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Messages - EldritchFire

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DFRPG / Re: Need more iron man armor ideas
« on: June 04, 2010, 08:30:16 PM »
Ah, then the interpretation was somewhat faulty.

Either way, what's actually wanted for the ability to fly is the Wings power, purchased as part of the Armor's Item of Power portion.

This is true. Seeing as how most combat would, in theory, be ground-bound, I figured the ability to use the "flying boots" as more of a "jump jet" to allow for ease of movement would work better. Less refresh cost that way.

However, if actual flight is wanted, you are indeed correct.


DFRPG / Re: Need more iron man armor ideas
« on: June 04, 2010, 08:24:28 PM »
I'm pretty sure whoever did those boots was either House Ruling or mistaken about the rules. And none of the problems were that more than a single slot off, it's not really that big a deal.

I wasn't houseruling, I was just making a magic item. It didn't actually allow you to fly, it was just a 3-shift move. It basically was to allow you to bypass certain boundaries.

I based it off of the escape potion, which allowed for certain amounts of "free movement." So I made a minor item that allows the same basic thing as a supplemental action.

Instead of using your free 1-shift move, it made it a 3-shift (or something similar).


DFRPG / Re: Vampiristic feeding question
« on: June 03, 2010, 06:40:48 PM »
All that phrase means is that you can live on blood/emotion instead of food and water if you wish. A minor but potentially fun ability.

Just making sure I understood it right. Thanks!


DFRPG / Vampiristic feeding question
« on: June 03, 2010, 06:26:13 PM »
Both the blood drinker and emotional vampire powers talk about being used to sustain you. How does that work, exactly? From the descriptions, both powers can be used to add more stress done to the target.

However, without a feeding dependency, there's no "sustaining oneself on blood/emotion." It's only to do more damage.

Am I reading this right?


DFRPG / Re: Temporary magical weapons: What's the best way?
« on: June 03, 2010, 06:20:50 PM »
You really think something that lets a character have an infinite use of evocations is a good idea?

Not really, no. However, the OP was looking for a way to do it. I tried to find it. Personally, I'd take claws and human form and call it a day, but that's just me.


DFRPG / Re: Temporary magical weapons: What's the best way?
« on: June 03, 2010, 05:50:17 PM »
Fred has stated in the past that stunts shouldn't be used to affect any supernatural powers.  I could see it used as a custom power, but it has severe unbalancing potential, so make sure you discuss it with your group before considering using this.

Ok, I can see that. Couldn't we, then, just make it a new supernatural power? Per YS158, " supernatural powers add can cover actions and abilities that would otherwise be flatly impossible." And we know that powers are " built much like several  mortal  stunts  all  smashed  together, getting two shifts (and maybe a little extra) of effect for every one refresh point they cost."

So focused ki, as a -1 refresh supernatural power, allows rotes to be cast at 1 stress less.

Other than that, I think I'm all tapped out of ideas.


DFRPG / Re: Temporary magical weapons: What's the best way?
« on: June 03, 2010, 05:18:05 PM »
I think we've been going about this all wrong. What we need isn't another way to use magic, or a contortion of the enchanted items rules. We need a stunt.

I'm basing this off of Tower of Faith, YS150.

Focused Ki: You gain armor:1 against mental stress that derives from your rotes.

This way, you can have a sub-par Conviction, and a decent Discipline and get away with your magic weapon hands.

For example, you have a Conviction of 2, and a Discipline of 4, with a Lore of 1+ so you can actually have a rote. Your rote is "Ki fists" that is a weapon:2 attack (for the Conviction of 2) that is targeted with discipline. With your focused ki stunt, you absorb (READ: negate) the 1-point stress you would normally take for casting that spell.

It may seem cheezy, but it fits the rules (you are spending 1 refresh to be able to pull it off), and it allows you to still do a hadouken that costs stress when the need arises.



DFRPG / Re: Feeding Dependency: Power loss and Consequences
« on: June 03, 2010, 04:55:17 PM »
Im playing a full red court vampire (she was deathcursed to keep her soul) in one game and it seems to be pretty balanced. In the first conflict she used all of her powers and had to eat 5 hunger stress, but I took two mild consequences and lost access to cloak of shadows. It'll only take one scene for me to feed and get rid of both the consequences and the stress, or I can limit what I use in the next scene (which is coming up soon) and roll discipline to beat whatever comes my way. If I win the roll then I'll get access to Cloak of Shadows again, but I'll keep the consequences.

