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Messages - StrayDog

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Yeah, I have to say your reaching in that theory. Sorry. Nothing has shown that Molly has ever had any idea of having a relationship with Lara. But we have had multiple times shown to us that she would stay away from any relationship with the WCourt. Example: Cold Case. Didn't go well for Carlos. Another example: Molly almost dying in TC. If she didn't 8the shield up in time she would have been fed on by Thomas.

Both excellent points but Mab explains why the mantel protected itself against Carlos. Kind of hard for Lara to get Molly PG. The shield came up because Molly  knew it wasn't Thomas but The Hunger.

Yeah, no. I think you have wishful thinking there. Why did Molly give Lara a death stare in chapter 2 of BG. There is nothing going on between them.

Maybe I'm missing that your pulling our legs

Not pulling your legs, just expressing a theory. By chapter 2 of BG the relationship has been going for a while. The frosties started when Lara first talked to Mab about " a closer relationship ". If Molly were involved with Lara, how would her devote Catholic parents take THAT ... on top of being Winter Lady ... and compromising her soul?

There might have been some negotiation between Uriel and Mab about Harry just as there might have been some negotiation between Uriel and Vadderung about Murphy.

As Uriel explains, Harry' free will was taken away by Lashiel. Her whisper shoved Harry over the edge and Uriel was allowed 7 words of his own. The reason of Ghost Story was for Harry to understand what happened and decide if he actually was a suicide and stay in Uriel's service or wasn't a suicide and see what's next.

Much taller.

Two references to throuples during PT, conflict between Molly and Lara from the beginning of PT, Molly's prior encounters with the White Court, Molly stating that the year is also for Lara's sake, Molly's Catholic upbringing highlighted in exchange between Friedah & Murphy, Harry's reference to Mab marrying Lara, etc

Huh? What are you talking about. Molly and Lara, lovers? While I would love to see that with Harry included, I haven't seen anything suggesting it.

"How tall do the letters have to be?" - Red Cap ;)

I am still opposed to marrying someone who wants to eat you.

Not much different from real life  8)

From an author's view: yes absolutely! There are myriad directions this can be taken, many that have been expressed in this forum.

From Harry's view: Suck it up buttercup! You made the deal, have some integrity for once. Lara is in the Venatori with Thomas, a founder of the BFS, has the same view on family, and can deal with the Winter Knight Mantel in the sack. The list goes on and on.

From Mab's view: Far too many to list, this is a no brainer.

From Lara's view: Suck it up buttercup! You called a favor from Mab without proper framing. How many centuries old are you? You're the head of the White Court for Pete's sake, do better if you didn't like this turn. ESPECIALLY WHEN DEALING WITH MAB!!!

From Molly's view: Ouch!! The mantel as well as Harry's feelings keep your relationship platonic. You hope to have a marriage with your lover Lara, think you both have worked Mab only to be out maneuvered. Now you are tasked with making a marriage happen between your two loves. Again, OUCH!!

From my view: OH HELL YES!!! Murph was never going to last unless she became immortal somehow. I figured she was on the list to be written out at the end of Changes. Granted I thought she would end up a Knight of the Cross and be sidelined that way but when Molly was taken as Winter Lady I knew Murphy was going to die. With Lara there is so much to work with. One book of the two of them trying to prevent the marriage only to be married. One book of them trying to get out of the marriage but still failing, however, because they have to work so closely together they start having feelings. One or more books of them struggling with these feelings before giving in and actually being in love. Then the whole mess that being in True Love will bring about. I say YES!!

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