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Messages - Mal_Luck

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18]
DFRPG / Re: Skill Options
« on: April 11, 2010, 07:45:08 AM »
I was thinking about this the other day as well. Perhaps put a limit on how much they can "suck", no getting an extra 8 points for being legendarily crappy at athletics. Maybe make them have to do it in the normal pyramid structure, but I'd still limit it. No more than 5 without good reason.

DFRPG / Re: We had our first Session and...
« on: April 11, 2010, 06:21:13 AM »
I'm extremely envious right now. I wish I had a group to play this with, my group would rather play DnD and I think it would be nigh-impossible to get them to play Dresden. :-\

I'm hoping for some online Dresdening soon, I'm itching to play my Magnetomancer.

DFRPG / Re: The scope of Thematic Thamaturgy
« on: April 09, 2010, 11:40:25 PM »
Magnetomancer, I like that. I just noticed more things I was doing had to do with electromagnetism/lightning than the Earth itself.

What's the difference between a Block and Armor? For a defensive item that's always on, I'd use Armor.... For a spell I'd use Block.... correct?

Can you even make an always-on Block enchanted item?

DFRPG / Re: The scope of Thematic Thamaturgy
« on: April 09, 2010, 11:21:24 PM »
From glancing through Thaumaturgy types... I can see some obvious thing I could and can't do but one thing interests me. Veils.

Since Veils can bend light to hide things, which light is just part of the electromagnetic spectrum... I could see someone using Earth instead of Spirit to make a Veil

Sadly, no. Armor is equal to half the shifts you 1 in this case.
Armor wearable by everyone.

p279, "The strength of an enchanted item may be reduced by one to make it usable by someone other than the caster, such as a magically armored coat that anyone can wear."

From my understanding, that means you'd only halve it if others could use it. I suppose the item in question could only be powered by being in contact with it's creator's magical aura, so those other than the creator who try to wear it would get none of the benefits.

I'm considering just metal and maybe electricity(Air or Earth-based) and spirit(the electromagnetism would be magical in nature after, but I see no reason it would deflect/impede a direct Earth, Wind, Fire, or Air attack). And since it would only work for the creator when using it, maybe only work while he was wearing it (to counter the effect it would have on other things nearby) maybe even require a charge time (like at least 5 minutes after putting on)?

Maybe I should just downgrade it to a multi-use item, I could get rid of my extra Enchanted Items slots that way... Enchanted shield/armor type items are giving me a headache.

DFRPG / Re: The scope of Thematic Thamaturgy
« on: April 09, 2010, 07:06:11 PM »
Not my topic but I have an example...

I have a Focused Practitioner Terramancer, would Thematic Terramancy be too broad? In my mind that would mean he could do tracking spells with a electromagnetic theme, wards with an earth/electric theme, and craft items to aid him controlling these Earth Forces. I'm concerned this isn't a theme, just a cheat. But for what I have in mind, it doesn't seem much different than the Photomancy example on page 286.

DFRPG / Re: An idea: more faerie knights?
« on: April 09, 2010, 02:15:57 AM »
I'd probably allow it, the book even suggests multi-Knights per court an option if I recall (along with the possibility of Autumn Knights or Spring Knights)

And if the Focused Practitioner only had Channeling (or only Ritual), he'd only be able to have 1 Refinement. +1/+1 Power(or Complexity)/Control, since he can't have +2/+2.

I might house-rule this. If your pigeon-holed into one specialty, you might as well be great at it.

DFRPG / Re: White Council and Focused Practitioners?
« on: April 09, 2010, 12:41:18 AM »
If I'm doing the math right, IF a Focused Practitioner were able to use the Refinement Ability to increase power/control/complexity he could only use it a maximum of 3 times in that way. +1/+2 Power/Control(or vice versa) for the chosen type of elemental Channeling and +1/+2 for Complexity/Control(or vice versa) for chosen type of Ritual.

Even though I'm still learning rules for the Dresden RPG, that doesn't look to overpowered.

DFRPG / WC & Focused Practitioners? *Updated Enchanted Item Question*
« on: April 09, 2010, 12:28:48 AM »
Are there any requirements for joining the White Council? For instance, could a powerful Focused Practitioner join?

Can a Focused Practitioner have a Wizard's Constitution or the Soulgaze ability?

Why can't a Focused Practitioner use Refinement to increase the power/control/complexity of their Channeling/Rituals?
*UPDATED* I'm attempting to make an enchanted defense item somewhat similar to Harry's coat.

I've got 4 Enchanted Items slots and Good(+3) Lore, I want to make a collar/necklace that creates an always-on Earth-based electromagnetic field to STOP incoming bullets of most handguns of at least all Weapon:2 (Which means I need Armor:2?)

I think I can do this by using 1 slot to make the item, and 1 slot to increase it's strength to 4. Then I halve that to make it always-on... so it has Armor:2, but only the character that made it can use it?

Would I need to do something special to make it so it only affects metal?

DFRPG / Re: Aspect brainstorming thread
« on: April 08, 2010, 07:15:32 PM »
My problem with the background for the "Don't Trust Beautiful Women" is that I think most supernaturals can sense Red Court vampires when they are close, even in their flesh masks. Maybe change it to a White Court(Maybe not a Raith, Malvora might be more appropriate for killing someone outright) since from my knowledge unless there are doing something supernatural the Whites are mostly undetectable.

I think my complaint is mostly flavor/fluff than it is rules, otherwise I like it. But what about Sidhe women? Aren't they also beautiful?
I've currently latched onto the idea of a former Alpha that had more magical talent than just shapeshifting, kinda got inspired by the blurb in Submerged starting point "Werewolf who can do earth evocations" I'm still trying to workout if he's Wizard/Werewolf, Sorcerer/Werewolf, or Focused Practitioner/Werewolf who became inspired by Dresden(who the Alphas hero-worshiped) to become a detective. Somewhat inspired by Lanodantheon's Original Alpha

Faraday Church
Hot-Headed Wizarding(or Spell-Slinging or Terramancing) Werewolf Detective
Original Alpha, Participated in Fool Moon/Summer Knight, got advice from Dresden in dealing with supernatural abilities, idolized him and after moving away became a detective.

Invoke: Using werewolf abilities to track lost items/people, combination or magic/werewolfing to fight supernatural threats.
Compel: Rash and quick to anger. Laws of Magic.

Trouble: Enemies of the Alphas and Dresden (I'm not sure if this is adequate...)

I'm having trouble creating this character, I want him to be a Focused Practitioner(so he has more or a reason he's not an actual member of the White Council). I'm aiming for 11-14 refresh and I'm not sure I understand the limits on Channeling and Ritual in concerns to Refinement.

Why can't I take Refinement to increase the power/control of elemental Channeling's or complexity/control of elemental themed Ritual(other than for Item Slots, if your pigeon-holed into one element shouldn't you be able to be 'the best' in that element)? [Probably shouldn't ask here, but I didn't think it deserved it's own thread]

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