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Messages - Carnifex:Pacifex

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Author Craft / Re: POV's and whatnot
« on: June 22, 2013, 09:12:55 PM »
I’m not much of a writer --though I am trying to remedy that of late-- but being someone with a strong background in the visual arts I would say don’t bother asking such a question as to whether a style is good or bad. It is much better to develop the style you want to work with rather then feel you need to conform to what others want or think is good. Imagine if someone came up to Picasso and said, “Interesting, but I think you should paint in the Bob Ross method, it is more traditional,” and he stopped cubism to grow a fro and beard and started painting with a brush one normally uses to slather paint onto a picket fence.

It might not be everyone’s cup-of-tea, but it will be your distinct voice. And if you do it skillfully, people will enjoy it even if it is not the kind of thing they usually go for. Case in point, like Galvatron, I too like books with a smaller number of POVs, but I thoroughly enjoyed a book where the author wrote from 5 or 6 1st person points of view. The author made the experience fun and engaging and it more then made up for the fact that it wasn’t something I usually enjoy reading.

In short, write what you want to write. And if you do it well, people will read.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Many thanks for the feedback, and that thing with the "fro and beard" was clever ^_^

Author Craft / Re: POV's and whatnot
« on: June 22, 2013, 03:13:43 AM »
Now this only my personal opinion, but I do not like books with more than one POV if its first person.

Also, even with third person,  I enjoy either one POV or a few, 3-4 generally feels good to me.

My issue with two POVs is if I end up liking one more than the other, I end up dreading the start of a new chapter when I have to switch from the character I like more and it can lead to me putting the book down at chapter breaks more often.

Now if you can do both charcters and keep both equally interesting it could work, and just because its not my cup of tea doesn't mean others wouldn't enjoy it.

Ah, thank you for the feedback and for your reasoning, its understandable. Being a short story though, do you think that it would be less of an issue?

Author Craft / POV's and whatnot
« on: June 21, 2013, 07:20:08 PM »
So, im still touching up on my short story (Uuzarus) and as I go through, I begin to question my method.
In all of my writing, in all of my stories, I always write in first-person from the perspective of the protagonist. It comes naturally to me and writing in 3rd person has always felt awkard as it oozed out my brian.
 What I did for my short story, is swap whose perspective we view the story from in each chapter. ( it goes from Char. A to Char B then Char A then Char. B every other chapter)
As I read through it I find that I like how the "language"/"voice" of the writing contrasts eachother from the two viewpoints (one view from an ancient entity who wants to be left alone, while the other view is from a bounty hunter desperate for his next meal), But I am concerned how other writers would feel about it.
have any of you read stories that have done something similar? and did you find it irritating, or enhancing?

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: June 14, 2013, 04:40:27 AM »
Ok smallest then  :P I am off to work for 2 - 3 hrs then probably log on here and get my skyrim on a lil. Sleep tight; dont let the vampires bite.  ;D

If you like mantis shrimp, then you will love Bobbit WOrms. now Those are freaky.

Author Craft / Re: finding inspiration through music
« on: June 13, 2013, 09:20:51 PM »
Undeniably. It isnt a requirement for me, but it truly helps. As for the type of music, it truly depends on my mood.
I could go from Demon Hunter, to Atrium Carceri, to Infected MusHRoom in a matter of a few hours.

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:24:07 PM »
haha, exactly. As much as i love centipede's I probably wouldnt get one for a pet anytime soon. I have a pet scorpion, and he is just a Emperor. They look big and mean but they are fairly docile. Havnt been hurt once but sometimes he will let me know when he's really not in the mood to be handled.

Author Craft / Re: advice needed: getting out in the water
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:07:30 AM »
I think smashwords has the trick of how you get your book/shortstory up on amazon for free.  Technically they only offer as low as 0.99, however they price match because you promised them you'd make their site the lowest price for your book.  So if you go somewhere else and offer it for cheapter... free for instance they'll price match it.  However I've been too afraid to try it due to fear of getting banned or something for sheer incompetance.  That said the guy who wrote the wool series, has his first book out for free permanently.  Not just the 5 days every three months for the amazon promo period (when you go amazon exclusive) that anyone can get.

