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Messages - McNulty

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DFRPG / NeverNever story seeds
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:11:50 AM »
In our next session I'm going to introduce the NeverNever to my group. I already have the MacGuffin: Ur-Magpie steals magical Faberge egg that the players just acquired and escapes back to NN. Now I'm looking for some interesting elements that I could incorporate to this story.. something/someone that helps or hinders them, some cool locations or anything to flesh out the NN really. Mind you that we are not familiar with the original books.

DFRPG / Re: Can enchanted items boost stats?
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:04:33 AM »
You can not have an enchanted item that just gives you +5 to athletics or something like that. But there are a number of ways you can still get what you want:

This is something that recently came up in our game as well.. can you point to an entry in the RAW that covers this?

Item of Power:
This is the big one. If your character concept is built around a wizard that boosts his speed with magical items, you might want to do it big. Instead of enchanted items, you buy the "inhuman speed" power with refresh and add the "Item of Power" limitation to it.

Can IoP give +X to skills? Let's say for Discipline or Charisma.

DFRPG / Re: Newbies ask the darnest things
« on: June 22, 2013, 02:42:24 PM »
You're right on the Fae and iron score. When Harry meets Mab for the first time in Summer Knight is a good example of the Fae's strong aversion to it. It is an awful death for them after all.

That was my take as well that the fae aversion to iron is very strong and they can even sense its proximity. This is why I was considering that this will stop the fetch going through the mirror, even if it could slip through a small fragment of mirror in other circumstances.

But there will be other mirrors in the area. A bathroom mirror next door, a rearview mirror outside...blocking one mirror isn't likely to keep the fetch away completely.

But of course there is always this..  As I would like to reward my players for their fair solution, I need to decide how the other mirrors will affect the situtation. Maybe it just buys them a bit more time to try to find out what is going on?

DFRPG / Re: Newbies ask the darnest things
« on: June 21, 2013, 12:00:34 PM »
On a parallel storyline some of my players encountered a boogey man harrassing some elderly lady. They rightly posited that it is a some sort of fetch that gained an entry through a mirror (yes very basic, but most of us are not familiar with the books ;)). They're (somewhat surprising) solution was to bolt two iron bars across the mirror, thinking it will keep the fetch (being a creature of the fair folk) at bay. Will this work, or does the fetch have some tricks in the sleeve perhaps?

DFRPG / Re: Newbies ask the darnest things
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:44:58 PM »
Does anyone have experience with someone having the ghost speaker power?

No quite, but ghosts have a prominent role in our campaign so my advice is to you is to bake in some dead people in your storyline(s). It can start as a simple "there's an angry ghost in the attic" scenario, but once they actually try to solve the case and wander deeper into the rabbit hole, some awful truths will be revealed (necromancers, vampires, etc. etc. what ever suits the story).

DFRPG / Re: Newbies ask the darnest things
« on: June 12, 2013, 01:30:29 PM »
One of my players has a geomancer (earth magic) focused practitioner and a situation warrants him to break into a safe, preferably without the owner being any the wiser. The logical course of action is to prepare an earth elemental ritual to access the safe in a way that it will look unaccessed afterwards (details of how this happens don't really matter here I think).

What I would like to hear is some guidance how to determine the complexity of such ritual.

DFRPG / Newbies ask the darnest things
« on: June 12, 2013, 01:22:21 PM »
We finally have some sessions of DFRPG under our belt (I'm GMing), there's already a bunch of situations that could use some expert POV. So I was wondering instead of having X number of threads for each of these, I'll put them all under the same topic. Other newbies can participate as well of course and maybe this can be the "sticky" thread for this sort of simple/single issues/questions at some point.

DFRPG / Re: Mundane and the supernatural
« on: June 06, 2013, 05:34:44 PM »
Yeah, while there's no Masquerade in The Dresden Files, the public at large either delude themselves (Because really, vampires and magic? Yeah, right) or if they do have an inkling about the truth, they keep it to themselves and don't talk about it (Because really, who would believe them?).

That's the logical point of view, but this then leads to another question which the DFRPG books doesn't cover too much, eg how common are supernatural entities (and their actions)? If you have one wizard and a few vampires/other supernatural beings in a city full of millions of mundanes, no one will notice them, but make that a party of PCs with considerable powers and 20+ supernatural NPCs, it's a different story.

DFRPG / Mundane and the supernatural
« on: May 27, 2013, 02:35:04 PM »
 I'm not familiar with the novels, so forgive me if this is silly question. But how does the mundane world stand in regards the supernatural? Are most of the people totally clueless? What if they see someone (ie the PCs) doing magic, how do they react? What about government entities? This is something that the rulebooks doesn't really cover toomuch (or if they do, please do point me to the right page)..

DFRPG / Re: What places in history would you DFRP in?
« on: March 29, 2013, 10:01:45 PM »
Pre-revolution St. Petersburg
English Civil War
Roman times in the 1st & 2nd century.
Early 1980s New York

DFRPG / Re: Newbie GM looking for PC-related advice
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:41:43 PM »

The single application chosen is crafting anything.

But since items would be kept within crafting by the rule, their function would be helpful for.. crafting. Or am in some weird (il)logical loop that I cannot escape and just don't see it?

DFRPG / Re: Newbie GM looking for PC-related advice
« on: March 23, 2013, 05:14:55 PM »
Thanks, I obviously need to read the magic rules more carefully but this should help me (and make one of my players happy). I might return with a follow up questions though, be warned. :)

Coming back to this.. Vairelome's initial explanation for crafting helped me to understand or at least focus at the correct rules. However, I have one more issue that I'm not sure how to interpret. From the end of Ritual power (p182 YS):

You may gain more Item Slots as one of the options on the Refinement ability (page 182)—but you may only buy Refinement for that purpose. All items created for those slots must be in keeping with the single application you’ve chosen for your power.

What does the bolded bit mean in Ritual(Crafting) context?

DFRPG / Re: Newbie GM looking for PC-related advice
« on: March 17, 2013, 12:48:15 PM »
To get back to the original characters a bit - one thing I'd suggest, particularly for the were-raven described, is not buying beast change.  Buy the wings, buy claws & diminutive size if you want (both are optional - lack of claws power just means your claws are weapon: 0, while lack of diminutive size... well, some ravens can get pretty darned big.) 

Well the beast change is a must for were-form template by the book. I can imagine a concept of a animal that can turn into human form, but it's not suitable here.

A related question.. can werecreatures talk when in animal form, ie do they have magical voice box?

DFRPG / Re: Newbie GM looking for PC-related advice
« on: March 14, 2013, 04:09:21 PM »
Clearly secretly scheming to be the next god king of the Dresden world. ;)

Oh aye and he's autistic tendencies to boot.

DFRPG / Re: Newbie GM looking for PC-related advice
« on: March 14, 2013, 03:56:36 PM »
For 1?(blanking on actual price)refresh you can have a character who happens to be the most knowledgeable, most connected, or richest flip a switch and be a complete monster slayer. That is a massive advantage.

I can see this now. As I mentioned I have wonderful group of players and they inherently steer away from min-maxing, so the balance issue wasn't so clear to me. The PC in question is actually a street urchin/thief type that can turn into a crow.

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