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Messages - Wyrdrune

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14]
DFRPG / Re: The fourth wall
« on: April 13, 2010, 01:19:54 PM »
Obviously some guy named "Jim" plays Harry.

Harry is not amused  ;D

DFRPG / Animals
« on: April 13, 2010, 10:53:29 AM »
have I missed this?

except for a few monsters - hellhounds, etc - there are no animals in the books?

is there a list for FATE games with some basic animals? (somewhere on the web?) dogs, cats, horses, etc.

I was faced with the problem to provide guard dogs which my players had to outsneak...

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items Patch - Important, holy crap!
« on: April 12, 2010, 11:01:18 AM »
there's one thing I do not understand in this change (or maybe I have missed this): with the new rules and more uses, defensive items can be a block or an armor.

if that wasn't changed then following rules are in use: if a block is overcome it winks out. if a armor is overcome it still stays in place (to the end of the spell's duration).

in the new use-based system I see no "need" for the armor effect. take the "block 8 or armor 4" example. if I am hit, it uses a charge and I can decide to block with 8 or have armor with 4. since the block would allow me to entire avoid the damage, most people would take the block. or can I decide, after the charge is triggered that for the current encounter I have block 4 for 4 excanges or an armor of 2 for 2 exchanges? I mean could you divide the power of the block/armor on duration after triggering? (then armor would still make sense.)

DFRPG / Re: A few questions about magic items
« on: April 09, 2010, 11:36:48 PM »
2:  In the example of Harry's duster why is the total halved a second time.  He has 4 pointss then it is halved for being always on.  That leaves him 2 then "halved again to act as armor: 1."  Is every effect that grants Armor halved (The next example is just a block and it is not halved)?

and, when a block is overcome, it winks out, while armor persists until the end of spell's duration.

DFRPG / Re: Question about Illusions and Laws of Magic
« on: April 09, 2010, 05:58:49 AM »
thank you. my copy of "changes" arrived yesterday, so I will come to that sooner or later.

DFRPG / Question about Illusions and Laws of Magic
« on: April 08, 2010, 10:40:37 AM »
are illusions against the laws of magic? veils that make people or things invisible seem to be allowed, but what about showing things as something else?

for example, some sort of magical disguise? disguising a building or something as a vacant lot or another building... a lot of people are seeing the illusion - does that count as going into their minds?

or distracting guards with an illusionary animal?

(does not happen often in the books, but could be possible.)

DFRPG / Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:27:36 PM »
as i said on the DFRPG's homepage, the PDFs are awesome.

i played a lot of games (since the 1980s) but there was never a FATE game, but the rules are very easy and logical, i really love the aspect system.

the presentation is great, what you have done with the backstories, the comments between harry, bob and billy - just great.

can't wait to begin playing...

DFRPG / Question regarding Thaumaturgic Transformation
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:19:44 PM »

I don't know if I understood the section about thaumaturgic transformations right. As we know from Turn Coat, it is possible to change the wizard him or herself into an animal. There it is done quite fast, but I was thinking about a slower transformation, maybe allowing you to keep your clothes on.

I was thinking, if a wizard has such troubles with technology then there will be problems with public transport. What better to transform into some kind of bird and fly over the city to your destination?

I was having following idea - if I understood the rules vor transformations right, I would roll my casting roll against my own Endurance. Do I make the roll against the Endurance value or against an Endurance roll? Is there something like a "willing target" rule?

Let's say my char has an Endurance of 3 and the maximum I can get on an Endurance roll is 7. Then assume we must take another shift to shift the matter of clothes and the small stuff in the pockets to the Nevernever (or wherever mass goes to or comes from with such transformations). This gives an overall result of 8 for the Complexity of the spell.

A wizard with Conviction +5 and Discipline +4 could raise the power in two standard actions - which should mean maybe a few minutes. Only problem is the Lore - maybe invoking an aspect or two or bring in an Specialisation and you should be set. That would mean that for a few minutes of thaumaturgic casting the wizard could be all over the city with no need of mechanical/technological transport.

Spell would look something like this:
Shapechange – Self
Type: Thaumaturgy, transformation
Complexity: equal to own Endurance-roll (+1 shift for clothes and items), usually from 4-8 (4 may fail, 8 is on the safe side)
Effect: applies the temporary aspect like BIRD, or other animal to the subject

Can someone please confirm whether I understood this right or point the errors out? Thanks.

DFRPG / Re: White Wolf Forum: The Dresden Files
« on: October 04, 2006, 05:47:27 AM »
I should also point out, so it doesn't look like I'm calling a previous posted stoopid...I've heard that before, where people can't figure out Mage because of the system. People's heads are wired differently.

it's a hell of a system... people either have a knack for it, or a lot of problems. it's one of the best magick-systems for RPGs I know...

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