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Messages - Salusen

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DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« on: January 27, 2019, 10:51:08 PM »
Then his name would be Bud instead of Mac.

I think you were joking and I get it. But I also think you were being sarcastic, so I briefly debated ignoring you.

But here I am, replying. Damn.

DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: January 27, 2019, 08:23:01 PM »
Fox, IIRC.
But JB tweeted that we shouldn't believe all what we read on internet, so...

I was kinda hoping for netflix

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« on: January 27, 2019, 08:19:32 PM »
Mac is out.

Mac watches things occassionally.

Mac brews.

These seem to be his 3 main traits. Nr 1 points at him being 'more' at some point, but I don't think we can just toss 2 and 3 overboard. Especially number 3 suggests he must be connected to brewing somehow. Oddly, none of the Grigori/Watchers have an obvious connection to brewing, so far as I can tell (even though this is usually included in ancient lists of 'crafts').

I agree with those 3 things being major Mac things. So I've been back reading the Dresden Files (because I'm bored and I reread all my books if I am and I super randomly decided to start the Dresden files), and I realized that Jim has never mentioned the Egyptian pantheon at all. There is a figure in folklore named Gambrinus, King of Lager Beer. He's supposed to have invented beer and learned the art of brewing from Osiris and Isis.  According to some sources, he might have been a giant who was descendant of Noah and was the first mortal to brew beer (which probably explains why makes it sooo good).

Some Bible myths say giants are offspring of angels and humans. So maybe Mac is half-angel and is the actual king of beer?

BTW, Harry's never soulgazed Mac right?

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« on: January 27, 2019, 07:48:51 PM »
I haven't heard that one. Interesting.

There was a reddit subpost just a few days after I posted this reply that asked if Mac was probably the Walker known as He Who Walks Beside. Which hasn't ever been mentioned in the Dresden Files as far as I remember. But given that the other two walkers are named He Who Walks Before and He Who Walks Behind...

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« on: January 25, 2019, 03:18:10 AM »
It just occurred to me that NOBODY ever mentioned who the third walker was. Is it Mac?

Oh the possibilities!

DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: January 25, 2019, 01:04:47 AM »
In all honesty after the rumor dropped that the Dresden Files was being picked up by television I started to think that's the reason for the delay.  Jim thought it would be wrapped up earlier, and it took longer than expected.  He said if it ever got picked up by tv again he'd be much more involved, and have more control.  Just my current theory.

Wait... it got picked up for TV? WHO? Hahaha

DF Spoilers / Re: No matter where you go, there you are
« on: January 25, 2019, 01:03:48 AM »
I think that Jim was foreshadowing future events in Harry's life.

That line in Fool Moon was a foreshadowing of Harry's struggles with the Winter Mantle in later books. And I think it ultimately points to a greater sacrifice in Harry's life.

I mean, come to think of it, Jim's made a few spider-man references in the Dresden Files. And it got me thinking that maybe the reason Harry's getting all these sudden huge power-ups and finding out these revelations about his parents and the circumstances of his birth mean that he's got this huge responsibility that he has to fulfill somewhere in his future. With great power comes greater responsibility and all that.

So Uriel tells Harry that, because at some crucial point in a fight somewhere he's supposed to remember those words and make the right choice.


DF Spoilers / Re: Found this odd in Fool Moon
« on: January 25, 2019, 12:56:18 AM »
Just a plot device? Never. Nothing is without meaning and everything points to a great conspiracy influencing Harry and now Mike is a member.

Now we can speculate about his real identity.

Hahahahaha! Maybe Mac is a shapeshifter and he was actually Mike all along.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« on: January 23, 2019, 10:33:30 PM »
I'm fairly certain Jim said Grey was the offspring of a Naagloshii, so ...

Mac has healed faster than humans can several times while unconscious, see Cold Days with the rope burns he didn't have and the gun shot. He did something humans can do, but he did it in a shorter time frame?

So maybe he's some kind of superhuman. But I've been going through the internet looking for clues about a Watcher. And lately, I checked the "Flatterer" too. So I've got new theories (hahaha!): that Mac is either the great flatterer of the ghosts, Hanaaumoe, in Hawaiian mythology (this might actually be baseless) or an actual watcher - and storyteller.. Aesop himself.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« on: January 23, 2019, 03:01:35 AM »
That depends on what kind of angel you're talking about.  The Nephilim were the offsprings of "the sons of God and the daughters of men."

Truth. Had to do a little internet surfing there, but there aren't a lot of material on him.

Here's another theory: What if Mac is Oberon? Hahaha

DFRPG / Re: thoughts on winning the war with the Outsiders
« on: January 23, 2019, 02:56:14 AM »
Isn't the only plausible way to defeat the Outsiders is to forget them? Seems like the truly only exist within mortal knowledge. So if humans were to totally forget them, they would fade to Oblivion.

On the other hand...

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« on: January 22, 2019, 10:51:21 PM »
Oh okay. Yeah I know he couldn't heal himself until after Mab pulled out the bullet. Which was iron. So he could have fae blood. And I do remember that Kringle once said that none of them now were what they were before. So does that apply to Mac? I'm still gunning for the half angel theory. Maybe half fae and half angel?

DF Spoilers / Mac's Possible Identity
« on: January 21, 2019, 07:22:59 PM »
First time poster here!

I've been a fan of Jim Butcher and the Dresden files since I first read Small Favor back in 2010.

I've been wondering lately if Mac wasn't Fae after all. Could he possibly be of the angelic variety? A grigori? Or maybe the scion of a grigori and a human (or Fae!): nephilim?  I mean if Kincaid's the scion of a demon and a human, shouldn't there be an angelic version? I don't know if this makes a lot of sense. Hahahah. But Mab respects him (and she doesn't respect lightly) and he seems to be older than he really is. Stronger than a normal human, and very knowledgeable of anything supernatural.

Also, Harry's mentioned several times in the books that Mac's brews are heavenly. Could this be a clue? Am I grasping at straws here? Hahaha.

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