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Messages - Danielle/Evie

Pages: 1 [2]
Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: August 20, 2006, 02:34:39 AM »
Hey, Danielle here.

I've been writing forever..or well, as soon as I could write on the lines. Somewhere in the 7-10 age range I went ka-boom with writing, working on a disastrous assortment of diary entrys that I added extra plots to, a few goofy poems and a few deeper, darker poems, and a lot of short stories with blood, fright, and an incredibly dramatic twist in the end. Before, during, and after that I was/am a frightfully intense reader of every kind of book (except maybe War and Peace, which I'm am terrified of), which is where I've learned most of what I know, in addition to every spare scrap of artical or interview I can get my hands on.

Right now, I've got my sights set on a fantasy novel (which in my head has sparked a series) that gets me more and more excited everytime I think about it. It's growing up, finding love, keeping love, losing love, evil, goodness, a journey, a war...but still based on characters that are meant to be real, complicated, and themselves, most importantly. I'm learning as I go, and it may turn out to be absolutely ridiculous.....but I absolutly love it.

Amoung many others, I'm trying to get this short story out. This ones about a man named Eddy Flies who is a vampire in a world where vampires don't exist. I'm considering called it Redemption...and have it be about his struggle to be human and his physical inability to never be able to do so, what with being known as the son of the devil. Now, I have no idea where the redemption part is going to come in, or whether there will be any redeming at all (I'm really only at the part where he makes his first kill), but so far I really like the character, and I'm going to keep working on it until it's fit to be published! :D

All it all, though, the biggest struggle is finding time. It exists, yes, but so far my biggest problem is getting myself to take advantage of it. But, hey! I'm 15, and while I'm planning on writing as much as I can, I still have a few other things to learn.
On a less me-note, everyone else's ideas sound absolutely fantastic!!! I really look forward to picking up a book or a short stories mag and saying, "Hey!!! I recognize that story!" and being able to brag that I have a sort-of, not-completely-existing "in" with the author.  :P

Author Craft / Re: That Stuff Around Dialogue...
« on: July 27, 2006, 11:22:15 PM »
I used to fear dialogue, but the more I write, the more I like it. :-)
I've found that it varies with the situation.
For example, if the dialogue is fast-paced and between two people, I'll start off with "she said, he said" then just go back and forth, like banter, letting it speak for itself...for examplee...
“Well…I’ve recently converted to Judaism.” Wendy explained.
    Adam reached over and patted Wendy’s knee reassuringly.
   Father said, “So?”
   “Father!” Adam scolded.
   “No, it’s alright,” Wendy wiggled in her seat and scrunched her lips, “The priest said-“
   “Rabbi,” Ronda corrected.
   “You mean rabbi, not priest.”
   “No. He’s the priest. And he said-“
   “You sure you’re practicing Judaism?”
   Wendy frowned.
My example was more at the end, but that's what I meant anyway. I didn't realize until I just read it again now, that I never said "said" once. Not that its bad to use- I just didn't in that segment
Sometimes I use actions, what the character is doing, rather then describing their speech.
             "Well, I think I..uh.." Fred felt his face heat, but resolved to just get it out, "I like you, all right! I LIKE YOU!"
            But I could have also said...."Well, I think I..uh.." Fred stuttered, his face heating to some darker shades of red.
             "Get on with it!" Vera said, waving her arms at him.
              Fred's eyes narrowed and he resolved to just spit it out, " I like you, all right! I LIKE YOU!"
              ect. ect...
sometimes, though, just saying "said" can make a scene that much more simple to read...always using super fancy words and directions can get confusing and take away from the dialogue..
I hope I helped a little!!!

Author Craft / Re: Favorite Words?
« on: July 27, 2006, 02:28:33 AM »
Ever since I was little I've been fasinated with "furious" and "fury". I find it wicked fun to say and write

Author Craft / Re: The Illusion of Danger
« on: July 27, 2006, 02:22:29 AM »
I'm curious....what if there was a long series where at the end the protagonist does become evil? Would that be a terrible disapointment? If it was timed right I think it would be really interesting to create a likable character and slowly have him/her be tempted...or have him/her become evil more by accident or anything else, like they get into a bad position for a heroic reason?

Author Craft / Writing Online
« on: July 08, 2006, 08:19:47 PM »
Hi, I'm Danny (the girl kind).
I'm learning how to write *yippie*...but of course, learning implys being taught. I have about 500000 titals writen down for "On Writing" books, and once I aquire an encoded note informing me of a clever get-rich-quick sceme I'll go out and buy them. For now, though, I was wondering if anyone knew of some website that hold essays on the topic? Like Jim's livejournal, or Orson Scott Card's website? Nicholas Sparks also has a really great essay on his website, and I found a really great intervew of a converstation between Phillip Pullman, Tamora Pierce, and Chistopher Paolini by Dave Weich...but if anyone knows of anything else, it would be gggreatly appreciated.

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