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Messages - finarvyn

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DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« on: June 14, 2006, 02:35:48 PM »
The game is set in the Baltimore/DC area. (Brush up on your Poe, folks. It'll come in handy!)
Just thought I would mention that the "official" non-Chicago city setting for DFRPG is going to be Baltimore. I'm not sure how easy or hard it would be to change yours, but Rob recently revealed this information on the DFRPG main page.

DFRPG / Re: Want to learn more
« on: June 14, 2006, 01:16:32 AM »
You might look at the top of the RPG forum for something called The Dresden Files RPG -- Information Thread. It contains lots of links that will give you more details, including information about the Spirit of the Century RPG.

Or ... feel free to ask more specific questions here. That's what this forum is all about!

DFRPG / Re: A hint about the game system
« on: June 14, 2006, 01:12:58 AM »
So a question to the Evil Hat guru's.  How open are character types going to be?  You know a wizard, a werewolf and a fairy walk into a McNally's....
I think that this will be a question to your GM, not a question to the Evil Hat gurus. The FATE game system is set up as a universal mechanic that allows for pretty much any type of character you want to have in the campaign. The DFRPG will be more Dresden-specific, but the core rules it is built from are still somewhat universal.

Since there are wizards and werewolfs and fairies (oh, my!) in Harry's world, there will be some rules in the Dresden Files RPG to handle these sorts of characters (at least as NPCs if not PCs). If we use Jim's books as a guide we would see that we have a wizard for a PC (Harry), a Holy Knight (Michael) and perhaps a vampire (Thomas) and otherwise supernaturals seem to be more along the NPC line. Again, that's for Jim's version of Harry's world.

When your GM constructs a world (it may even by you who is the GM) that world deviates somewhat from Jim's version. It's probably not the same characters, may not be the same city. Certainly not the same situations, or we're doing a "group read" rather than an adventure. At this point the GM will have to decide what goes on in this particular variation of Harry's world and what types of characters will be allowed to particiapte. I would guess that some GMs will allow for many supernaturals, others will allow for only a few. The rules should have elements built into them that will allow for either case.

Does that help?

DFRPG / Re: Want to learn more
« on: June 13, 2006, 03:31:46 AM »
I was wondering what the spell list is going to be like and if some PC races will have "Innate" spells and abillitys and is the combat systam as involved as the magic?
The way that FATE works in general (recall that FATE is the engine that will make DFRPG run) is that when you build a character you can give it something called an "Aspect" which essentially can represent anything cool that a character can do. In this way you can simulate a PC race if you simply compile a list of special things and associate them with Aspects.

As far as the magic system goes ... this is probably the biggest secret for DFRPG so far. The intent is to simulate as best as possible magic as described in the books, but the exact details aren't being shared with the public yet. We can surmise that DFRPG will contain a simple but generic spell list and probably a set of rules that will allow a wizard to build his own spells as needed.

Again, the goal is to achieve the "feel" of the books in a game environment.

It is possible that certain races will have Aspects which correspond to "innate" spell-like powers. For example, sidhe may have some sort of charm ability, or vampires may have some sort of illusion ability to make them appear attractive instead of spider-like. As to how these powers are handled in the game, we do not yet have an official answer.

DFRPG / Re: Want to learn more
« on: June 11, 2006, 07:36:53 PM »
I am actually partial to the Magic Sytem in Shodowrun.  It is based on Fatigue.  IE. every spell has a formula for how tired it makes you.  And their are modifiers for all kinds of stuff.  So you could cast the same spell twice in a row and have totally different levels of tired from it.
Dunno if it's a better system or not, but it certainly sounds more complex. Your description scares me somewhat because I sense the creativity of the spellcaster getting lost in order to create uniformity. Each spell has its own fatigue formula? And that formula changes with use? Sounds great for a computer game, but I’m not so sure in a face-to-face RPG. Of course, I say this without having all of the rules in front of me; it may play better than it sounds. (I’ll have to rummage on my shelves to find that copy of Shadowrun 3E to see how it’s done there.)

I have this "simulation versus playability" discussion on a regular basis with some of my gamer friends and never can understand the allure of extra rules and such in the name of having a more perfect simulation. Frankly, what I like to see in a RPG is a system that is medium to simple in complexity, yet is flexible enough where I can use the game in the situations I encounter. This is the potential problem found in the D&D magic system, where our hero may be overheard saying “I’ve got lots of power left in reserve, but I forgot to memorize that particular spell” or “I’ve got lots of power left in reserve, but I’m out of first level spells” or some such.

