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Messages - Shecky

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Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Strange goings-on at the Circle K...
« on: October 16, 2007, 06:44:06 PM »
Most un-bogus.

Site Suggestions & Support / Strange goings-on at the Circle K...
« on: October 16, 2007, 03:59:34 PM »
For quite a while today, I wasn't able to access the forums list, just my Recent Unread Topics and Unread Subjects. I didn't get a specific error, just "Please contact the forum administrator if this error occurs again."

Is this fixed now? I assume so, since I was able to backdoor my way into the list.

Author Craft / Re: Help, I'm stuck & need a doctor's advice!
« on: October 16, 2007, 10:58:25 AM »
Ribs supply support and form for the torso; without entire ribs, that's compromised. At the very least, your character will be severely motion-restricted, both from physical constraints and from diminished breathing capacity.

Maybe try an old scifi/fantasy standby - have the character rapidly bounce back and forth between forms. You're essentially looking for an iteration-to-reset. ;D Or have her "discover" a "new" aspect of her transformation ability: the capacity to alter consciously her physical form (i.e., "think" new ribs in place). I suggest this because medically, she's kinda screwed.

Witch doctor and poisonous spider? I feel cheated. Dammit, Jim!

I know exactly where it's been.  Which is why I stay away!  Crazy Pennsylvanians.

I've seen it before. Not sure where it's been, but I AM sure where it isn't GOING to be. To Pennsylvanians: Yinz guys is CRAZY an' 'at.

Mmmm, biscuits and sausage gravy...  Never did care for grits, though.

Heathen child. ;D

Grits is good eatin'.

Meg? Are you another southerner marooned in Yankeeland? What with Pris in NY and me in NJ, we may be starting payback for all the damyankees moving to the south (old joke: What's the difference between a Yankee and a damyankee? A Yankee visits the south and then goes home ;) ).

*edit* Never mind. If I'd research a little and look at profiles before posting, I'd answer my own questions. Duh.

Yup, I saw!  And you may have whichever biscuit you favor, though being a native Texan, I had the Southern variety in mind.

BOOM baby! That's what I'm talkin' about!

*ahem* I mean, why, thank you. Now to find some sausage. Or sausage gravy.

... what? Is my SC childhood showing?


*gives Shecky a biscuit*

Southern biscuit or English biscuit?

Ah, who'm I foolin' - I'm good either way.

PS - You did see my explanation as to which one I was at Phauxcon, right? Like you could miss it - the loudmouth married couple on the audience side of the con. ;D

I think that if Jim could be talked into doing Phauxcon again next year, we REALLY need to have the dinner at a good pizza joint. Talk 'em into hanging "Pizza 'Spress" over their name. Then make Jim wear a "Pizza Lord" t-shirt.

Y'know, Priscellie, I finally figured out why we were having summer weather there in October: your Maeve-ity ganked all the cool from the air. On account of the costume being so cool. Or... what the hell, I'm really stretching a point here, so gimme a break LOL!

Not with the weather we had this weekend. ;)

Er, here I was assuming that the woman was supposed to be Murphy, with the inevitable fanfic 'shipping to follow. ;D

We're relying on Xio and Rob, too - had our purty little digital all ready to go, and then forgot to pack it. Too embarrassed to use the throwaway camera.  :-[

And yeah, that was a bodacious wig.

Nonono, I was there and partially under my name. My tag read "Richard (Shecky)" - I was the overgrown Gimli behind you the first evening, the talkative one with the talkative wife. And I still say that your Maeve costume ROCKED and rocked hard.

Folks, I can't tell you the last time I had such fun with such great-without-exception people. Everyone was everything that's good about cons. Fen FTW!

Well, I'm back from Phauxcon. Despite my plans, I naturally left my digital camera at home. We got a disposable camera and I was almost too embarrassed to use it. ;D But Rob (thanks, Rob!) was kind enough to agree to get e-copies of his REAL-camera shots to me.

Jim was (to use his phrase) awesome. Despite publicity and the like, you never expect a NY Times bestselling author to be down-to-earth, but Jim IS. And Shannon? Ditto. Two very nice people. :) Not to mention Our Fearless Leader, Xionin - *salute* - FANTASTIC job organizing and being just plain cool. Sue and I thank EVERYONE who was there; we had a blast and wish we could've stayed longer and been more coherent (starting out on about 3 hours' sleep is not conducive to being as witty and personable as one would wish, but at least it DOES give OTHERS something to point and laugh at ;D ).

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute - it's always a good time when fen are involved. :)

Do you have one of those adapter things that allows you to play it on a VCR?  Because if you have a friend with a DVR, you can just hook the two together and burn the footage to a DVD.  I've done it before!

We have the right cables (i.e., RCA jacks at the other end), but all we have is TiVo, and it's really picky about its inputs. We don't know anyone with a media-capable PC, either. :(

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