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Messages - Carl

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DF Spoilers / Re: Little things I noticed in the Dresden Files
« on: August 10, 2018, 01:27:31 AM »
There's some timey-wimey stuff in play here, too. The explosion was retroactively effecting Halloween, but would have only actually gone off afterward.

The circle that Lily put up would have disappeared at sunrise, and everyone was mortal till then so they were clearly planning to be done before the mortality clause expired. Again it just comes back to the point that just because somthing unleashes insane amounts of devastation doesn't mean it can kill something even if said thing is mortal.

DF Spoilers / Re: Little things I noticed in the Dresden Files
« on: August 09, 2018, 02:55:32 PM »
Also just because everyone's Mortal doesn't mean their powerless. If your big enough and badass enough even banefire might not get through your defences.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will the Big Moment Come in Peace Talks?
« on: August 08, 2018, 04:18:18 AM »
For some reason missed these two posts until just now, you know because reasons.

(click to show/hide)

Oh i read it as (snarky), sympathy, i was just trying to snark back ;).

No you can’t because those stains could have many causes not all caused by breaking the laws. They are also very subjective and you don’t want to execute someone just because is not Lilly white enough just because of a soul gaze, you need extra evidence especially if someone is already a group member.

That is why they wanted to invalidate his membership. You can do all kind of things with people who do not belong.

And Harry already had some stains from killing Justin. Just being stained is not breaking laws. The grey wardens are probably all a bit stained if you look at it from the perspective of someone whe kept his soul particularly clean.

Not just that but look at Ebeneezer and Harry, they traded a soulgaze way back, yet him being the blackstaff came as a complete shock to Harry. As WoJ pointed out a soulgaze shows you the essential essence of a person, but not everything about him/her. In Molly's case she;s in her formative years with her magic having just appeared and with a limited set of life experiences acting on her. there's functionally less to her personality for the stain to hide behind. On top of all that Harry has a pre-existing stain from killing Justin and has been soulgazed by the majority of senior wizards allready. There's no way for them to tell what is from what source.

DF Spoilers / Re: Right in the feels (favourite heartfelt moments)
« on: August 08, 2018, 02:39:40 AM »
Wait, Murphy's funeral?!? What??? And where has the “first chapter” been released.... you mean for Peace Talks? :)

There was at least a reading which was transcribed, don;t know if it's been released/released. And when someone a while back asked him what he was writing in peace talks ATM he replied "Murphy's Funeral".

It's possibble he might kill Murphy off but i don't rate it very highly. Changes, Ghost Story, and Cold Days where the big shake up books. Killing Murphy off for good would be a huge sep, she's been the 2nd most important character in the books since day 1. Thomas and late rMolly occupied the next level, and then you've got people like Lara, Michael, Mab, e.t.c. occupying depending on book slots. Though weather Molly will keep her position is a big unknown, personally i doubt it. She's too powerful to be running around near Harry on a routine basis now she's the WL. Drop her into Chichen Itza and she could have killed 99% of the red court present in the first 5 seconds of the fight.

The obvious alternative is she dies, but comes back in some fashion, mabe she takes Odin up in his offer and becomes an einherjar, or maybe next book is Harry trying to find a way to resurrect her and maybe they need a version of her from another reality as a link or somthing.

The other alternative is a faked death, either on a temporary or permanent basis for some reason.

Honestly though it's a big old question mark. And i admit i'm a bit peeved that peace talks isn't here yet, (note that not a criticism, just an expression of frustration), as we got the first chapter reading ages ago.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will the Big Moment Come in Peace Talks?
« on: August 07, 2018, 04:44:52 AM »
I was thinking of after the coroner stage. Although I suppose Bianca personally might have been dead before Butters was done with them.

The Red Court hierarchy would have had an incentive to claim the bodies and dispose of them before anyone could double-check Butters' work and notice that hey, he's got a point after all.

Yeah but thats the thing, no one else likely would notice. You don't think they got butters committed to a mental institution just on hearsay, likely one of the other coroners looked at it, came up with an explanation and then used that as expert testimony to get him committed. If the bodies had just vanished it's a safe bet butters would have noticed when he got back and mentioned somthing too. Remember the masquerade works because 99% of mortals are fully willing to disbelieve in the supernatural even when it walks right up and smacks them in the mouth hard enough to leave scars.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will the Big Moment Come in Peace Talks?
« on: August 06, 2018, 08:40:53 PM »
Bianca probably had the bodies disposed of before the council were aware of what had happened there. Later books show the Wardens aren't actually as all-knowing and all-powerful as early Harry's fears make them out to be.

We know from death masks that she didn't, Butters did the autopsy's. Harry got off because no one, not even butters could determine how most of the actual human remains died.

DF Spoilers / Something Amusing I Just Realised
« on: August 06, 2018, 08:36:37 PM »
Don't ask me what prompted this though because i have no idea, it was one of those random link together things.

I was thinking about our newest SPirit of Intellect, (does she have an official name yet or are we still using fan nicknames?), and it just sort of hit me. Bob the hedonistic spirit created by some ancient wizard of yore lives in what amounts to a palace. The spare skull that our new spirit is living in is a bargain basement model. In fact it;s pretty much the skull equivalent of Harry's old apartment, small dingy, cramped, but safely familiar. Given Where Harry, (and by extension Lash), lived and where Harry spent most of his time whilst she was developing that's really fitting, and funny.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will the Big Moment Come in Peace Talks?
« on: August 06, 2018, 03:34:41 AM »
Your heatwave is my normal weather. :'(  Of course AC is the rule here in the southern US, not the exception.  Stay cool.  If the humidity is low enough you might try a swamp cooler.  Oh yeah and use Mack's recipe for lemonade with lemonade ice.