Just an opinion.

DFRPG / Re: Want to learn more
« on: June 08, 2006, 02:55:01 PM »
If I were feelign more frugal, I'd just get the witchcraft PDF (which is either free or cheap, I can't recall which) and call it a day, though.
Good ideas, Rob! At this point, the Witchcraft PDF is still a free download from DriveThruRPG. I think this link will get you there:

DFRPG / Re: Playtesting?
« on: June 05, 2006, 04:06:03 PM »
Could always playtest it on the MUSH ;)
That would require a lot of people to have access to alpha or beta rules sets. My guess is that security will be a tad tighter than that.  ;)

DFRPG / Re: A hint about the game system
« on: June 04, 2006, 06:14:51 PM »
My main hope is that the system models the series well, and that we don't end up with all the main characters being gods compared to any 'chargen' PC.
Belmonte, you have mentioned a classic problem in designing any game based upon a book or a movie, and I'm not at all certain that there is an easy answer.

1. If the game is designed such that book NPCs are gods, then there is the implied frustration of never being able to compete with them in anything. Players may not feel like the star of the series because there are always greater characters overshadowing their actions. In essence, you get a RPG where we get to play Dr. Watson as we assist Sherlock Holmes. Such fun.

2. If the game is designed such that book NPCs are not much better than the PCs, we often get the reverse effect. "Hey, we rolled up characters and defeated Sauron. What do you guys wanna do next time?" D&D had this crisis when they put stats (like hit points) in for gods of various mythos, and their only avenue of escape was to invent the avatar. "Well ... you didn't actually kill Zeus, but you killed his avatar."

Either way, some people will be upset by the design choice. I believe that the best action in general is to target the top NPCs at the maximum level that PCs would be expected to reach with the hopes that extended play would eventually allow someone to equal and tie Harry, if not actually beat him.

Or Amber, where it basically says no PC will ever compete with the Elders--in spite of the fact that this actually happened in the second series. :)
I believe you are referring to the "Merlin was a PC" discussion from Shadow Knight? Of course, ADRP is also designed such that each individual GM can determine the attribute scale for the PCs and NPCs in the campaign, so whereas in Zelazny's world (for example) no one could out-Strength Gerard it is certainly possible for a PC to do so in someone's campaign if they so choose.

The wonderful thing about the ADRP character generation system is that all characters of equal point values are theoretically perfectly balanced. If some attribute or power seems to good a deal, it's probably not worth what you think it is...

DFRPG / Re: Want to learn more
« on: June 04, 2006, 01:56:45 PM »
Lemme just second the mention of Eden's Unisystem as found in Witchcraft and in a lighter form in the Buffy and Angel RPGs.  Until the RPG is actually published, there is probably not a closer match in system out there.

-Rob D.
My opinion on this is that Witchcraft has really cool artwork, but that Buffy has a better game system. Eden uses the terms "classic" and "cinematic", where Witchcraft is more "classic" and Buffy more "cinematic".

The difference? Essentially, their "cinematic" rules sets (Buffy, Angel, Army of Darkness) have a faster feel and allow for more on-the-fly stuff. "Cinematic" just seems to flow better to me and is easier to run.

My advice would be to go "cinematic" if you buy one of these.

DFRPG / Re: A hint about the game system
« on: June 04, 2006, 01:45:17 PM »
I'm just glad that the game isn't going be d20. While there are some big power differences between Harry, Billy, and Butters I don't think that the class/level system would work well with Harry's world.
I’m not a big fan of the d20 system, but I am a big fan of the original D&D system and have this sort of discussion with my peers on those boards all the time. I have no idea why so many people are opposed to using a class/level system for modern or futuristic settings, but for some reason they are. All a class/level system really does is create a template or bundle of skills and split characters into stereotyped roles that allow for players to find their place in “the team” that much faster. I have used modified OD&D rules for Star Wars, modern-magic (before I ever heard of Harry Dresden) and other settings. It can be done just fine.