That's actually pretty awesome. Angel, much?  ^_^

So far I havent had to go lunatic and munch on homeless people. :D

Famous last words. I'll keep my eye on the obituaries for the next few days, make sure you're keeping on the straight and narrow.


DFRPG / Re: Temporary magical weapons: What's the best way?
« on: June 02, 2010, 09:31:39 PM »
Maybe something to look at is the Iron Man thread.

You could do something similar, with prayer beads/gloves/etc. that give you a weapon:2 effect X times per session. After you use your allotment of uses, it costs mental stress. It seems to be exactly what you're looking for, no?

At a weapon:2, it's equal to claws, but the uses are only drained on a hit. Also, it avoids the dilemma of an aspect where it could mean the difference between a hit and a miss. Weapons add to the stress done, not to the attack roll.


DFRPG / Re: Temporary magical weapons: What's the best way?
« on: June 02, 2010, 04:02:54 PM »
EldritchFire: I don't think rituals work like that.  Even if the actual casting only takes one or two exchanges, and you've got the materials readily available, you've still got to set it up; this isn't something you can do on the fly in combat.  If you're preparing for a fight you know you're walking into?  Sure.  But just on the fly?  That's the domain of evocation.  (Footnote: this is my interpretation of the rules.  The actual prep requirements for rituals at or below your lore are not clearly specified in the books - the only thing that is specified is that we should assume the character has the materials at least readily available, and that we shouldn't take up player time running prep scenes.  Your mileage may vary, and if your GM is cool with you running rituals on the fly like that, go for it.)

According to YS270-271, you roll to control the shifts of power. When you have controlled enough shifts, you cast the spell. "’s  pretty  much  impossible  to control all the necessary shifts in one round of casting for all but the simplest of spells", but not impossible.

Thaumaturgy can still work, therefore. Also note that, if you want to go the route of tag-able aspects, that's possible, too!  "If the intent is to create a temporary aspect that can be tagged more than once (remember that normally you’d only get the benefit of the tag once and have to invoke after that), simply chain two or more maneuvers together in the same spell, each inflicting the same aspect or a similar variant." YS265.

And, per YS252, "By default, pulling off most maneuvers requires 3 shifts of power", so a 6-shift spell gives you two tags. That way, you can still use your "weapons" when you need them, but not have to spend fate points to do it.

This way, if you know what's going on and have time to prepare, you can get several taggable aspets on you with enough time.

Remember, with aspects, it's all about using it when it's "dramatically appropriate." Sure, you could use the tags to deal a lot more hurt, but you can also use 'em to make a miss into a hit!

More of my 2 cents...


DFRPG / Re: Item of Power/Iron man armor
« on: June 01, 2010, 09:29:00 PM »
i'll put it like this. my character in my new campaign with my group is trying to build something like the iron man.

I'll give ya a brief rundown of how I'd run Iron Man. For this exercise, I'll assume an Up to Your Waist-level character. Adjust to fit your game.

7 refresh, 25 skill points.

High Concept: Arcane inventor

Problem/Other aspects: I'll leave it to you. It's your character, after all!

Template: Focused practitioner, YS76-78. Ritual is a must, while channeling is optional. Channeling is still a possibility because Stark thinks ahead. The suit has gizmos that you wouldn't think to have, but he did. So channeling gives us that "I totally have that covered!" angle. I'm gonna leave channeling off for this build, since there is little refresh available.

Skills: I'll use the 3rd skill package for 25 points.

Great (2) - Lore, Endurance
Good (2) - Discipline, Guns (assuming Guns is the skill used for your blaster-hands)
Fair (3) - Conviction, Might, Presence
Average (5) - Resources, Fists, Alertness, Athletics, Contacts

Supernatural Powers:

[-2] Ritual (crafting); this also gives you 4 enchanted item slots.
[+2]Item of Power (magical armor) containing the following:
[-2] Inhuman Strength
[-2] Inhuman Toughness (Armor:1 and 2 extra physical stress boxes) with a +0 catch (IE, not really a catch to speak of)
-4 refresh. That leaves 3 refresh to play around with. Maybe take refinement for more enchanted items, or perhaps some stunts.

Enchanted items:
Blast gloves: Weapon:2; 3 uses/session
Flying Boots: 3-shift move as a supplemental action; 2 uses/session
HUD: 3-shift awareness result; 2 uses/session
The fourth slot is given over to making one of the other items more powerful. See YS280 for details on what you can do.

