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Messages - Shecky

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You know we will!  Actually, if I can figure out a system and if I can get Jim's permission, I'd like to record the Jim Q&A.

And Shecky, where's the thread?  Edit:  Never mind!  Found it!

My wife has an old camcorder (super 8 or whatever it's called) but we have no way of transferring it to an electronic file; otherwise, I'd charge that puppy up overnight as a just-in-case.

Wow, that would be great Priscellie.  Really would be great. Wish I could be there...

Also that way Shecky's fingers won't get twisted up trying to keep us posted!

No worries there. I type REALLY fast.

Absolutely! But since no one's replying positively to my "Are you going to PhauxCon?" thread, I'm going to assume that there won't be that much to report. ;)

hiya shecky!

the hotel is smack dab in the middle of downtown. there are, literally, dozens of restaurants within walking distance; everything from delis to brazilian steakhouses to irish pubs. the hotel breakfast is supposed to be pretty good. i've never eaten there, but it's hot, it's free (for guests) and it's what they use as a selling point.

there's also an awesome belgian waffle house right down the street. mmmmm hehe

i'm sure you'll be able to find something to satisfy your tummy over the weekend. but feel free to bring bagels. :)


ps, yes you're both on the list for the dinner.

*ahem* Boo. Yah.

You really can't say that in a dignified way, can you? ;D

Yeah, we're just ruled by our stomachs. :)

DFRPG / Re: Pssst... Now Accepting Playtest Applications
« on: September 27, 2007, 07:29:32 PM »
"Crunchy" comes from "number crunching" = lots of numbers and calculations to do at some point or other.

DFRPG / Re: Pssst... Now Accepting Playtest Applications
« on: September 27, 2007, 11:05:01 AM »
I'd love to do it, but my RPG group has trouble enough getting coordinated just to run our twice-monthly D&D session, and adding another RPG to the mix would just be impossible. :(

You have a point. With the refreshing "issue", though, I have to refresh my browser window anyway, but I still should've remembered the info@ address (we exchanged a few emails a while back). Duh. ;D

The question about anyone who knows the hotel and the area, however, I'm putting out to everyone to get as much info as possible. :) It's called "doing my research" *coughpickingeveryoneelse'sbrainsoIdon'thavetodoanyresearchmyselfhack*. ;)

Woohoo! So now I'll be spending the next two days with my cursor hovering over the "Refresh" button. ;D We're (wife and I) still in on the Friday dinner, right? I only ask 'cause I'm Mr. OCD. ;)

*edit* And speaking of OCD, I'd just like to get some info from anyone who knows the hotel and its area. Specifically, food - is there a good bagel place nearby, or is the hotel breakfast decent? What about lunch? I see we only have an hour for lunch, so I'm assuming something fast-foodish is near or that the hotel has a reasonable restaurant.

On a more general note, how many people do we have so far for the con and for the Friday dinner in particular? 'Cause we just might be persuaded to bring a couple dozen of the best bagels on the planet for Saturday morning if the numbers are small enough. :)

Author Craft / Re: Zombies?
« on: September 21, 2007, 07:11:30 PM »
I like that about some stories where it doesn't have a beginning per se but sort of just drops you into the mix.

It's a classic approach called in medias res - "in the middle of the thing". This usually has the benefit of hooking the reader into the action so they'll become interested in the characters and the background, instead of giving that background first and building up to the action. The drawback to this method is the difficulty of balancing the action with a lack of information that would be necessary to understand said action; it takes a lot more planning and crafting to pull off this approach and not leave the reader lost at sea.

Author Craft / Re: Finding an Editor
« on: September 13, 2007, 01:55:11 PM »
0.5% of any eventual net and I'm in. ;D

Author Craft / Re: Finding an Editor
« on: September 13, 2007, 02:27:24 AM »
I've been a translator, editor and proofreader (the latter two I've done from one language to the other and in either language alone) in some capacity for about twenty years now, and it's clear to me that the most difficult job for a writer of any form (I don't mean simply "any genre" - I mean ANYTHING that involves writing intended for public reading) is finding that balance between an editor who can make your work technically perfect but squeezes all the juice out of it that you put into it and an editor who is perfectly in tune with what you want to make but can't make the jump to making it most palatable for public consumption. I've been doing this for a long time and I STILL hit walls occasionally - it's as much an art as it is a science (which is why software just doesn't cut the mustard).

And so is finding the right editor. If your eventual publishing house assigns you a staff, in-house editor, it could run anywhere between finding your new arch-enemy and discovering your new best friend - it's a crapshoot. Unless you have that truly rare gift of the perfect writing that translates directly into publishing cash, you'll find yourself faced with a hard decision: standing your ground and facing rejection (or, in the unlikely event that your disagreement with the editor somehow wins through, possible utter failure) or giving in and being a puppet machine for the publisher. It's not an either-or; it's a case of figuring out just where it is on the continuum between those two that you're comfortable with.

Author Craft / Re: Looking for a word
« on: September 12, 2007, 03:31:07 PM »
(Apropos of nothing, I thought Hyperborea, shorn of the quasi-mythical ancient-Roman context, referred to Scotland...)

I see what you mean - a meta-inside joke. ;D

And I am a long-time fan of Good Omens; Adam and his gang trying to figure out all the flavors of ice cream was hysterical!

Author Craft / Re: Looking for a word
« on: September 11, 2007, 06:39:02 PM »
Ready salted.

(I come from family that refers to icecream as ready-salted and crisps/chips as vanilla).

Er... what?

Author Craft / Re: First person fantasy. Can it work?
« on: September 11, 2007, 05:49:43 PM »
This fits in nicely with how Alera came about...because Jim believed a good story could be written by a good author on *anything*. (The bet was to combine lost roman legions with pokeman)

PLEASE tell me you're joking.  :o

I'm fairly sure you'll pick up all that stuff at Registration, on Friday afternoon.

Oh okay. What should we bring - standard ID, that sort of stuff? And there's an OFF chance we won't be able to make Friday evening (work for both of us can get hectic all of a sudden); would we still be able to pick it up if we came in, say, Saturday morning?

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