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Messages - Anubissama

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DF Comic Books / Re: Dog Men
« on: July 28, 2017, 04:27:06 PM »
I was very confused when Listen to Winds said Harry was breaking one of the Laws of Magic by losing his temper when he nearly ran over a kid. I mean I love the team up and the concept but I feel like the writer is asleep at the wheel.

That's not really what happened though.

Some kid runs in front of Dresden's car chasing a friend while wearing a wolf mask. Dresden jumped out and was about to rough up the kid a bit for playing such stupid games and LtW stopped him. He then said that Harry's TEMPER and anger issue is what worries him about the situation and that he should report that to the Council since a Warden should be more in control of themselves because their job is upholding the Laws.

So he didn't really accuse him of breaking a Law just that he showed a worrying lack of control in the situation.

DF Spoilers / Re: Wizard Academy
« on: July 22, 2017, 08:43:11 AM »
Aren't the terms of his bargain with the Leansidhe void anyway?

Lea sold her claim over Harry to Mab, which Dresden renegotiated into the 3 favours in Summer Knight.

Of which Harry still owes one, I'm sure that will come into play should he ever weasel his way out of being the Winter Knight, but the wording of his deal with the Leansidhe no longer applies.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mortal Government Knowledge of Magic
« on: July 20, 2017, 09:22:34 AM »
Well, the BAT is supposed to have Kaiju's and Aircraft Carriers, so that sounds like the Government gets involved at some point.

DF Books / Re: Question about the first law
« on: July 14, 2017, 07:04:18 AM »
I think it is also worth mentioning that the rituals we are talking about are rather complicated high-level magic, you don't just take a photo of somebody sit in a circle and stare daggers at the picture. It's not like any Tom, Dick, and Harry turned Warlock can just go and whip them out.

They usually require White Council level of skill, power, and training. Which in itself would minimise the pool of suspect would you investigate a thaumaturgy related murder. Not to mention that there are always ways to reduce the suspect pool further. Black Magic leaves traces you can find, physical distance is also a factor in this spells, so it's not like you could literally kill someone who is Hawai from Moscow, the energy expenditure would be too great. You have to believe you have a right to kill that person so you most likely know them and hold a personal grudge against them that even a vanilla investigation might find out.

The only person we have seen use that kind of thaumaturgy outside the WC was Victor Sells, and he was as it later turned out sponsored and coached by the Red Court or someone from the Circle. It's not something the average warlock will get his hands on, and even if, it is even lees likely they will have the juice to pull it off. Sells had to wait for thunderstorms to roll in, while having fresh blood, skin, and hair of his victims, the perfect thaumaturgical channel, despite having the closest a Warlock can hope for in actual magical training.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: July 14, 2017, 06:40:31 AM »
Yes, Cowl as trying to up his power, with rituals that take whole cities as a sacrifice. You think you can do that unnoticed and then go to work the next day meeting the most powerful and knowledgeable Wizards in the world?

Dresden who is a supernatural thug and is crapy with his supernatural sense can detect small black magic rituals days after they have been done. To claim that you can hide Dark Hallow equivalents from SC, Wardens, and who knows how many other Wizards, not to mention the multitude of ancient and powerful Wards around Edinburgh is absurd.

And the knife was explained. To do magic you have to believe in it, brainwashing Luccio to attack an SC with magic would have necessitated such strong mind manipulation that it would leave traces (and probably break her psyche too) defeating the point of framing her and Morgan in the first place.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: July 14, 2017, 05:40:13 AM »
The problem with LaFortier being Cowl is simple. We have seen his body.

Not only did we see his body but also Merlin the strongest Wizard in the world, and Listen-To-Wind the best magical healer in the world have seen his body. Not only have those two exceptionally powerful Wizards (one of them an unquestionable master in the knowledge of the human body) seen the corpses, they also did heavy duty investigative thaumaturgy and examination with said body.

To, after that, still trying to claim LaFortie could have faked his death somehow, is a wee bit on the tinfoil hat side of theories.

Unless your theory is that LaFortier was Cowl, and Cowl is unknowingly to as dead already. After all the last time we saw Cowl was in White Night, and LaFortier died in Turn Coat.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: July 13, 2017, 08:37:29 PM »
The reasons I usually give are the following:

As you mentioned he is a character introduced in a "by the way" style, the same as another traitor of the Council, Peabody.

Cowl uses pseudo-Slavic for his spells ("dorosh" is a Russian surname but no actual word in Russian, similar like Dresden pseudo-Latin) which suggest that he is from somewhere with Slavic ethnicities, like Russia, where Archangel, Simons stronghold is. Similar to Dresden who doesn't use proper Latin for his spells but bastardises it because he uses the real thing. Where he NOT from Russia (or around) he could use proper Russian for his spells.