My game system of choice is GURPS, and I have run a modern GURPS 3rd edition campaign that is very similar to Harrys world.
I own a whole shelf of GURPS products. It’s a fine game usable for pretty much every setting imaginable, but I use my GURPS stuff more like sourcebooks than as an actual game. I have found a few too many ways that clever players can “break” GURPS and prefer to avoid that. (Having said that, GURPS has an excellent point system to build characters and I like the fact that each player can develop a character the way he/she wants and they still should end up balanced. I often import this basic point system into my Amber Diceless style campaigns.)

I think the fate based system will work well. I am looking forward to the RPG, both for the game itself and for a background book for the series.
Yes. I think that the magic system for DFRPG should be particularly interesting, and the hope is that the RPG will provide a lot of background material for a campaign.

DFRPG / Re: A hint about the game system
« on: June 02, 2006, 02:32:08 PM »
I will say that there's nothing requiring people to buy "special" Fudge dice. It's pretty easy to just use a standard set of six-sided dice and just read 5 or 6 as "+1" and 1 or 2 as "-1".
No, but the special dice are kind of neat.  8)

DFRPG / Re: A hint about the game system
« on: June 01, 2006, 10:50:20 PM »
I might also add that FATE allows for characters to have super powers, supernatural spellcasting, or any of a number of interesting abilities which are limited only by the Game Master and your imagination. Clearly some talents are appropriate for a given setting while others are not, and one of the tasks of the GM is to pre-determine the boundaries of what characters are allowed to do or not.

This is why some people call FUDGE and FATE “generic” rules sets, because you can construct almost any kind of campaign setting you like with these rules. Some people really like this feature, others dislike it because it seems like too much work.

The Dresden Files RPG will be based upon FATE 2.0, which is a modified form of FATE. The specifics of what will have changed are still a secret, but DFRPG will have a magic system designed to be compatible with Harry’s universe.

DFRPG / A hint about the game system
« on: June 01, 2006, 10:47:01 PM »
I play RPGs but I'm not familiar with those mentioned. Anybody give me a hint about the game system, basically dice rolls, and what dice are used??
Let me take a shot at this. FATE is a derivative RPG based on another game called FUDGE. Both FUDGE and FATE are designed to simulate a lot of possible situations with a minimum of rules. In other words, while some RPGs crank out sourcebook after sourcebook just full of rules, exceptions, tables and charts, modifiers, etc., these games are designed to be rules-light and more freeform in nature.

In general, the difficulty of an action is compared to the ability of the person attempting that action and some dice are rolled to determine the outcome. Many RPGs are designed on the “roll a dX die and try to roll under Y” sort of system (where various games use different sided dice and complex charts to determine the number needed to succeed), but FATE is more streamlined. Actions and abilities are often defined in terms of verbal descriptors like “superb” or “average” or “cruddy” and the Game Master can determine the number of steps above or below the action is compared to the ability. (For example, an “average” person attempting an “average” difficulty task would be at +0 steps, but a “supurb” person attempting a “cruddy” difficulty task might be at +2.)

FUDGE dice are basic six-sided dice which are numbered -1, -1, 0, 0, +1, +1. They are designed to simply modify the ability up or down when comparing to the difficulty level. The dice probability is a simple bell curve, if anyone is interested.

So… if an “average” person is attempting to perform an “average” difficulty task, that person just needs to roll a zero on the dice rolled (often four dice). One neat aspect of FUDGE dice is that you can ignore all zero rolls and cancel out one +1 and one -1 so that it takes very little brainpower to quickly figure out the number rolled. Again, the point of these games is to make action resolution quick and painless so that the story can flow and the rules consultations are at a minimum.

DFRPG / Re: The Dresden Files RPG -- Information Thread
« on: June 01, 2006, 10:27:57 PM »
I play RPGs but I'm not familiar with those mentioned. Anybody give me a hint about the game system, basically dice rolls, and what dice are used??

I'm starting a new thread for this. I would think that cluttering up an "information" thread with other side-questions would be counterproductive.

DFRPG / Re: Want to learn more
« on: June 01, 2006, 01:09:58 AM »
I looked at FATE. It seems a little too fast and loose for me. Probably not something I'd want to play, especially with the pyramid.
That won't make you too popular here, I suspect, since the official Jim Butcher-endorsed Dresden Files RPG is based on the FATE system.

Which is likely to be a problem for me, as my DM is just about guaranteed to want to play it.
Good luck with that.  ;)

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