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Messages - Mira

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DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground end scenes
« on: September 15, 2021, 10:30:00 AM »
Which, in turn, expands on the unease Molly felt when she left the house in The Good People. She isn't human any longer, and she thinks Harry knows it. She thinks Harry is the same as she is because he so casually bound her with fae logic and Winter's debt to the Warden of Demonreach.

I think you are right about her presenting Harry with the account on Christmas Eve of a debt paid.
However I am not sure that she believes that Harry is the same as she is, have to reread the end of Good People again.  I think it goes deeper with Molly, the roots are back in Proven Guilty, even in Turn Coat, I think that she had never fully redeemed herself if that is the word for it from being a warlock.  For her it was too easy to slip back, I think that is what got Mab's attention to prepare her to become one of the Ladies, she saw a lot of herself in Molly.

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 15, 2021, 05:12:02 AM »
Yeah I could see that.  Another reason why I think either he's working for Drakul, and being thrown through the portal was part of the plan, or he was abducted by Drakul. 

I don't see him escaping the situation.

Or Drakul made a huge mistake by doing that,when he tossed Chandler through that portal, he in effect he threw the rabbit into the brier patch.

DF Spoilers / Re: Demonreach, Ley lines, and Harry's connection
« on: September 15, 2021, 05:06:14 AM »
Jim didn't say he was as strong.  He actually said if they fought it would be the fencer vs the Olympic lifter.  Remember that David beat Goliath with a little stone because he used it in a very precise, and lethal way.  That's basically how Jim is saying Carlos would win.  That being the case I think we all know that Carlos won't kill Harry, even if he tries.

It isn't about size, one of the morals about the David verses Goliath was even though Goliath was this huge strong mountain of a man, he wasn't the brightest penny in the bag.. David was smaller, but he was brave and smart enough to know that it he could, the best bet was to take Goliath down from a distance.. He also was smart enough to realize he had the right weapon for the job, a sling and a stone.. Oh and another weakness in Goliath, he was way over confident.  In the case of Harry verses Carlos, he might be a heavy weight, but Harry's mind is as agile as a fencer, that is how he has beaten opponents above his weight class for years.  Actually it might be Carlos who has the more calcified brain in a fight. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Will Harry change his approach to magic now?
« on: September 15, 2021, 04:57:55 AM »

Up to this point he hasn't had to think in these terms.  He does now, he has to think of Marcone, Carlos, Eb, and the entire Council as a possible threat to him.  For the first time in his life he has to really see other wizard kind as genuine enemies.  I think he's going to adjust some of his abilities specifically for taking on mortal wizards.  What say you?

Well, not exactly for the first time, remember the first man he ever killed with magic was Justin who was a pretty powerful wizard turned warlock, in a duel.  Then he had gone up against Cowl, who is or was a wizard at some point. 

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 14, 2021, 11:06:41 PM »
Follow the logic if you can find any in time travel.  They felt the echos of the attack.  But the attack never happened.  How could they feel the echo of an event that never took place? This is where the multiverse comes in.  The attack did happen somewhere.  But it is also the reason you can't travel into the future or get any good info. Which future would you travel to and which future would your message come from. YMMV

Poorly supported speculation.(very poorly supported)

I don't like time travel stories for this reason, all I am saying is this is what Alfred with Bob simplifying presented to Harry in Cold Days.. Harry knew an attack was coming, but it was also possible that it already had happened..

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 14, 2021, 08:42:16 PM »
If you can travel to your future, it's predestination and you have no free will.

Travel to the past and it's in past tense since you have, by definition, already done it.

In the multiverse where there is free will, the timeline branches as each choice is made.  If you go back and change something then your create a new future, a branch, but you have to remain in the branch you started from because there is another you in that new branch.

These aren't my rules for time travel, they are Jim's, fed to you by Bob and Vadderung. However Bob abuses the truth when he speaks, so be careful.

As usual YMMV.

However while it seems clear cut, it isn't.  Remember in Cold Days and Harry had to figure out just when the attack on Demonreach was going to happen, except it might have already happened? Merlin made the prison in five different dimensions at the same time. 

