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Messages - blue moon

Pages: 1 [2]
Author Craft / Re: In Line With Outlines?
« on: July 21, 2006, 03:49:46 PM »
I admire people who outline extensively.  One of my critique partners used the snowflake method before NaNo last year, and she said it helped her immensely.  She also admits that most of what was on the outline has been cut out in edits.  The really fun, creative stuff came up spontaneously through the month of writing.

I dabbled with the snowflake method and decided it's not for me.  If I'm going to spend that much time and energy putting words on a page, I'd rather have real pages to show for it- not just character sketches and outlines.  As long as I have a general idea of where the story is going, I'm usually OK.

Author Craft / Re: Something for authors....
« on: July 15, 2006, 11:01:58 PM »
Here's a website that answers questions about copyright and walks you through how to do it.  Assuming you're in the US, of course.

Author Craft / Re: Something for authors....
« on: July 15, 2006, 02:09:06 PM »
From what I understand, the "mail it to yourself and don't open it" thing won't stand up in court.  If you're really that concerned with someone walking off with your stuff, register it.

Author Craft / Re: Writer Promotion
« on: July 13, 2006, 08:52:47 PM »
I'm torn about this.  I can't say that I've ever bought anything because of a book mark, but I think it would be worth it to have those kind of materials at a conference.  If I met an author or heard about an interesting sounding book, something that I could drop in my bag and jog my memory could be the difference between a sale now and a sale in 6 months when I stumble across the book again.

Author Craft / Re: Writing Online
« on: July 09, 2006, 01:06:10 AM »
Barnes and Noble has a program of free online classes they call Barnes and Noble University, or BNU.  Check their website.  The classes change every month, but there are always a few writing related ones.  And some of the non-writing ones would be good for writers anyway, like the crime scene investigation class they ran a couple months ago.  There are required texts for the classes, but you don't have to buy them through B&N, and with some planning you can probably get them used or at your local library.

Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer have a joint blog, chronicling the release of their first book together and the writing of their second.  Some of it is more behind the scenes of the writing life, but they try to discuss craft regularly, and there was a really good series of blogs a couple months back about POV.

Miss Snark is another that seems to be popular with the romance writer set.  She's an agent, and focuses on the business end of things.  She's got a real issue with people who try to take advantage of new writers, so you'll see scam warnings quite a bit.  But you'll also see a lot of questions answered, for example a recent one was "what do they really mean when they say 'no unsolicited submissions?'"

Check your local area for writing groups- you might be surprised.  Romance Writers of America is a large, generally well run organization.  See if they have a chapter in your area.  While they do focus on romance writing, a lot of their programs would be helpful to any writer.  I went to a talk this morning about motivation and conflict that's helped me make a few decisions about my current WIP already.

You can study all the craft you want, but ultimately, the only thing that makes you a better writer is to write.  Once you're doing that regularly, start looking for a critique group.  Honest, unbiased feedback is tremendously helpful.  There's been some talk of starting one here.  Kelley Armstrong has a well established group on her site.

I met my current real-world critique partners through National Novel Writing Month.  Their forums are open year round, but I definitely recommend you try to get active with them in Oct/Nov.  Most major cities in the US seem to have a chapter, and it's been a great place for me to meet other crazy writer types like myself.  We're out there, but since we spend so much time tucked in a book or tied to a keyboard sometimes it's hard to find each other.  And nothing beats getting together with people who love books and writing as much as you do.

Hope this information helps.  Good luck!

Author Craft / Re: On-line writers groups
« on: June 26, 2006, 02:27:02 PM »
The only online crit group I ever participated in was on Kelley Armstrong's website.  She's got a thriving writing community over there, and while it's open to all genres (including screenwriting and poetry forums), there's a lot of paranormal of all flavors.

I received some good comments on what I posted there- not just positive stuff but also helpful critical comments.  But I've found that I prefer to work with a "real world" critique group.  My group met through NaNoWriMo.  Even if it's not really for you, I'd recommend checking out your local NaNo chapter.  For me, it's been a great way to meet other local writers.  Our group is all over the board as far as genre- vampire, space opera, romance, and a lit fic about slavery in the 1700s.  But I like the variety.  The difference not only between individual writer's styles but also of the different genres keeps you on your toes.  And it was the one member of the group who DOESN'T read romance novels who pointed out that I was totally violating my hero's character in the first love scene.  So sometimes it's a reader with no background in the genre who sees things with the sharpest eyes.

Author Craft / Any WriMo's out there?
« on: June 08, 2006, 07:14:55 PM »
Anyone else a NaNoWriMo junkie?  This year will be my third NaNo.  I've already started kicking around ideas, when I'm not working on editing/completing my 2004 NaNo. 

What do you think of the screenwriting challenge?  I'm interested to try it, just because it's a completely new area for me. 

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