Both Cowl and Dresden use hands crossed at their wrists as defence position against magical attack. Which is not a common or standard position since for example, Peabody uses the "Doctor Strange" hand position to deflect attacks. If Cowl where Simon (who taught DuMorne) it would explain why he and Dresden ended up with the same magical gestures. From one master to the next student. The same way the Council first suspected Harry of leaking the information about Archangels Wards because he was DuMorne's student.

Cowl hands are covered in scars, probably battle scars, since Wardens and the Archangel Brute Squad where the only groups of Wizard to regularly see combat before the War, this suggests that Cowl belonged to one of those groups.

As Senior Council responsible for the "Brute Squad" he would obviously be consulted by the Wardens, and maybe be there go to guy on the Senior Council which would be a handy way to learn about Dresden and be interested "what makes the Warden so nervous about you [Dresden]".

Petrovich was supposed to be the Council's expert on vampires, and every time we've seen Cowl he's associating with vampires (Dead Beat the deal with the Red Court to destroy Edinburgh defences, White Night the putsch in the White Court).

On the other hand, Capiorcorpus wasn't in a hurry when choosing that particular body.

So either that body has Wizard level talent, which means at some point Luccio can regain all her skills, just reskinned for the new body, or there are ways to deal with lower talented bodies if you are a Wizards soul with higher skills stuck in them.

And Luccio could discover those potentially too.

On the other hand, it has been what 8-10 years in-story since Luccio got body swap? (there was some odd time passage between Ghost Story-Cold Days)

She said she would be able to adjust her skills to her new body after some time. So I'm still hoping for a Warden Sword for Harry at some point.

DF Spoilers / Re: New short story in process
« on: July 13, 2017, 07:42:10 AM »
Wait, is it a short story I haven't heard about or is there some new news about the Young Adult series he plans to write at some point with his sister?

FFS man, just write Peace Talks... don't go for the easy crowd pleaser of kids and animals.

Any thought on Luccio's sword? There are two quotes regarding it:

(click to show/hide)

And later during the fight:

(click to show/hide)

None of this quotes make it explicit if this is already the Enchantment Cutting Sword she will be making for all the Wardens later. The way it is used here, it could be a simple focus she uses to fight.

Anyway, it would suggest that either Luccio was an outliner as a Warden using a sword, which later gave here the idea to make the enchanted swords which all Wardens would carry.

Or there is a tradition of Warden using sword regardless if they are enchanted or not, which begs the question why didn't the new Baby Wardens and Harry got normal swords.

DF Spoilers / Re: Wizard Academy
« on: July 11, 2017, 11:17:06 AM »
Seeing as with the population explosion there will be more and more Wizard-level talents out there a move to a more group-oriented teaching is likely.

I think a Jedi model would work the best. Children with Wizard-talent are moved to Edinburgh for schooling as Younglings, and once they go through a basic training a Wizard chooses them to become his Apprentice (padawan) to finish their training and attuned the final teachings to their specific talents and way of expressing magic.

The system, of course, would need the cooperation of the Paranet or something similar to catch strong talents.

Isn't that mostly due to Stuart Lake's heavily fictionalised "biography" of Earp?

In reality, he was an occasional law enforcer and gambler who was accused of murder after the O.K. Corral shootout and got off because he hired a famous defence attorney. Doesn't really scream "zombie killer" material to me.

DFRPG / Re: Need Guidance: Spider-Man Build
« on: July 10, 2017, 02:19:13 PM »
I was thinking about Inhuman Toughness, but that has to be combined with a Catch, and I couldn't think of a reasonable catch for Spiderman. Pesticides?

As for the strength, we are doing a scaling of a character, not a 1:1 transfer, so if Spiderman is low end in the Superhero world his Dresden version should also be low end for this world's standards.

On the IoP bonus, depends how cumbersome and noticeable he makes the necklace. I was thinking something along African folk art, going with the Spider Totem theme so a +2 can be justified with squinting your eyes a bit.

For the Cloak of Shadows, I guess that can be taken care of with a Stealth stunt when he is climbing the wall too.

DFRPG / Re: Need Guidance: Spider-Man Build
« on: July 09, 2017, 12:39:50 PM »
Thank you!

No problem, it was a fun thought experiment. Read up on the Spider-Man stories that touch on the mystical aspects of his powers too. Just google "Spiderman Spider Totem" or "Ezekiel Spiderman". They are basically your already prepared storyline, and can give you ideas how to make his life miserable ;)

Also, remember to make the fact that it is an IoP come into play. Like it might get stolen, or the chain it is on may break during a fight etc. There is a reason for the +2 bonus when making your powers an IoP, this is it.

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