Yeah but i doubt you get lows of -5 most years either in the winter, and snow is that weird stuff that happens to other people.

Those climates are not meant for human habitation and were only colonized after the invention of ac, we however live since time immemorial in a temperate climate and we did not need those ugly blobs on the top of our houses, we don’t have flat tops on our houses either traditionally.

But all those ac’s caused global warming and so the problem spread to holland and apparently even Scandinavia. We used to have only a few hot days a year now it is weeks.

Mines a portable stick a pipe out the window job, a bit bulky for my small room, (okay a lot bulky), but no flat roof or big thing on top of the house required.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will the Big Moment Come in Peace Talks?
« on: August 05, 2018, 08:22:33 PM »
As someone with a portable AC unit in my bedroom/computer room/hidey hole i can't give enough +1's to how nice it is to have in a heatwave. Been 34+ here for most of the last few weeks. I've spent most of it indoors in a cool 20c.

Also as far as manipulating it goes, again varies by individual. The senior Council and some of the more Senior wardens can to some degree impose their will on the way things are interpreted. So it's really messy as a whole.

Which is one of Harry's, and was one of his mothers problems with the whole system.

DF Spoilers / Re: Right in the feels (favourite heartfelt moments)
« on: August 05, 2018, 05:49:43 PM »
Oh man, I cried when Harry was paralyzed in Changes, and when Michael made the deal with Nicodemus to step outside the gate in Skin Game. Jim’s writing just gets stronger with every book! Can’t wait for Peace Talks. :) I also think the series keeps holding my interest because Dresden's job keeps changing. One of these days he’s taking up a coin!

Given where supposed to be getting The Carpenters finding out about Molly's job and in some, (probably non-permanent), form Murphy's funeral, (assuming JB wasn't just being a massive troll), i think thats garunteed. Hell the first chapter thats allready been released is a big hit in the feels. Also hilarious.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone altered the time line?
« on: August 05, 2018, 05:32:03 PM »
Yeah, that's what I was saying in the first post. I was only saying there wasn't time travel, specifically.

More to the point because he's acting in the present he's not changing the future any differently from anyone else any time they exercise free will. See Harry staying on the case in death masks, or Shiro swapping places with him in the same book. Every time anyone with free will uses it they're changing the timeline. Happens all the time. harry even says so himself in death masks.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will the Big Moment Come in Peace Talks?
« on: August 05, 2018, 01:20:20 PM »
@Ananda: The Laws of magic are about preventing black magic. If in the councils view it won't cause you to become stained with black magic they 100% don't care, (at leat as an organisation, individual members will have distinct views but the council as a whole will have no formal policy).

A wizard could go around using magic to rough people up and extract protection money and whilst a good piece of the White Council wouldn't approve as individual's, the Council as a whole wouldn't do a thing to stop them, it isn't against the Laws of magic and thus isn't there problem unless it threatens to splash back on them in some way, (like say getting the council put on an arrest on sight watchlist), that threatens them with retribution from someone else. Even then it would be about protecting the Council's continued existence, not about the actions that created said threat.

@Mira: Remember though we have a WoJ that actual Black Magic corruption doesn't care about intent or  accidents. The end effect is what counts. The Council also likely wouldn't care if they could be sure of what happened.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will the Big Moment Come in Peace Talks?
« on: August 05, 2018, 02:37:21 AM »
Harry didn't murder a mortal with magic, Laws don't care.  There is no accessory issues as far as the White Council is concerned.

Interesting thought on this, where do all the members of the fellowship who died of old age after Harry took out the red court sit. The council obviously isn't concerned but JB's been clear in some WoJ's that what the council's laws are and what the universe level laws are on black magic don't allways line up.

DF Spoilers / Looking for a WoJ Regarding Cold Days
« on: August 04, 2018, 10:40:44 PM »
Been bingeing on tvtropes again and was going through the pages there, lot of stuff i allready knew and a few bit's i hadn't hard about, only one i really care about though that i haven't been able to track down any evidence of in the form of a WoJ.

Specifically that he considered killing Molly of instead of making ehr the new WL. Writing up some WAG's and i've had an idea crystalize that this would likely put a serious ding in. Besides i'm a big Molly fan and if that was a consideration it probably says bad things about her future level of presence in the books, (kinda allready implied with the whole WL thing but still).

DF Spoilers / Re: Who are minor Characters you want to see again
« on: August 03, 2018, 10:00:17 PM »
I want to know how Sarrisa is getting on as Summer Lady and if her blood relation to Titania means she better treated than Lily.  Also what happened to Fix.

Ehhh from what JB said in past WoJ and what Titania had to say to Harry in Cold Days i suspect that Titannia isn't helping much of anyone. I'd bet Eldest Gruff has largely been keeping things running recently. Hell Mab probably knows what the Summer Ladies job is herself and might well be pitching in to help in her own way. Mab may be Mab, but she loves her daughters despite that.

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