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Messages - Persephone

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Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: February 13, 2010, 06:22:38 AM »
Thank you Blaze!  ;D  ;D I need to fix up my site, and if you would like a print let me know!

Love the ice Ink Slinger! Lovely focus!

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: February 13, 2010, 12:53:05 AM »
So since people on this board have been motivating me, I took my camera with me on my drive up through the woods, and stopped just at Sundown to snap a few pictures.
Interestingly enough my very last picture of the day was my favorite.

At a ranch just outside of town, the antique wagon and windmill looked lovely in the fading light.

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: February 09, 2010, 06:35:11 AM »
Yum! Looks amazing! I'd feel guilty eating anything that looked that good.

You so rock Blaze!

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: January 08, 2010, 09:40:02 PM »
While I agree that Jim is a great guy, I have to say that his mane is rather lackluster.  Especially compared to my own flowing, curly, shiny one that I shamelessly use to garner female attention ;)

LOL. I had to fix my typo now, but at least it was a funny typo. My browser has taken issue with the Butcherboards so if I type anything half the length of the screen it won't let me see what I'm writing until after I post it.
And Jim does have good hair. He has confessed that he stores his creativity in his beard.
KTB I need someone who's in the business to hopefully tell me whats wrong before we start sending it to publication, but I'm not there yet so I'm just waiting until it's all finished before I really get anal about the revising.

Author Craft / Re: iPhone/iPod touch apps
« on: January 08, 2010, 09:02:17 AM »
Google has an App for iphone (It might work for Ipod too, I'm not that familiar with Mac) it's basically a notepad, but it lets you save to google, rather than your phone/pod so you don't use up memory and you can access it from any internet device.
Might be worth a glance!  :)

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: January 08, 2010, 08:59:30 AM »
So... I introduced myself way way back under an old screen name. But to avoid confusion, I'll just re-introduce myself here. My name's Liz, I love the Dresden Files, and reading, and I've been writing stories since I learned to write. My Mom probably has the stories I wrote in third grade about a dog tucked away somewhere.  ::)  :D
I'm a writer with many neurosis, and I have a tempermental muse that likes to torment me. I only hope that my wirters angst will ultimately make the writing I do accomplish all the more real for the suffering it took to get it on paper.
I used to write fanfic, but I don't anymore. When I was in middle school high school I wrote up fanfic for everything I was into, Star Trek NG, Anne McCaffereys Dragonriders, KA Applegates animorphs... But it wasn't until I actually sent my story idea off to one of the authors, and *obviously* got rejected, that I opted to stop writing fanfic. I think the main reason I went that route is because I only have so much passion and motivation to write with on a given day, I don't want to blow it all on something that will never be published to a wide audience.
And publication is what I want. It's what I dream of, aspire to, and plan to keep chasing until I succeed. It's not about 'fame'. I don't care if -I- never get noticed. But I want to share this world I have imagined with others, I want to know that this fantasy that I can see so clearly in my mind is shared with others, and that they like it enough to want to live there too.
Jim butcher is my hero, I think my ultimate dream is to someday be able to give a copy of MY published book for him to keep, just so I can tell him that he was the inspiration that kept me going. He's an awesome fantastic man.
As far as how close I am to maybe starting on the road to being discovered, well I have book one of my series 99% complete and book two is 75% complete. It was originally going to be one tale, but it got too long. I have the events outlined for another six books in the series at least. It's an epic, but I hope that will make it all the more desirable for a publisher. Oh, and I'm writing it with a partner who I both rely on completely, and want to strangle at any given moment. We're like Harry and Bob.
But enough about me, I'm just like all of you anyway.

Author Craft / Re: Tools for Writers
« on: January 08, 2010, 08:35:45 AM »
Another writing tool that my writing partner turned me on to by google. IT's free and saves your work to an online server you can access from any PC.
They also have an iphone app. IT may not be the most SECURE thing, if you're worried about copywright or privacy, but at least it puts it somewhere that A) you can access from any computer if you aren't near your usual harddrive. and 2) you can use it as a backup server then should lightning or virus strike you won't lose your work.

Starbeam... I have the same problem. I've been working on my major fiction for almost two years now, and between my toddler, keeping the house running, and the times I just lose all creative desire. It is SO hard to keep up on it.
Honestly my biggest fear isn't that I won't get it done, it's that I'll get my first book published, and never be able to finish the rest of the series.

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: December 28, 2009, 06:26:19 PM »
J3nnee... I love the butterfly in takeoff too. The one Blaze liked. Amazing luck with that. It's lovely!

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: December 18, 2009, 08:29:40 PM »
Thank you Lavi! And you too Blaze.

A lot of work went into getting it to look that way. Cropping and focus and blurring the background. It's always been my favorite for the ethereal quality to the background.

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: December 18, 2009, 05:56:25 AM »
Oh, come on!  Now you HAVE to show us that picture of your daughter!!  Come on, cough it up!
*grumbles... glowers... mutters... grumbles some more* I cannot be manipulated! *dramatic voice* I can never be forced to capitulate! *grumblescowl*

Okay... But this is very dear to me. I cannot bear any harm coming to my preciousss.

And this is only cuz YOU asked Blaze! *indignant eyebrow*

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: December 17, 2009, 07:54:07 AM »
LC Thanks! Everyone seems to love the picture of Lilbit! I'd spend more of my time photographing her if she didn't make it so hard!  :D Kids are the hardest thing to get good pictures of, but it makes that one good picture all the more priceless.
I do have one really good picture of her, but it's sort of like my Mona Lisa, I'm loathe to display it just yet... I'm not sure if I'm ready to share it.

Tribble... That's a really awesome picture! I can't scetch to save my life and I env those who can. Plus I love all the different elements. Reminds me of the really old school sci-fi covers.

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: December 10, 2009, 08:33:44 AM »
Okay... posted on Facebook, and twitter, and of course it must be posted here.

I have a photo site. Please support my starving artisty by even taking a look.

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: October 16, 2009, 07:20:56 PM »
I love your work Heather! Especially the tree... It's lovely.

I'm currently in the process of building a site for my photos. Though I thought it would go a lot faster before I discoverd I can only upload one photo at a time.  :-\ Eh... I'll ford through. At least it's free!

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: October 16, 2009, 05:45:30 PM »
Cardnail... I also enjoyed the quote from your siggy.

And in response to the Coke thread:

"Coke: Fuel of Magic flinging champions"

or, for the opposing team,

"Pepsi drinking heathen"

Calendar Event Discussion / Unconfirmed Rumor
« on: October 16, 2009, 05:41:43 PM »
So I heard recently from another JB fan (the window installation guy, ironically) that Jim was actually in Colorado Springs sometime in September.  :o  :o  :o
So is this just a wild rumor put out by desperate Colorado fans?  ??? Or do I need to go drown myself in angst for missing it?  :'(

Anyone know?

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