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Messages - Aluman

Pages: 1 [2]
DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files - M&M Style
« on: April 19, 2009, 07:31:01 AM »
Ehhh, I think you have to beat a lot of the others things over the head to make them work in the AW/E/D setup.  After all, while everyone would want to be a wizard, you need to be able to play a lot of things that just don't jive well that way.

DFRPG / Re: Quick question on character class
« on: April 17, 2009, 02:25:51 AM »
I think that harry references it at about 1% in several of the books, so yeah...only full wizards.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files - M&M Style
« on: April 17, 2009, 02:19:15 AM »
I haven't done more than skim the rules, but my impression was that there was a huge focus on the tactical combat challenge with enough rules for other stuff to get by. And this is great for the game groups who are fine with making X checks before you fail Y, or who are fine with saying, "If you can role play it, you can do it," but it seemed a little light on support for someone who is interested in having robust mechanics for social conflict or the like.
That there is the issue.  For Dresden which has only a handful of minor fights before the big one (usually), an all but pure tactical RPG is not the way to go.  I am not saying it couldn't be done, but it would require an awfully big hammer to get it to fit, and is generally not worth the effort when a variety of systems already exists that can handle it without rounding the edges of Dresden's square peg (Or squaring the edges of its round peg either way).
None of which is a dig at 4th ed. It looks to me like WotC has taken D&D in an interesting direction. At the very least, starting wizard types are even farther away from the single Magic Missile with legs they were for some decades.

It's not my cup of tea, but that doesn't make it crap.
I enjoy 4th Ed, but when I play it its not for regular RP, its more for chasing things down and beating them up and taking their lunch money.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files - M&M Style
« on: April 17, 2009, 02:15:44 AM »
Its out of combat stuff is less detailed and crunchy, but given the nature of skill challenges, rituals, and other components of noncombat play clearly present in the system, I'd hardly say there's a "lack".

I call it a lack, skill challenges are all but worthless, and rituals is hardly a plethora of options.

though as I think about it, I think it could be done n/o WoD as well (My personal preference is old, but it could be done regardless).

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files - M&M Style
« on: April 16, 2009, 03:18:36 AM »
Well...I like 4E, but its lack of out of combat stuff makes it hard for a drama focused game to run smoothly.

MNM, FATE, Hero, Tri-Stat, Savage Worlds, those are the ones I would most likely set Dresden up in.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: October 22, 2007, 04:54:15 PM »
For what its worth Vlad Tepesh is Vlad Dracula, whose father is Vlad II Dracul, (Vlad the Dragon) commonly referede to as just Dracul.  He was born c.1390, and ruled wallachia until his death in 1447 (minus a little bit of space in 1442), his long reign is clearly evident of a hard and ugly man (by comparsion his son who struck fear into many with his impalements only ruled for about six year uniterupted. I know in BR McCoy says specifically not Dracula, but Dracul.

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