Best of luck and remember

always follow the dream,

The Deposed King

clever, but i can understand your choice there too.

Author Craft / Re: advice needed: getting out in the water
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:05:44 AM »
Way to go DP!  That's awesome.  (Whispers) -Wait until you get your first amazon add to 'buy this' and its featuring your own book!  It doesn't get much better than that-

always follow the dream,

The Deposed King!

I would imagine that to have a unique kind, and a huge amount of satisfation at that moment. Sounds like I have a new goal

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: June 13, 2013, 01:46:31 AM »
Aye, I just find a certain, unappreciated beauty to them that I really enjoy. them, and scorpions as well

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:39:47 PM »
You're welcome.
And welcome to the Forum. :D
Many thanks,
im not exactly bran new, technically, but I just have times in life when I get so busy I end up forgetting My own account here ^_^

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:38:24 PM »
Whether Han shot first, Whether Names count in Scrabble, whether or not you are supposed to pronounce the T in "Often"  :P

(not really, though all the Do's and Donts can be found in the Policies sub-board)

Pretty much what keeps this place from becoming an argument riddled forum place like most other places? yeah, its also probably why i like this community so much as well.

Author Craft / Re: advice needed: getting out in the water
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:10:10 PM »
I only have experience with traditional publishing, so I can only advise on how I'd proceed on that route.

With traditional publishing, you will likely find it very hard to get a short story published unless you go looking for magazines or websites that accept short story submissions. Getting a short story published in an anthology often comes down to who you know and what books you already have published. It's highly unlikely that a publisher is going to publish a short story on its own, due to the costs involved and lack of expected return on investment.

So if you want to go with finding an agent or a publisher, I would recommend going with the novel.

Now, that said, what you could do, as Dresdenus suggested, is self-publish the short story first, then if it does well, refer to it in your query letters to agents and publishers. But, whether you go with self-publishing or traditional, if you do decide to self-publish the short story first, I would strongly recommend you hire a professional editor and cover designer. It'll cost you, but think of it as an investment; the more professional your work looks, even if you release it for free, the more likely others in the industry will want to work with you in the future.

true true.. and Im not terribly worried about profits....yet at leat....

Many thanks for the advice ^_^

Author Craft / Re: advice needed: getting out in the water
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:00:27 PM »

If you're going indie on amazon like me, I'd say most definitely put out the bigger work first.  Not a lot of people pay for short stories when they can get full books for the same price.  (0.99 is the lowest you can charge)  On the other hand if they like your universe they'll probably be more interested in whatever else you have kicking around than otherwise.

my two cents.

Always follow the dream,

The Deposed King

can I offer it as, perhaps free on Amazon?   Also, when I first saw you "Deposed King" , i thought you were making a Darksiders refference ^_^

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:58:46 PM »
Hiya CP
Weird is a thread where most anything, (Save TT topics) can be talked about.
And goofyness may ensue and often does.
No particular structure to it.
It isn't dedicated to one of JBs series or what JB is up to.
Nor is it the Writing section.
(TT = Touchy Topics.  Certain topics we stay clear of - Politics, religion except in JBs stories, sex as the site
is PG-13, other stuff that might bring on a firestorm.)

Gotcha, many thanks ^_^

Author Craft / Re: advice needed: getting out in the water
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:57:21 PM »
If you are planning to self-publish here’s what I would do (and technically, did do! ;D):

1. Build a blog or website for yourself if you don’t already have one. Post your short story there for free. By doing this, you are able to invite people to read your story and your writing style at no cost to them. I doubt I’m the only person who gets frustrated when I go on a place like Amazon and find short stories that are priced the same or higher than a lot of quality self-published novels.

2. After you’ve posted your short story, then announce your plans to release your novel. Give your readers a synopsis, the cover art, and maybe a week before you publish it, a sample chapter.

Like I said this is how I did it, but it’s just my opinion. Many other people have done it differently and have been successful.  8)

Deposed – I wanted to tell you that this morning I was looking at my book on amazon, and in the “Customers also looked at” section, Admiral Who was there. I thought that was pretty badass!  ;)

aye, I was really considering this route, many thanks for the advice ^_^
Either way, I'll see where the market is once im just about to publish

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