perspective and nor does it have anything to do with it. Just like with the character herself, her family is non sequitur to her decision making unless it's motivation al la SPITE.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 17, 2023, 02:23:33 AM »
Heh, heh, ha, ha hhhhhaaaaa? She abandons "her people" every time she chooses to risk her life, when she chooses to be a cop in spite of her families desire. Every battle, every fight... Was she at the Murphy homestead, or even her own during the battle of Chicago? No. She was with dresden fighting the good fight where she saw it needed fighting. You say she wouldn't abandon "her people", I say she does so actively with every choice she makes in the series. She outgrew her family before we even saw, and actively outgrew her position at S.I, then legal enforcement(she's been a vigilant for how long now?), her morals to work with Marcone, ect. Only thing she hasn't given up on was Dresden, even when he died 👀 and her will to fight.
And I'm not really sure why MM Murphy matters to my original theory but..
Ahhh, but if you paid attention to the divergence, then you noticed original Murphy path without Dresden was not good. she was filled with erranous judgements and preconceived attitudes that didn't balance out. MM her without Dresdens positive influence...(he brought her into the loop for SK)Isn't going to be entirely good per say even if she's fighting against evil. I expect her to end up a corpse by the end of the book quite frankly with all the implications that implies.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 14, 2023, 03:08:01 PM »
..... I always think you fail to grasp what I'm actually saying but choose to respond to what you THINK I said. But that Murphy coming here is... Acceptable.
However, your failing to combine the MM Harry method of cross dimensional summoning with basic revival. He'd be drawing her ghost across space and time(from the nether, the NN, an all the fun interconnected stuff) before reviving the original timeline Murphy in a timeline where literally nobody actually knows her besides him. And then they go home.
Murphy part of the once and future king trope, she's coming back(there's 3 I realize, same way the split always happens) that's not up for debate so much, Dresden breaks rules, that is not only known but directly connected by woj to this topic. 🤷‍♂️ Believe you-me, I DARE NOT say anything here unless I've already covered my ASP when I post it. It gets right asinine when I post a non connected theory and the first thing that happens is "no" "nice but actktually" followed by opinions on the theory. Like frfr, you can't stop it, I usually don't care, and that one in one million neurodivergent person who might actually hold the conversation I want to have is scared away by the insueing 💩 storms. Hence why the neurov left, specifically. It's not unknown here at all.
I'm going to insist on pointing out it's silliness every time.. I can post pics to a basic FB conversation devolving because of this direct thing
Yes, it was all very smart and good of you to defuse the other day Geek, because I am on the defensive sub routines. But do examine what keeps putting me there please and thank you. 👀

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 14, 2023, 09:13:35 AM »
Nice loophole, but... Murphy ain't gonna be willing to leave her own people behind.
what people? She's going with Dresden. Her whole crisis of faith revolved around Dresden and she came to believe in HIM. He ain't gonna call her and then just go home without her lol. There's a complicated set of circumstances I could see.. but that'd just be telling lol.
On Murphy's faith tho, she believes in fighting the good fight, period. Dresden just exists anywhere the most important battle is happening. She ain't going to stop fighting that fight, even compromising lesser values to work with people like Marcone to get the job done. Go to anywhere in Murphy's arc all the way back to the short story that started it all. She doesn't care if it's not her business, out of her league or outside her jurisdiction. She's there to throw hands and pass judgement on anyone she's perceived deserves it. Craptastic MM world with Evil Dresden running amok with necromancy and Blamp allies? Gonna tell me Dresden ain't gonna call her up and say,"hey, I can get you this corporeal form, can you help?" And 1 Dresden 2 Battle. Ain't no way she's gonna be sidelined on that offer.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: December 13, 2023, 04:19:49 PM »
 :o sooo I'ma make a nice lil theory based of this conversation
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DF Spoilers / Re: "Hooded one" is hood. Odin is Cowl.
« on: December 07, 2023, 06:05:12 PM »
You are entitled to your opinion and I mine...
when discussing laws anyone's opinion is far from relevant. In your opinion it's not murder to premeditatedly plan out a scenario where you can kill the victim and get away with it? 🤷‍♂️ Opinions are moot on that one. We can dissect any bylaws under any civilized nation. General consensus beats someone's opinion about the legality of taking a life. Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

DF Spoilers / Re: "Hooded one" is hood. Odin is Cowl.
« on: December 07, 2023, 02:11:46 PM »
  Personal opinion, that's a killer, not a murderer, interesting, while the quote you sighted talks a lot about killing, it doesn't call him murderer.
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DF Spoilers / Re: "Hooded one" is hood. Odin is Cowl.
« on: December 07, 2023, 08:50:41 AM »
Then you are not capable of murder.... Murder is a deliberate act done in cold blood, not something someone would do with a flinch.
no. And I can cite 1200 page epic as my source material.
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