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Messages - Nickeris86

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17]
Author Craft / Re: Finished Draft, Synopsis and starting the next one
« on: April 03, 2010, 07:07:52 PM »
congratulations on your big opportunity hope to be seeing your work in stores soon.

i really need to get on the ball with my books, i have two in the works and neither are anywhere near ready to present to any one.

Author Craft / Re: Character Intro
« on: April 01, 2010, 01:22:22 AM »
I really hate EVP.  For the uninitiated, that's Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or strange voicelike static that will show up on electronics when ghosts are trying to communicate with you.  Invariably, that means trouble.  Right now, however, it meant something worse.  It meant that I was missing most of the game.  "Dammit Sid!  I got fifty bucks on this.  Can you give it a rest!"

both of these are hilarious and fit in well with my concept lol ;D

Author Craft / Re: Character Intro
« on: March 31, 2010, 09:46:49 PM »
I agree. Start with a conflict that requires the character to take action. Make it apparent that he's diving into unfamiliar territory.

well he is a magic user so for him its not unfamiliar territory

Author Craft / Character Intro
« on: March 31, 2010, 08:11:06 PM »
i have been plotting out a book for a while now, and i think i have a good base to work from, but i am having the hardest time introducing my main character. its a modern day fantasy novel like Dresden Files in that the every day person has no clue that magic and monsters and such are real. its from the first person and i can't figure out how to have the main character come out in his introduction that he is part of the magical world without it sounding corny or forced.

any suggestions?

i always like to think of specific locations as their own character with a personalty and name the thus.

for a shop i look at some key factors:

what they sell the most of

location in the city/town, bad part of town, upscale, or some place in between

who owns the shop, what there personality is like cause the shop is an extension of their own character

and who is the owner trying to attract to her shop. wannabe's or those of the true craft, or is it more faith oriented such as Wicca or such.

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