So a couple of things with Chandler;  He's figured that bit out as well, so he warnings to Harry in Peace Talks were Harry's future but Chandler's past, nothing violated..

Or;  Back the Cold Days, the Outsiders have no problem with time travel, that is why their attack on Demonreach was so dangerous, from what time or dimension were they going to do it.. Oh man, Chandler is infected with Nemesis, can travel through time and is a trap for Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 14, 2021, 05:32:11 PM »
Meh, I mean Drakul is Mab level.  Opening the portal to the void between realities seems fine to me power-wise, then Chandler using his own magic to get to somewhere somewhat familiar.

I can see this, I also think Chandler has been doing some time travel on the side.

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 14, 2021, 10:12:35 AM »
Well we knew his specialty was time magic, so him being the talking head in MM to explain things makes sense.

What baffles me is just how easily Drakul opened a Way to an alternate timeline. Like, he just flicked a wrist. I didn't expect him to have THAT kind of power. Opening a Way between two specific places in one reality took a retired god.

And Drakul was like, bye.

Unless he just tossed Chandler into the great big empty, and Chandler's own time magic resulted in his own Way taking him elsewhen.

I guess it is possible Chandler created an illusion and it only appeared like Drakul sent him on his way, but not really.  Chandler chickened out and fled the battle..  On the other hand I don't remember it being said that Chandler's specialty was time magic, at least in the books, but there is
a lot of details to forget over the years.  Only question I have about that if time travel is forbidden, why is he allowed to study time magic?  However if it is true it answers Chandler's warning wink and nod to Harry in Peace Talks, he already knew how it was going to turn out.

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 14, 2021, 03:29:21 AM »
While I do hope that Harry and Lara get together, the true love thing will actually become more a problem if the ship sails If it's a one time hookup for consummation of the marriage, it's just an easily(not the same as willingly or willfully) cancelled inconvenience. If they fall for each other they end up with the Thomas/Justine problem and I can't see Harry being as accepting of their "solution".

I sincerely hope not!  Hadn't thought of it in Thomas/Justine terms, but that just smacks too much of Jim repeating himself,  vamp/mortal love match.. Oh and I guess we'd have to include Margaret/Lord Raith in that as well even though I doubt that that was exactly a love match..  Now more than ever I hope the marriage doesn't come off. 

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 13, 2021, 09:56:31 PM »

 Then there is the issue of true love, unless the protection ends with Murphy's death, Lara cannot touch Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Demonreach, Ley lines, and Harry's connection
« on: September 13, 2021, 09:52:27 PM »

Just reread the battle between Harry, Carlos, the Wardens, Rivershoulders and Listen to Winds, with the Major General coming to the rescue with garlic from PizzaSpress, verses Mavra and Drakul and Company.  In that battle Carlos got beat up pretty bad, he was in serious trouble, as was Harry until Toot came to the rescue with the garlic.  After the battle Carlos gave Harry a look and a hardness was described in that look.  In other words Carlos was blaming Harry for what happened to his friends, or at least that is the implication I got from it.  After the battle Carlos wants to go after the vamps and Harry tells him no, they got a bigger battle to fight that they'd get revenge after.  But from that exchange I get the impression that Carlos has been brain washed by someone, first hints was the tracking device, and his somehow thinking the vamps was all Harry's fault.  In a way I suppose, Harry did give Mavra the book.  Anyway, from what went down during that battle Carlos didn't appear stronger than Harry or as strong.

DF Spoilers / Re: Demonreach, Ley lines, and Harry's connection
« on: September 13, 2021, 05:48:08 PM »
I mean, sure, if it isn't a fair fight, Harry can beat lots of people.  Most fights in this series are not fair fights.