Other options include getting rid of inhuman toughness/strength and just taking refinement. More toys, and more uses per toy! Give the gloves some weapon:3 for melee attacks, and an "armour" item with armour:4, 3/session (that's assuming another slot is dedicated to additional uses).

Just my take.

wow thats an awesome idea deadman. Quick question on that though i thought only wizards could take refinement multiple times, or is this one of those house-ish rules to fit the character?

Per YS182, the ritual supernatural power allows you to "...gain more Item Slots as  one  of  the  options  on  the  Refinement ability  (page  182)—but you  may  only  buy Refinement  for  that  purpose."


DFRPG / Re: Item of Power/Iron man armor
« on: June 01, 2010, 08:56:10 PM »
what would be the dresden run down of the iron man armor as an item of power?

Ritual, with a focus on crafting.

Each "part" of the armour would be nothing more than an enchanted item.

The gloves would have an attack evocation effect (probably spirit, since it covers the kinetic force aspect), while the boots would grant flying.

Of course, the armour itself would be used as a block, just like Harry's duster (YS303).

Of course, for things that are "always on" you might want to take as actual supernatural powers. Inhuman toughness/strength with the Human Form or Item of Power add-on to reduce the refresh cost.

Heck, maybe just take Modular Abilities with the IoP template, and blammo...the -2 refresh surcharge is gone! So each time you don the armour, you can decide if you wanna be super strong, super fast, super tough, or moderately strong & moderately tough.

Also, with the enchanted items rules the way they are, it actually thematically fits with the Iron Man motif. What I mean by that is, if you need to use an item more times per day than you have allotted uses, take a mental stress hit to use it again. That pretty accurately represents the fact that, after a while, the suit does drain Stark.  Granted, not a perfect representation, but close.

Hope that helps!


DFRPG / Re: Temporary magical weapons: What's the best way?
« on: June 01, 2010, 06:48:55 PM »
If I may chime in, I have an idea.

Go with the focused practitioner with channeling based around your ki idea.

So for his spells that make his hands more powerful (read: makes them into a weapon), cast a spell. While most wizards put all their beef into making it a nasty-high weapon rating, you're doing the opposite.  Use one or two shifts of power to give yourself a weapon:1 or weapon:2.  Spend the rest of your shifts of power into duration.

That way, you get your spellcasting on, completely within the rules for evocation, and get the effect to last a few exchanges.

Use on of your focus items (you get 2 for taking channeling) to add to your conviction, to give yourself that extra duration...

dangit. I just reread the evocation rules, and it apparently doesn't allow for duration on attacks. Crap. I'd ask your table anyway if they'd allow it, since it is your character concept.

Otherwise, if you wanna go purely within the rules, take ritual instead.

As per the rules for thaumaturgy (that's one hard word to sound out :p), and use your focus items to add to your lore for maximum "now casting" power.

Then make a spell that is 2 shifts of power for a weapon:2, and about 3-4 shifts for duration (I'm assuming that the default duration would be "a few moments"). That way, you have a weapon:2 that lasts for ~15 minutes and, get this...COSTS NO STRESS! Per the sidebar on page 271, "...if you don’t go past your Conviction, you don’t take any stress."

So a 6 shift spell (that might take you two exchanges to fully cast) that garners no stress--unless you want to complete it sooner!--that allows you to make your hands into DEADLY weapons.

With a Lore of 4, and a +2 with your focused item, you can use the 6-shift spell no problem with no extra preparation. You're gonna want to have a good Conviction and Discipline, to cast the spell right the first time. Maybe burn another point or two of refresh for refinement to add to Conviction/Discipline...prayer beads, your karate/tai-kwan-do/ju jitsu/etc belt, maybe even your gi can be a focus item!

And, of course, FISTS.

For a Feet in the Water character, I'd go with the following:

Skills (using the third skill package for 20 skill points):
Great (4) - Lore, Fists
Good (3) - Conviction, Discipline
Fair (2) -
Average (1) -

[-2] Ritual
[-1] Refinement (2 specialization boni)
[-1] Hard-knock life (stunt, use Fists for physical stress track)

Specialization boni:
+2 Lore, +1 Conviction, +1 Discipline

This leaves you with 1 refresh, but the ability to cast a 6-shift ritual with no special preparations. If you try it in one exchange, it'll cost you a 2-stress mental hit (no too bad, considering your Conviction of gives you 4 stress boxes. Indeed, it's a stress-free casting if you take two exchanges to do it (3 each exchange is less than your stress-free max of 4). Great if you have time to "meditate" on the coming battle, or what have you.

Just my 2 cents...


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