Plus, while Ramirez has been practicing his magic to be more efficient (and growing his skill in magic faster than Harry), Harry has been networking and getting a big physical boost from being Winter Knight.  Harry hasn't been just sitting around, but his skill set is more than just burn it with magic until dead now.  He's not fully specialized in one aspect of combat, so it makes sense that he doesn't keep up with Ramirez in his specialty.
That isn't completely true.  Remember back in Proven Guilty when Harry took on Molly as an apprentice?  Eb told him that doing that would improve his many skills, which it has.  One we know for sure is the use of veils, before Molly he rarely used them, and when he did, and when he did, he said they were next to useless.  Now he can throw a decent one and also uses them a lot more.  It isn't just a physcial boost from being Winter Knight, he has also learned a hell of a lot on how to control it and himself.  He has also learned when and when not to use the ice magic that goes with it.. Also I'd think that ice might neutralize a lot of water magic.  You are also leaving out Soul Fire, Harry has also learned a lot as to how effectively to use it to enhance his spells.  And no, it has been several books now, since Harry has used the "burn it until it's dead" type approach.. I also think he has learned quite a bit from hanging out with Alfred.  Specialty or not, if Carlos wants to take on Harry he will have his hands more than full.  One last question for you, how many fair fights have there been in the whole of the series?  I think only in and even then it is questionable, sanctioned duels will you find that the fights are even remotely fair... And as we saw, one side or the other will cheat some..  No, maybe in sporting matches there will be fair fights, but in combat/war?  It is life and or death, both sides will try to gain their best advantage and worry about fairness later. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Demonreach, Ley lines, and Harry's connection
« on: September 13, 2021, 02:47:25 PM »
Yeah.  The biggest difference between Harry and a senior council wizard at this point is the relative level of control.  They're probably as powerful as he is (typically anyway; Eb is an outlier), but the power they can throw around is used much more efficiently.  Ramirez is getting trained alongside other wizards while Harry has been going it mostly alone.  It makes sense that Ramirez is developing that efficient touch faster than Harry.

(as an aside, I don't think Dresden magic typically works pokemon style where water beats fire)

I think we are all over rating "power" level or strength when it comes to someone going up against Harry.  Almost always Harry makes the claim that he is fighting above his weight class, or this wizard or that wizard or some other being is way better or stronger that he is at some skill or other.  Yet, most of the time, Harry comes out on top.  Why is that?  Harry also talks about how strong his will is, and that is key..  Out of stubbornness for lack of a better word to accept defeat in most cases, Harry fights until the end..  If there is a way around something, he will find a way... So Carlos is good at water magic, better than Harry, but still we didn't see him use it in Battle Ground when Mavra and company was taking out his friends.  Yes, Harry got lucky with the conjuritis, but he took advantage of it as well.  All I am saying Harry knows Carlos is better at water magic than he is, if Carlos comes for him, he will have figured out a way to neutralize it in time to stop Carlos.  Just like Eb, he knew he'd lose to Eb one on one, so he preplanned with a doppelganger of himself, thus he got away and did what he needed to do.

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 13, 2021, 02:34:23 PM »
4. Chandlers in Mirror Mirror.

Yes!  Yet another of my predictions comes true unless Jim changes his mind.  The first I was right on was years before it happened I predicted based on Dead Beat that Butters would eventually be a Holy Knight. 

So the question then becomes, does Harry rescue Chandler and bring him back?  Does Chandler remain where he is to continue the good fight?  Does Chandler become a major ally of Harry if he does successfully rescue him?  Or does Chandler turn out to be infected or some such thing and Harry really messes up by bringing him back to his own time/dimension?  I predict that unless Chandler turns out to be a bad guy or a turned vamp, he will be taking over Murphy, Thomas, and Michael's role as a major partner of Harry, simply because I cannot see the White Council accepting him back now.

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 13, 2021, 03:26:24 AM »
Molly bargained with no one other than Harry.  Harry killed himself and once that happened Molly was left on her own. It's the whole point of Ghost Story. Harry placed her in the position she found herself in.  And there was no one who could help her.  Mab calls him out for this in Cold Days. Harry never meant for any of those things to happen but that doesn't change what did happen.  As he tells Maeve right before she dies, free will isn't a super power. That dialog is the best definition of free will that Jim's given to date.

Molly still had choices though, it was her choice to assist Harry's suicide.  On one level you could almost say Mab was taking a bit of revenge by training Molly without telling her the reasons because Molly's assistance deprived her of her Knight.

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